My Panzer Dragoon Saga Review

Azel and Edge in Space Dragoon Channel 7.

"Dodge Atolm’s lasers with your dance moves! Let’s go!

seizure warning on screen

Up left right down left right up (and so on)

To which the player responds:

“Up left…umm…”

Well sorry guys, but to most people who already read my PDS review, I made a slight error in its grading. I meant to give the battle system/gameplay a 9/10, but I actually gave it a 10/10. My mistake, I just recently changed it just so you all know. :anjou_embarassed:

I could care less about game reviews and scores honestly, I stay away from them most of the time because I want to experience the game on my own and judge from my own experience and not fretting because whatever game I want to play got lower scores than what was expected to be.


Man… that sucks. Because it will never live up to gamers’ expectations as a rhythm/puzzle game now!


You my friend are starting to get the “chase concept” or whatever you guys call it in english.I’m not talking about how Saga should be I’m talking about Saga’s pros and contras;in this case contras.

The combat (and this is what i meant) would be the one thing I would change in order to improve the game.Got it?

stares at this thread…

Wrong. A review is a properly laid out list of the facts, a critique that accurately illustrates strengths and weaknesses that actually exist.

An opinion is a point of view based on personal preference. They are NOT the same thing.

Although I agree that an opinion is a part of a well-constructed critique. Just thought I’d point that out.

very true. however tell that to the majority of “professional” game journalists…
Sometimes I wonder where IGN recruit their writers, seriously. Most of the time they are stuck in a vicious circle of bloated selfasteam and the most childish fanboyism. At the same time they manage to look down on other fans (not fanboys, I draw a line here) withough beeing the slightest bit objective themselves…

The words “good” and “bad” appear in reviews.Everytime.Everywhere. “good” and “bad” is never something related to common sense so all reviews are biased and so all reviews are opnions.

It’s interesting that “review” is always translated as “cr?tica” in Portuguese.

Cr?tica beeing an exposure of pros and cons.

[quote]The words “good” and “bad” appear in reviews.Everytime.Everywhere. “good” and “bad” is never something related to common sense so all reviews are biased and so all reviews are opnions.

Sorry, but you are wrong.

A Review is a report based on critical analysis of subject formed by formal inspection, an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation.

An Opinion is a belief or conclusion substantiated merely by impressions/experience.

This is critical analysis vs personal preference, they are not the same thing. However it is clear that they are both required to form what we call a critique which is the judgment based on the evaluation and appreciation of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a subject.

This isn’t an opinion this is a fact, there is no argument here.

Which of these two definitions strikes you as being more closely related to video games? You cannot “appraise” a video game, checking boxes off, because a game could have all the necessary features and still be missing the Je Ne Sais Pas (sp) that other games in it’s genre have.


Wrong. A review is a properly laid out list of the facts, a critique that accurately illustrates strengths and weaknesses that actually exist.
An opinion is a point of view based on personal preference. They are NOT the same thing.[/quote]

A review will never be just facts. It is definately more opinionated than factual.
For example, graphics. The reviewer can say its grahics are great but is it a fact?
“The gameplay will keep you hooked”: opinion or fact?

Of course, this is my opinion :wink:

Are you sure? It’s very easy to get both fact and opinion confused these days, don’t you know!

I think you guys just aren’t getting what he’s trying to say. Sure reviews are going to be the opinion of the reviewer but when you write a review you are supposed to try and do it “fair” with proper critique.

To explain it with an example, as a general rule (with a few exceptions), I really don’t like Real Time Strategy games. However, if I was to review one, I would not give it a score of 0/10 as I’d keep my opinion on the genre to myself and instead just judge the game on its own merits compared to other games of the same genre. The score would propably end up lower than the score seen in a review done by a fan of the genre due to our opinion on it. Still, my review would not just be a biased piece of garbage and would provide valid information on all of the aspects of the game and actually help the reader in shaping his own opinion on it rather than just give the impression that it was done by someone who didn’t give the game a chance.

Basically, while I may not like something for myself I am still able to see its qualities. And while I may absolutelly love something else, I am still able to see its flaws. And judge both as fair as possible for each of their strengths and weaknesses. For a review that is, for casual discussion I’ll just usually talk about things I’m interested in thus ignore anything that has to do with some generic RTS :slight_smile:

Rome: Total War and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War are quite interesting tho! I know, OT :anjou_sigh:


Wrong. A review is a properly laid out list of the facts, a critique that accurately illustrates strengths and weaknesses that actually exist.[/quote]

What one person considers to be a strength can easily be considered a weakness by another. Take Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance for example. The game revolves around almost nothing but hacking and slashing your way through seemingly endless armies of monsters (fact), which quickly becomes boring to the point of being an interminable chore (opinion).

