NiGHTS Into Dreams soundtrack

(This quote taken from the topic “buying OST’s” in The Liberal District)

I have listened a couple of the tracks from this album, and I have to agree with what Parn says; a different synthesizer and, consequently, instrument set, seems to have been used for the “official” release of the NiGHTS soundtrack album. Sadly, the synthesizer in question sounds inferior to the Saturn’s, and I can even tell the difference through one of my crappy mono TVs… :anjou_disappointment:

I’m actually planning to record the original, Saturn-generated (the way it should be, like on Azel - Complete Album) music, if anyone is interested. I can put it up on my webspace if you want a more (well, actually the most) accurate copy of the level music from NiGHTS. Obviously the music will be recorded from the Song Debug feature or the Melody Box (Christmas NiGHTS), using a proper TV or audio cable (if I can make one up), and then into a PC; so it should sound pretty good. Obviously, I’ll do my best to ensure that it does.

:anjou_happy: Anyone interested? I’m just wanting to share the proper songs from the levels with anyone who wants them.

Edited! :anjou_embarassed:

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]
:anjou_happy: Anyone interested? I’m just wanting to share the proper songs from the levels with anyone who wants them.[/quote]

Sure, I have most the songs from just sticking the CD in my computer and importing them off the disc, but you never know…may have missed a few.
Could always do with some Christmas NiGHTS music…if there are any different tracks.

Well, if you get stuck with obtaining any songs or if any turn out crappified just ask…

Hey Berserker, thanks for your reply.

I’m meaning the chip-generated songs (those from the main levels), which cannot be directly used on a PC. Sorry if there was any confusion! :anjou_embarassed:

Obviously I won’t be recording any of the songs which are already on the game CD (boss music, etc), as these tracks weren’t destroyed by the dodgy synthesizer on the OST, they were just used “as-is”.

Anyway, thank you very much for the offer of help! :anjou_happy: I’ll update on my progress soon.

Oh of course, ha silly me :anjou_embarassed:
Then I’m very interested! Can go with my ever growing collection of Sega music :anjou_happy:

Glad you’re interested!

Hopefully I can put together a cable which will directly output the Saturn’s audio to my PC.

After that, it’s a simple case of recording to wave, looping and fading, and converting to MP3 or Ogg Vorbis for my site.

Hope this will prove of use to NiGHTS fans! Either way, it’ll be really handy for me. :anjou_happy:

I am totally interested in this. Its a really good idea. To save yourself some web space/bandwidth you could make a torrent for it cause I am sure loads of people would like to download it. I will certainly help with seeding.

yeah cool, sounds great! Once you’ve done one (if you can) put it up for download (as a torrent or whatever - i will also help seed) so we can compare it to the OST version =)

If it all works good it should be great! Best of luck!

I’ve actually considered doing this myself at many points. I recorded the entirety of the Shining Force 3 in-game soundtrack awhile back, but those MP3s were lost on a hard drive crash, which means I need to re-record those again.

I may as well anyways since I’m a stickler for quality, and I have better equipment and software to work with this time around. Naturally, I just don’t have the webspace to deal with things. Perhaps the folks at Sega Xtreme may consider providing said space.

Parn, what about these Shining Force III MP3s?

Have a look under the title “Shining Force III Premium Disk MP3”.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Parn, what about these Shining Force III MP3s?

Have a look under the title “Shining Force III Premium Disk MP3”.[/quote]

I’m glad more than one person has discovered that site :anjou_happy:
Seemed to be just me for a sec…

Shining Soul 2 and SF:RotDD MP3’s aren’t working as far as I remember. People didn’t think much of SF:RotDD anyways, so shouldn’t be too much of a probelm.

Sounds great. Thanks! :anjou_happy: I have precisely no experience with Torrents, but I get the general idea (kinda) and it certainly would make things easier.

[quote=“Scott”]yeah cool, sounds great! Once you’ve done one (if you can) put it up for download (as a torrent or whatever - i will also help seed) so we can compare it to the OST version =)

If it all works good it should be great! Best of luck![/quote]

Thanks! This might be a better opportunity for you than buying the OST, considering that these are the original songs as they are in the game! Thanks for your offer to help with the Torrent!

You or tabithaboof might wanna PM me to kind of explain Torrents to me, as I don’t really know the technical side. :anjou_embarassed:

All that remains for me to do is get myself to Maplin or such, and get this audio cable on the go. I have decided not to record through the TV, as (obviously) that will introduce extra unnecessary distortion. However, with a direct connection from my Saturn to my PC, you couldn’t ask for better!

Thanks for the interest, and I’m glad to be helping out, as well as securing the tracks for myself! :anjou_happy:

Does anyone have a recommendation as to the format of the tracks? Obviously, I don’t have the space to release .wavs, or the bandwidth to upload them. So, for a compressed format, I’m still hovering between the ideas of using MP3 (Fraunhofer’s newest codec, sounds very good) or Ogg Vorbis.

Actually, if you use MP3, I highly recommend you use the LAME MP3 codec over Fraunhofer’s codec. Not only is LAME a free MP3 codec, but it also churns out variable bitrate files which use less space for the same level of quality as a comparable constant-bitrate MP3 using Fraunhofer’s codec.

One may say I’m tooting my own horn since I use it myself, but arguably THE best combination for ripping CDs into MP3s is Exact Audio Copy in combination with LAME version 3.90.3. I use the alt-preset-standard setting, EAC on “paranoid” setting. This combination isn’t exactly the fastest of encoders, but encoding should never be about how fast you can encode, but how accurate and how precise the rip is so… take it as you will.

Thanks for the tip, Parn. I’ll weigh up my MP3 options, or alternatively, just use Vorbis 1.1. :anjou_happy:

Fixed a spelling mistake on my original post, by the way. :anjou_embarassed:

if i were you, i would use mp3, cos ipod have no ogg support :anjou_sad:

w00t for iPod there, go for MP3 or I shall hunt you down with ants trained in the ways of martial arts ??
Theres a hell of a lot of them…so MP3 the NiGHTS or face sure anty death.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Parn, what about these Shining Force III MP3s?

Have a look under the title “Shining Force III Premium Disk MP3”.[/quote]

Doesn’t work for me…

I have all the tracks downloaded…theres a hell of a lot of them though, so getting them to you may be a little bit of a challenge.

If you want them just ask and tell me how you’d like them…

Just as another piece of leverage on using the LAME codec:

What better way to experience the quality of the codec than actually hearing a song using said codec? Exact Audio Copy and LAME are the best freeware tools for audio, much like Virtualdub is bar none the best freeware tool for video. Heh.

Yeah, I just noticed that too. It was working earlier, so maybe it’s a temporary problem.

Thanks for the link, Parn. I’m downloading the song as I speak. I probably would have used LAME (I do have a small amount of experience with it) but I got into the Fraunhofer codec, and at 160 or 192kbps it sounds pretty brilliant to me.

I’m not discrediting LAME; it sounds great and it may well be the best choice for many situations, but I find it much easier to use the Fraunhofer codec in conjunction with CDex for ripping my CDs. I would use EAC, but it adds extra padding to the end of the tracks, which mystifies me somewhat, and my drive’s audio is accurate anyway so I don’t need the Paranoia or Secure modes.

[quote=“Berserker”]go for MP3 or I shall hunt you down with ants trained in the ways of martial arts ??
Theres a hell of a lot of them…so MP3 the NiGHTS or face sure anty death.[/quote]

:anjou_wow: (resolves to use MP3 to avoid the wrath of Scott, Berserker, and THE ANTS)