Title explains the most of it…
I want to learn Panzereze.
I wouldn’t be surprised if people laughed at me for this, but I don’t have much I want to achieve in my life… and one of the few things I do want to achieve is to learn Panzereze… to fluency.
I want to be able to play through any of the PD games [bulk of Saga excluded] and understand all that is being said without referring to the subtitles… and not just through memorisation of the script either.
O’course… I’m quite aware that there are a LOT of words out there that simply haven’t been made for Panzereze… and I suppose if I ever get to that stage I’ll have to do my best to contact the folks of the former Team Andromeda and come to some agreement with them…
But anyhow… yeah.
Where to start?
I’ve been informed by SWD (via e-mail) of the following:
"Now, about Panzerese, there is dictionary that someone made (see
TWotA’s links page), but isn’t 100% complete."
Where might this links page be?
Tracking such things down is not one of my strong points… and I figure that certainly would be a better starting place than my other plan… which involves trying to type down everything I hear in Orta, write out all the subtitles and play mix’n’match.
Not to say I haven’t picked up a few odd things from PDO already. I can tell people to die in Panzereze, and have done quite a few times (to their complete confusion) if that counts for anything… =P
I own PD, PDZ and PDO … no PDS unfortunately (and I believe I might have lost my copy of PDZ, to make matters worse… Painfully ironic, considering I still have my original PD and its also included in PDO).
[Note: I’m quite aware that this… whether I manage it or not… would be one of the most difficult things I could possibly do with my life as I’m pathetically poor at learning new languages. I trust being genuinely medically obsessed with Panzer Dragoon helps in this case though.]
So? …