My Panzer Dragoon Saga Review

I don’t know if anyone really cares, since there are so many reviews around the interenet. But I thought I would write a review of my own and I think its a pretty good one at that. If you all want to check it out you can go here:

what sense has it to give your (obviously) favourite game all scores 10/10 ??? also the three pop-up sites that open stink.

Because its my own review and thats what I feel the game deserves, is there a problem with that? And about the popups they cant be helped as my PDS site is currently on a free plan, so if you have a popup blocker you should be OK.

Actually, I’d give Panzer Dragoon Saga 10/10 as well. Is it flawless? No. Is it the best game I’ve ever played? I can’t think of a game that I’ve enjoyed more.

I think that “gameplay/battle system” should be lower, probably only 9/10.
The big problem was that all of the battles are really easy.

Yes, it was a fairly easy game. Still, the battles were a lot more interesting than in most other turn based RPGs, and a lot more fast paced too.

Panzer Dragoon Saga definitely deserves the perfect scores. Yes, the game was short, and yes, the game was easy…but it never really was about gameplay to begin with. It was about experiencing the Panzer Dragoon universe in ‘tour guide’ mode…and it did everything right.

I, personally, do not think we will ever see a game of this caliber ever again. That’s how special it is.

gameplay is the most important thing in games, to me. i can appreciate games for other things such as artistic quality or innovative ideas. so if i were to rate PDS against other RPGs, it scores very very high but if i were to rate it against other games with substantially more involving gameplay, it would fall very very short.

intriguing and satisfying plot, visionary world, and great gameplay… for an RPG.

Yeah, PDS rocked the boat, but haven’t you done enough shameless plugging of your site already? :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree entirely with all of you. And about the battle system I game it a 9/10. I just thought it could have been a little bit better, but aside from that I thought everything in the game was perfect.

i don’t really think its wise to actually add a score to it at all… since your whole site is about it, you will obviously think its good… =\

I think its very wise to add such a score to the game. Many other people would most certainly agree that it deserves this score. And the fact that it is such an amazing game of course, influenced me to make a website devoted to its utter majesty.

and you are an utter fool to call yourself wise. :anjou_disappointment:
anyone in his right mind just seens that you are a total fanboy. what use is this review to anyone who has not played this game. 10/10 in comparison to what? I think scores are utter nonsense. If i see someone show me a score like that I say “jeez, let me be the judge of that please”.

I personally don’t think ANY game deserves 10/10, that would mean that it is absolutely perfect. And as long as these things are created by people and played by people, they won’t be perfect. XD

Perfect would for one mean that everyone who touched it would absolutely love it, and I’m sure that is not the case with any and all games. ^.~

[quote=“lordcraymen”]and you are an utter fool to call yourself wise. :anjou_disappointment:
anyone in his right mind just seens that you are a total fanboy. what use is this review to anyone who has not played this game. 10/10 in comparison to what? I think scores are utter nonsense. If i see someone show me a score like that I say “jeez, let me be the judge of that please”.[/quote]

Well technically a review is just an opinion (however biased it may be).

I’d give Panzer Dragoon Saga 9/10 and base my score on how the game compares to other games belonging to the same genre at the time of it release.

Also, while PD Saga is a great looking game by 32 bit standards, it’s nothing compared to what modern RPGs have to offer.

Skies of Arcadia is better value for money, too, IMO, since it’s longer than PD Saga, not to mention you can buy the game at a fraction of PD Saga’s current asking price.

[quote=“Pedro The Hutt”]I personally don’t think ANY game deserves 10/10, that would mean that it is absolutely perfect. And as long as these things are created by people and played by people, they won’t be perfect. XD

Perfect would for one mean that everyone who touched it would absolutely love it, and I’m sure that is not the case with any and all games. ^.~[/quote]

Perfection is subjective if you think about it (i.e. peculiar to a person’s point of view). One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.

I’m sure Panzer Dragoon Saga is the perfect role playing experience to someone, somewhere.

I personally thought that the game was too easy and too short, but otherwise thoroughly enjoyable.

Hehe, also true. But such debates can go on for hours I’m sure. XD

OK I will agree with one thing, I am definitely a total Panzer Dragoon Fanboy. But my review is my opinion and I can also understand how this isn’t the perfect game to everyone. But that’s what reviews are for, to show you different peoples opinions on the game! :anjou_happy:

Saga would be the perfect game if it was an Action/RPG.

Man… that sucks. Because it will never live up to gamers’ expectations as a rhythm/puzzle game now!