How accurate was that assessment? Guess what? My opinion is in the minority; Diablo clones have become quite popular among gamers in recent years.

Tastes differ. Objective analysis is impossible when enthusiasm or biased preconceptions enter the equation. We are not machines, and we certainly don’t all share the exact same tastes when it comes to games.

Regardless of what a review is in the strictest sense of the word, different reviews of the same game are not carbon copies of each other. Different reviews provide us with different perspectives on the same subject. Reviews are just opinions. Want proof? Read any review in any gaming publication.

Are you really going to tell me that someone who has no love for a particular genre will weigh the strengths and weaknesses of any game in that genre fairly?

How many great games have been overlooked simply because those games didn’t meet the demands of mainstream gamers, and thus, were deemed poor?

Hell, if a game doesn’t reflect mainstream tastes (which change all the time btw), or isn’t instantly accessible, then it must be a travesty of a game! Ultimately, whether a game is considered to be fun or not is nothing more than an opinion… based on facts that don’t necessarily stand the test of time.

What I meant by my post was that if we wer eto consider the real definiton of review there wouldn’t be a single one made until now.

The closest thing to a review as far as videogames are concerned would bethe game’s features that are usually up on the developer’s website.

[quote]What one person considers to be a strength can easily be considered a weakness by another. Take Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance for example. The game revolves around almost nothing but hacking and slashing your way through seemingly endless armies of monsters (fact), which quickly becomes boring to the point of being an interminable chore (opinion).

How accurate was that assessment? Guess what? My opinion is in the minority; Diablo clones have become quite popular among gamers in recent years.[/quote]

Just because a game is popular, doesn’t make it good.

An objective analysis is always possible, you just have to put your bias aside for the time being and judge it based on the facts, what a game truly manages to accomplish. What people actually get out of a critique may be different though, and that’s where personal taste comes in. And like I said before, an opinion is a necessary part of a well-written critique.

[quote]Regardless of what a review is in the strictest sense of the word, different reviews of the same game are not carbon copies of each other. Different reviews provide us with different perspectives on the same subject. Reviews are just opinions. Want proof? Read any review in any gaming publication.

I no longer trust gaming publications with their reviews, as they are mostly paid by other companies to give games higher or lower scores than they would otherwise deserve. They certainly don’t qualify as “proof”.

Of course.

[quote]How many great games have been overlooked simply because those games didn’t meet the demands of mainstream gamers, and thus, were deemed poor?

Hell, if a game doesn’t reflect mainstream tastes (which change all the time btw), or isn’t instantly accessible, then it must be a travesty of a game! Ultimately, whether a game is considered to be fun or not is nothing more than an opinion… based on facts that don’t necessarily stand the test of time.[/quote]

Dude, all I’m saying is that a review and an opinion are not the same thing something you CANNOT argue against because it’s a fact.

That is all.

hahahahaha, of course it does! If a game is popular then a lot of people like the game! You (or anyone else) may not think it is good, but again thats all down to opinion… You can’t just say a popular game isn’t good, because there will obviously be alot of people that disagree.
For example, I don’t like final Fantasy, Does that mean it is not a good game? Obviously not because a LOT of people love that game as much as I love PDS.

[quote=“Raizen1984”]Dude, all I’m saying is that a review and an opinion are not the same thing something you CANNOT argue against because it’s a fact.
That is all.[/quote]

I could argue that all day. A dictionary context word of “review” could mean that, but when you talk about reviewing a product (game or anything else), opinions WILL be the main part of it.
Sure there may be factual things to compare such as price, or technical details, but while describing the pro’s/cons of it, they will be definately be opinions

[quote]hahahahaha, of course it does! If a game is popular then a lot of people like the game! You (or anyone else) may not think it is good, but again thats all down to opinion… You can’t just say a popular game isn’t good, because there will obviously be alot of people that disagree.
For example, I don’t like final Fantasy, Does that mean it is not a good game? Obviously not because a LOT of people love that game as much as I love PDS.[/quote]

I think you misunderstood. What I meant to say is that a game’s popularity isn’t an indication of it’s quality. For example, The Simpson’s Road Rage was incredibly popular (popular enough to warrant a Greatest Hits status.) Yet that game was little more than a buggy Crazy Taxi rip-off.

[quote]I could argue that all day. A dictionary context word of “review” could mean that, but when you talk about reviewing a product (game or anything else), opinions WILL be the main part of it.
Sure there may be factual things to compare such as price, or technical details, but while describing the pro’s/cons of it, they will be definately be opinions[/quote]

I’m going to say this one more time, because it doesn’t seem to be getting through:


I’m done with this argument, as I believe I’ve made my point clear. Peace out.

You could always add a ‘je ne sais quoi’ box then :wink: