New Sega game dev. structure

Here is how SegaSammy will operate from now on in relation to games development and so on.

So there you have it. America has it’s own american Dev studio,again.
The new Sega China studio partly developed ALTERTED BEAST and as i said numorous times a lot of TBA games are being worked on from the main dev teams.

SOA don’t have anew Team. It’s just the old Sonic Team USA

Technically it’s Sega Studios USA now. It remains to be seen if they create more Sonic Team titles or expand beyond their intial purpose. But if you include Sega Europes new in house division and the newly formed one in China as well,I can’t see why Sega would n’t expand this idea to the current american based studio that they already have. Too bad there’s no RPG divison though.


So who do you think it making the likes of Sukura Wars V, and Shinning Neo.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]


So who do you think it making the likes of Sukura Wars V, and Shinning Neo.[/quote]

He means American RPG division.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]


So who do you think it making the likes of Sukura Wars V, and Shinning Neo.[/quote]

Well that’s Red entertainment who deals with the SAKURA TAISEN series and they are an independent studio from the R+D departments within Sega. Overworks co produced it with them. AV are dealing with NEO and
the other SHINING FORCE games so far and are a totally different team to
OverWorks or WoWWorks before they re intergrated into Sega again.

But I think it would be cool if you had a studio just soley dealing with RPGs like the racing studio is. An american Studio dealing with RPGs which i meant
would be cool as it diversify the ever increasing libary of Sega rpg games.
An american,western RPG game from Sega would be intresting.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]


So who do you think it making the likes of Sukura Wars V, and Shinning Neo.

Well that’s Red entertainment who deals with the SAKURA TAISEN series and they are an independent studio from the R+D departments within Sega. Overworks co produced it with them. AV are dealing with NEO and
the other SHINING FORCE games so far and are a totally different team to
OverWorks or WoWWorks before they re intergrated into Sega again.

But I think it would be cool if you had a studio just soley dealing with RPGs like the racing studio is. An american Studio dealing with RPGs which i meant
would be cool as it diversify the ever increasing libary of Sega rpg games.
An american,western RPG game from Sega would be intresting.[/quote]

SEGA owns around 80% of RED and a large part of the Overworks Team work on the series as well. Most of Overworks games are RPG based, and Sonic Team, AV, AM#2 are perfeclty able to make RPG’s as well. So SEGA don’t need an Separate RPG studio really.

As for an American SEGA RPG studio. Not really a fan of Western RGP?s myslef, and see little point in SEGA even thinking about it

Well TA Sega already has a racing studio in place yet they have SE putting
up a western based racing studio in the UK.

Remember each team are producing RPG individually. None of the teams are specifically focused on them. If they can focus on racing then why not

I also think a Sega western RPG will still be intresting. Sega China is working on an original MMORPG which will be intresting to see as well.

The american Sega R+D has a good history of games whenthey were around,so it will be great to see them return and expanded.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Well TA Sega already has a racing studio in place yet they have SE putting
up a western based racing studio in the UK.

Remember each team are producing RPG individually. None of the teams are specifically focused on them. If they can focus on racing then why not

I also think a Sega western RPG will still be intresting. Sega China is working on an original MMORPG which will be intresting to see as well.

The american Sega R+D has a good history of games whenthey were around,so it will be great to see them return and expanded.[/quote]

Sorry mate if came across as I was having a go at you. Just really don?t see the point in SOA or SOE getting a RPG studio.

I know SEGA doesn?t have a studio that specifically focuses on RPG?s but that never stopped them from making stellar RPG?s like PS, SAGA, SOA, and Shenmue II. So don?t see the need at all.

As for the new racing studio in Europe well I hope it works out but hold little hope. I remember what happened to their old studio (mainly for 32X development) they didn?t even get a game out the door.

And I want the likes of AM#2 to make my SEGA driving games, not some nobody?s from Europe. Still if they port Out Run II SP Tours I might change my mind about them

Do you honestly think that europeans can’t make good racing agmes and that americans can’t make good RPGs?

Yes they can make good RPG’s and Driving games. Just not as good as what the likes of Yu Suzuki and his boys at SEGA Japan can do. So see no point in having a UK racing studio . Especially given Sega Europe track record of screw ups

I never like putting western/eastern game developers in the same bag like that.There are good a bad artists on both sides.

And improvement implies previous failure.

