Made a Panzer Dragoon meets Crimson Dragon banner

Very very beautiful :anjou_love:

Thanks! It’s always nice to get creative feedback; that way you can improve upon your initial concept, making it that much more refined and polished. :anjou_happy:

This looks awsome, can you make a desktop background version ?

Ah, you can try this out…Be sure to set the wallpaper to fit the screen rather than stretch. If you have a lot of icons, it will cover up most of the scene, though. … lpaper.jpg

Legaiaflame, do you have a 950x180 version of the banner?

Yeah, here you go. … 950180.jpg

Hmm, i see you’ve just squashed the image. I don’t really like that approach though, as the incorrect aspect ratio is noticeable.

TWOTA’s banner can’t really be much higher than 180 pixels otherwise the content will appear off the screen on lower resolution laptops and tablets.

You don’t have the original layered file anymore, right? I was thinking we could move the higher dragons over into the middle area, but that would probably be quite difficult…

There is not much I can do. I have an older file where I can move around some of the Panzer Dragoon dragons. But the Solowing dragon’s wing cuts off. That’s why it’s hidden.

Do you mean move the upper dragons from both sides to meet in the middle? Because the Crimson Dragon ones are fixed in place.

Also, if the height has to be 180 I’m going to need to add more space in between the dragons to compensate for the width. So, they will be even farther apart.

Yeah. It sounds like it’s going to be more trouble than it’s worth to modify.

That might be an option, if you can get the extra space to blend seamlessly. Don’t worry about it if it’s going to take too long.

Just a quick test without blending anything. But it would look something like this:

Yeah, I think that would look okay if you can get the two parts of blend seamlessly. The empty space could represent the desolate deserts of the Panzer world. :wink:

Alright, I’ll see what I can do!

Okay, I compensated for the height and added more distance between the dragons so I could make it 950x180. Everything is smoothly blended together on both sides. … rfinal.jpg

Added. :anjou_happy:

It’s nice work, but looking at it now it feels a bit empty. Might it not be worth putting TWOTA logo inside of the banner?

I think these might be some good alternatives :anjou_happy: :

I prefer the second and third one in that list, although I’d still put the logo in the center of those.

Here are a few more:

I actually tried putting the logo in the middle, but couldn’t get it to look right. Since the Panzer dragons take up more space than the Crimson Dragon dragons, it meant that if the logo was centred directly in the middle of the banner, there would be less padding to the left.

It’s not easy to modify design after you’ve implemented it - design isn’t something that can be gracefully patched; it has to be designed together as a cohesive whole from the start. I’d prefer to leave the logo where it is (unless we go for a complete redesign of the header, in which case we’d probably need to go with a completely different banner too).

I think I’ll go with number 3 on the first list, unless there are any objections? I am happy with the way the header/logo is presented otherwise. Maybe one day I’ll do another redesign of the header or even the whole site, but there are more important features I’d rather focus on first. Like better forums.