Music to relax!

Yup, I do, although I admit that may be the nostalgia kicking in. It’s been a long time since I played either though I vividly remember being sick of SR2 near the end. It just wasn’t fun and the story was the only thing driving me on.

Well, Soul Reaver 1 did have a more exciting combat system, simply because you couldn’t just keep beating on enemies to kill them. You had to drive enemies into spikes, sunlight, water, or whatever else was in your environment. In Soul Reaver 2, the combat got pretty repeatative. Also the boss battles (or lack thereof) were kinda disapointing in Soul Reaver 2. And is it just me, or were the puzzles in Soul Reaver 1 better as well? They seemed to take advantage of the spectral realm shifting more in the first game than they did in the second. Some of the environments in Soul Reaver 2 were pretty nice, but it lacked the openness and mystery of the first Soul Reaver’s world (like the human colony).

My harmonius (sp) tones should make anyone relax.

! What about The Retreat?What about the murals in the forges.SR2 felt way more mysterious than SR1.Well by now you all know my choice anyways.Taking the gameplay aside SR2 beats the others in pretty mcuh every aspect in my book.

I think Solis summed it up pretty well, I mostly felt the same way. Was too tired last night me thinks… :anjou_happy:

I remember talking to you about this on messanger a while back, Gehn.

I pretty much agree with everything Solis and Drizzt’s Syn have said, as much as I loved SR2, I liked SR1 a lot more, as it had both great story and gameplay.

I loved needing to think of how to defeat (or escape from) every enemy, I loved the way the large section of Nosgoth was yours to explore (unlike SR2 which pulls you through the game in a much more linear manner) and I thought that the puzzles were more interesting (apart from those damn giant block puzzles! If I ever need to do another one of them I think i’m goning to scream :anjou_angry: ).

Oh, another thing I liked in SR1 was that if you didn’t attack the humans, the commoners would fall to their knees and worship you as you walked past, and the soldiers would fight by your side against the vampires. This was especially fun when you find they guy with flame throwers inside Zephon’s cathedral (which actually saved my ass, considering that, by this pointed, i’d had a huge number of those damn spider-vampire things chasing me).

To each his own.SR1 has a completely different aura.A decayed world.Maybe that’s why I don’t like it half as much.

The inclusion of Janos and the forges just made my day in SR2.
Besides the great Vorador didn’t appear in SR1 :stuck_out_tongue:

Quickly back to the music if you will… :anjou_happy:

This comes from the point-and-click adventure game from Lucas Arts called The Dig. A book was later written about it which was rather good. Apparently the idea for the game came from Steven Spielberg.

While they’re all good, I recommend -

Mission to the Asteroid
Cathedral of the Lost
The Creator’s Resting Place

You might as well download them all since more than 70% are less than a meg large.

And if anyone likes a good sci-fi read check out the book which was written by Alan Dean Foster.

StHA music:

Elegy of the Bewildered - (longer theme, soft as wellll)
Rhapsody of Repose - (church music, longer, different)
Search Far and Deep - (probs the most common relaxing one - West (?) Shrine, bah, the watery one)
Tides of History

I always liked the battle music myself, but I suppose that isn’t really relaxing…

  • All these referenced from my iPod, very handy for Sega music on-the-go quoting.

Did anyone mention Sonic R? I’m pretty damn surprised if they didn’t! That’s basically all relaxing music.
The longer version of Sonic Boom (Sonic CD theme) is pretty relaxing too.
Sonic 3D - Diamond Dust anyone?
Shining Force III - Traveler’s Respite
Shining Force III - Red Assasins (creepy relaxing music…expect paranioa O.o)
What about the endings for Virtual On? Damn Relaxing.

I swear there was one on Guardian Heroes…

Sonic R? o_O Red Assassins? O_o You call that relaxing? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sonic R is music i bop too

If you can find them on the net, Home Sweet Home and Hyllian Suite are both very relaxing tracks from an unreleased Beyond Good & Evil soundtrack.

Sonic 3D - Diamond Dust anyone?[/quote]

If you’d died to the snowman flicky bug as many times as I have, that would NOT be a tune which relaxes you.

for music outside the realm of gaming, check out air; a french experimental/electronica group. they’ve had songs in sophia coppola’s movies “the virgin suicides” and “lost in translation”

not all of their songs are as relaxing but if that’s what you’re after, check out these songs:
surfin on a rocket
another day
alpha beta gaga

it’s also the best music i’ve ever heard to trip to (if you are down with illegal substances!)

Beeing the PT fan that I am I’d have to advise most of Porcupine Tree’s older stuff.Now they are a little metallish but back in the day you could just float with it…

Of course I dind’t even know about them “back in the day” but you get the point.

St. Gabriel’s mask from the Ecco sega CD games.
Also from the same soundtrack, Jurassic Beach.

Hanging waters from Ecco:DOTF.

The Lost painting from Castlevania: SOTN

Alot of the music from Halo I just adore.

The save theme in ICO, Super Green X did a excellent remix for it. I often Whistle to this often…

The Opening theme to Morrowind.

Celes’ theme from FF6



If you’d died to the snowman flicky bug as many times as I have, that would NOT be a tune which relaxes you.[/quote]

Oh that was a bug?! Gah…

And Halo music! I marvel at it :anjou_happy:

Yeah Sonic R! They have all the lyrics in the back of the manual.