Huh? Where’s the logic in that? You only have room for improvement if you screw up in the past? I guess PD1 was a failure then since PDZ was improved in so many ways…

Anyway, back to the “topic”:
About RPG studios… I fail to see why one shouldn’t be created. I mean… we all love Sega RPGs… and if they created a studio for that genre alone, that would mean they would possibly wish to focus on that area a little more which would mean we’d potentially get more or better (or both) Sega RPGs… Note that a new RPG studio wouldn’t mean that members of other teams wouldn’t be able to be involved with them so we could as well see the likes of Yu Suzuki take the lead for a certain project that a studio like that would work on.

As far as American RPG studios are concerned I fail to see why you (TA) wouldn’t want to see one. Maybe you are not into western RPGs but then again, even someone who is not into them cannot deny the huge audience they have (See Bioware games) which means a studio like that could make Sega more succesful in the western (and also worldwide) market. And why wouldn’t any of us want to see that?

Also, an American studio might as well create a completely “Eastern style” RPG since these things are so different they are almost different genres and it’s up to the design team to make it what it is and not the part of the world they are located on.

Besides, the line between western and eastern RPGs keeps getting blurrier as time goes by with the likes of Knights of the Old Republic and now Jade Empire.

As for the westerners not being as good in game development as easterners… That’s just silly… Seriously, 5 years ago, who would even dream that an american studio would be able to create a great Metroid game for Nintendo for example? Ninty showed faith and it paid off. Why shouldn’t others try out? Most , if not all of the great PC classics are created by western studios, why shouldn’t consoles and Sega get a piece of that? There’s great talent to be found in most any part of the world these days.


Huh? Where’s the logic in that? You only have room for improvement if you screw up in the past? I guess PD1 was a failure then since PDZ was improved in so many ways…

It’s different when you are tlaking about unexperienced people in a certain field.I was considering “eventually developing a good game” their goal as oposed to making a good game.

I doubt anyone that is actually hired, and especially from a company such as Sega is inexperienced…

Let’s not forget all the mods of big games that we see created from what we call “amateurs” these days… A lot of them reach commercial quality titles while they have pretty much zero funds to work on. If Sega hires some of those people, would you call them inexperienced and expect them to create bad games in their first few projects?

I doubt anyone that has a goal of “eventually making a good game” will get hired when there’s so much ready talent awaiting for a chance in any game development field that exists (art, programming, coding, etc…)

People interested in game development don’t just study something and then jump into a company trying to eventually create a decent game. That would kinda be the equivalent of a cook that studies what he wants, gets hired by a big restaurant and will “someday” make a “good tasting food”…

But, obviously, that’s not the case. If he has the talent, if he has the will, then he was able to create great things long before he got hired and he got hired because he was able to do that.

I don’t think any company out there can afford to “someday create a good game”, even a just starting up company has to create a good game if they wish to continue…

[quote]As far as American RPG studios are concerned I fail to see why you (TA) wouldn’t want to see one. Maybe you are not into western RPGs but then again, even someone who is not into them cannot deny the huge audience they have (See Bioware games) which means a studio like that could make Sega more succesful in the western (and also worldwide) market. And why wouldn’t any of us want to see that?

Also, an American studio might as well create a completely “Eastern style” RPG since these things are so different they are almost different genres and it’s up to the design team to make it what it is and not the part of the world they are located on.

Besides, the line between western and eastern RPGs keeps getting blurrier as time goes by with the likes of Knights of the Old Republic and now Jade Empire.

As for the westerners not being as good in game development as easterners… That’s just silly… Seriously, 5 years ago, who would even dream that an american studio would be able to create a great Metroid game for Nintendo for example? Ninty showed faith and it paid off. Why shouldn’t others try out? Most , if not all of the great PC classics are created by western studios, why shouldn’t consoles and Sega get a piece of that? There’s great talent to be found in most any part of the world these days.

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true.

Sorry should have made my point more clear. I have nothing against Western RPG?s at all . I enjoyed Fable and can?t wait for JADE. I just don?t see the need for SEGA America to get in on the act. Especially given the huge resources and man power it was cost SEGA. All a bit pointless when your Japanese studios can do such a good job at RPG?s. I rather see the money spent on the likes of SAGA II ect any day of the week.

