New to forum, also a question

well, this forum says you can introduce yourself here, so i hope im not making a mistake doing this.
i have to say panzer dragoon saga is undoubtedly (in my opinion) the greatest game of all time, despite graphics or whatever. i only recently found another copy of the game for ?90 as my copy was scratched up by a young family member :frowning: .

I had no idea a website like this existed, and only found it by accident. I look forward to spending one hell of a lot of time on here while talking to you all.

i noticed just after posting this that a large number of people on here also seem to be fans of the Myst / Riven series of games (my second favourite series). am i right in this? or is it just some dilusion i have in trying to blend in? it got me thinking about how the two series of games put a lot of work into visuals and soundtracks, maybe that has something to do with itā€¦

Salutations and welcome, Atolm4, we all hope that you enjoy your time, and commend you for your excellent taste in computer games :wink:

Bad luck on the fate of your original Saga CD, by the way. :anjou_sad:

As for our affection for the Myst series, you genuinely need to speak to Gehpnaet, who so obsessively adores the series I swears he spends all of his time pasting ā€œReleeshanā€ onto the covers of books in the hope that he can one day get Atrusā€™s autograph. :anjou_happy: However, he left on holiday a few days ago and wonā€™t be back for a fortnight. We hope we can keep you all entertained in the meantime, however, thereā€™s lots of content on the main site to much through.

Welcome! Iā€™ve never played Myst myself, but one day I might. It is the kind of game that could appeal to me, but I have a backlog of games to get through first =P

ivā€™e read most of that already, hehe. the second i found this site i sat here like a sponge and read through until 3 in the morning. ive gotta say that it looks like a huge amount of time and effort has been put into this site, and its obviously paid off. did one person write all that information for characters / history?

Yeah this site is amazing =)

And yeah, Gehn is your Riven/Myst guy
However I read the review of Riven onceā€¦ if that helps >_>

and welcome =)

Welcome! Hope you will enjoy it here.

The site was created originally by Solo, but has gotten additions submitted to it by a wide variety of people, many of who are on the boards as well, if not all. Anyone, as far as I am aware, is able to contribute if they have something interesting to share, just send over an e-mail to Solo Wing Dragon or Geoffrey Duke.

Thatā€™s certainly correct - Iā€™ve had two published on the site [/plug] and Iā€™ve just dispatched an article to Solo whose theme is is discussing the etymology of the title ā€œPanzer Dragoonā€ā€¦

ā€¦well, the Articles section was looking rather lonely with just two entriesā€¦ :anjou_embarassed:

I agree!

Iā€™m a Myst fan too.

Welcome to the forums, Atolm4ā€¦ hope you like it here. A fourth incarnation of Azelā€™s dragon would be interesting.

like it? itā€™s excellent! and i never really thought of my screen name in that way before, itā€™s just what i have always used if atolm is taken, lol. but yeah that would be interestingā€¦

Well, we all know that Lagi would give Atolm a pasting however many times the big black wannabe came back to take another crack at himā€¦ j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, yeah, but youā€™ve gotta admit that sometimes it can get a bit frantic, especially with those damned healing orbsā€¦damn them!

Shorah! :anjou_happy:

Welcome.I hope you like it here.You just reminded me.Myst Vā€™s demo must be out already and I still havenā€™t downloaded it!!

(and yes Iā€™m a big Myst fan (the only game I still have to play is Uru) specially a RIVEN fan.Gehnfor life! :P)

I finally got Riven a couple of days ago - in a perfect condition box with the instructions - for only ?2! My lunch was more expenisve than it!

I havenā€™t got around to playing it yet (not been able to, what with us moving house and getting the computer upgraded/fixed), but I should be able to soon. If itā€™s even half as good as iā€™ve heard, iā€™m gonna love it. :anjou_happy:

ive only played myst, riven and exile myself. unfortunately myst was a mac version, and been as the moniter exploded, i can no longer use it, lol. are the other games actually linked to the storyline of the originals? id like to get hold of them once i have some moneyā€¦

Myst IV Revelation and Uru : Ages Beyond Myst (altho this one is actually more of a spin-off not a seuqel story wise).Myst IV is awesome.You should play it asap.

The last chapter of the series has been announced.Myst V : End of Ages is itā€™s name.

Unfortunately it IS going to be the last chapter in the series and Cyan are moving towards a new project called Latus.

The good news is the Myst V demo is alreday out and I got a chance to play it a while the last hour or so.

The graphics are very good and the facial expressions of the characters are indeed very cool but I hope the final versions is a bit smoother.

While the water (etc) effects are breathtaking the sea, the sky and the ground arenā€™t blend in as seemlesslly as I would like.They seem 3 distinct layers.

The age featured is actually the one most people have seen by now.Noloben.The beach age with quasi-sunset background.

The controls arenā€™t bad.Yes in case you didnā€™t know yet Myst 5 has a FPS like control scheme if you want to.Iā€™ll have to play more to actually say anymore but Iā€™m gettinga good vibe so far.

sounds like theyā€™ve made quite a few changes, sad that they are ending the series though. must remember to look for the remastered version of myst, that looks great too. do you have an address for a pc demo of myst V? my mac is kindaā€¦blown up, and all the demoā€™s i could find were for macs

Hi. Not sure if I can welcome you as I havenā€™t been here myself much in the last few months. However, I just wanted to say,

Best. Avatar. Ever.

lol, thanks. its my favourite clip ever from the game. id make more but the free trial ran out on Ulead gif animator 5 >_< and i cant find any other software capable of doing a good job without plastering its logo across the screen. if anyone can tell me of or lead me to something good it would be really appreciated.