The point about Prime is bit moot since the Americans lead the world and are the real experts when it comes to FPS. Sort of like the Japanese at traditional 2D shooters. So when the decision was made to make Prime a FPS it made perfect sense to had it out to a USA based Team.
I haven?t nothing against Western based teams at all.
In fact one of my fav company?s and games Exhumed/Powerslave (best FPS ever) made by the sadly no more Lobotomy. I bloody loved those guys and had such respect for them, much like I do for the Lobtomy of our day Star Breeze Studios (Riddick/Enclave)

Just that for me SEGA Japan have made the best games. And nobody makes a better racer than Yu Suzuki. So don’t see the need for SEGA to make a Uk based racing stuido

But, an American studio COULD take the task of creating Saga II :slight_smile:

:wink: - We are Americans and Europeans and god knows what else. Yet, we can appreciate Panzer for what it is and, if we all had skills in this area, would definitely pay good tribute if we were to develop a new Panzer game. An American RPG studio may as well do that, they wouldn’t turn it into Dungeons and Dragoons (har!) just because they are Americans…

(I think you meant FPS’s there)
Anyway, the point is not moot at all combined with the rest of the post (with all the talk about Bioware’s great RPGs). It shows an american studio doing a great job for a Japanese company. And the game is not really a standard FPS but is in fact closer to the old side scrolling Metroid games than the likes of doom3 or Half-Life 2 (and it was propably the decision of the studio to make it in first person view, not Nintendo’s decision, they propably just assigned them the task of creating a new Metroid game and left the design up to them - while closely watching of course)

[quote]I think you meant FPS’s there)
Anyway, the point is not moot at all combined with the rest of the post (with all the talk about Bioware’s great RPGs). It shows an american studio doing a great job for a Japanese company. And the game is not really a standard FPS but is in fact closer to the old side scrolling Metroid games than the likes of doom3 or Half-Life 2 (and it was propably the decision of the studio to make it in first person view, not Nintendo’s decision, they propably just assigned them the task of creating a new Metroid game and left the design up to them - while closely watching of course)

Yeah sorry about that. Was watching the FA Cup Football while posting at the same time
PRIME is a FPS mate in the exact same style as Exhumed funnily enough. When it comes to FPS the Japanese trail their Western counterparts. Sort of like the Japanese are the world leaders when it comes to Shooters and 3D Fighters.

Now I?m not sure about you, but alarm bells would start for me if M$ let it?s Japanese studio handle HALO III instead of BUNGiE. Just becasue they aren’t very good at making FPS.

So when PRIME was going to be a FPS it made perfect sense to had it out to a Western Team

[quote]Team Andromeda wrote:
I rather see the money spent on the likes of SAGA II ect any day of the week.

But, an American studio COULD take the task of creating Saga II :slight_smile:

Also, an American studio might as well create a completely “Eastern style” RPG since these things are so different they are almost different genres and it’s up to the design team to make it what it is and not the part of the world they are located on.
:wink: - We are Americans and Europeans and god knows what else. Yet, we can appreciate Panzer for what it is and, if we all had skills in this area, would definitely pay good tribute if we were to develop a new Panzer game. An American RPG studio may as well do that, they wouldn’t turn it into Dungeons and Dragoons (har!) just because they are Americans… [/quote]

Oh GOD please no. The japanese and Westerns have different styles of Art, and Art direction. The USA likes it more real, and the Japanese don?t care if it?s a cartoon look (Yes I’m simplifying here). Just compare some of the Western and Japanese box art for proof (Like Street Fighter II).

Games like ASTAL, Switch , O.TO.GI, JSR are just so Japanese and Panzer Dragoon much the same. Hate to think of the mess of the Art Direction would look like if a USA/UK Team was given the task. Maybe the French could pull it off, but they?ll be about the only ones

Panzer Dragoon Saga is quite unlike the average japanese RPG in its art style and depth and, imo, closer to the western style… It’s definitely not very feasable to compare Panzer Dragoon with the likes of Final Fantasy or even Shining Force… Hell, I’d find it easier to compare it with KOTOR or something lol…

Americans have created unrealistic games and the Japanese have created realistic games in the past.

Lagi(_webmaster) created some very nice PD style models in his little free time while Lord Craymen also did that great PD Genos video. Other people from here have done great PD fan art as well. Why would you think that people like that only exist here and couldn’t be working in a western game studio (a couple of them are/were I believe)?

The Panzer world has quite a “Realistic” look and feel anyway (and I’m talking post Orta age here)… With today’s tech, all games get a certain degree of what you’d call “realism” anyway, with the ammount of detail crammed into the characters and environments. Look at the upcoming Zelda for example, it’s definitely more realistic looking than the likes of Ocarina of Time. And I don’t see anything in it that wouldn’t be really possible from an american developer. The same goes for the Panzer Dragoon world from where I’m seeing it.

I don’t think that stereotyping reply was the best one to give a reason as to why an American studio shouldn’t give it a shot at all… Not for me atleast…