Learning Panzereze

Title explains the most of it…

I want to learn Panzereze.
I wouldn’t be surprised if people laughed at me for this, but I don’t have much I want to achieve in my life… and one of the few things I do want to achieve is to learn Panzereze… to fluency.
I want to be able to play through any of the PD games [bulk of Saga excluded] and understand all that is being said without referring to the subtitles… and not just through memorisation of the script either.
O’course… I’m quite aware that there are a LOT of words out there that simply haven’t been made for Panzereze… and I suppose if I ever get to that stage I’ll have to do my best to contact the folks of the former Team Andromeda and come to some agreement with them…

But anyhow… yeah.
Where to start?
I’ve been informed by SWD (via e-mail) of the following:
"Now, about Panzerese, there is dictionary that someone made (see
TWotA’s links page), but isn’t 100% complete."

Where might this links page be?
Tracking such things down is not one of my strong points… and I figure that certainly would be a better starting place than my other plan… which involves trying to type down everything I hear in Orta, write out all the subtitles and play mix’n’match.
Not to say I haven’t picked up a few odd things from PDO already. I can tell people to die in Panzereze, and have done quite a few times (to their complete confusion) if that counts for anything… =P
I own PD, PDZ and PDO … no PDS unfortunately (and I believe I might have lost my copy of PDZ, to make matters worse… Painfully ironic, considering I still have my original PD and its also included in PDO).

[Note: I’m quite aware that this… whether I manage it or not… would be one of the most difficult things I could possibly do with my life as I’m pathetically poor at learning new languages. I trust being genuinely medically obsessed with Panzer Dragoon helps in this case though.]

So? …

panzerdragoon.net/links/engl … bsites.php

Oddly, though, the Panzerese page seems to be down at the moment. Does anyone know what happened to it?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

panzerdragoon.net/links/engl … bsites.php

Oddly, though, the Panzerese page seems to be down at the moment. Does anyone know what happened to it?[/quote]

Twitches slightly

There is no… base site either. I mean the dot-com itself doesn’t seem to work either. Is it all meant to be a download or not? In which case might you have that which it attempts to download anywhere?



I want to cry.



I want to cry.[/quote]

Now why would you want to go and do a thing like that?

Because I have so much stuff that’ I HAVE to do it seems sort of Ironic that your goal in life seems to be to learn a fictional language >_>

I was going to start a webpage concerning the Panzerense present in Orta but I’m lazy so…

SotiCoto : You could try to do what I did for Orta (I have it all documented somewhere) and try to translate every single sentence (trying to make sense of it…having japanese and english version here is sure to help) by yourself.

I stopped halfway thru but I got something out of it.Still Orta has twice if not more Panzerense in it that all of the other games put together.

PS:Please stop beeing so anti-Sony.Some people here will be getting (like me) a PS2 just to play the sega ages PD1.I’m sure you can respect that in a PD forum. :slight_smile:

Why? It has no practical use whatsoever.

If you learn a language that sounds as cool as Panzerese…Japanese maybe…then this gives you career prospects as well as decent holidays in Shinjuku, if you can afford it.

I could fret about such things, but I don’t stress myself out setting major aspirations or any of that nonsense. Life is fundamentally irrelevant, so why do as everyone else and struggle vainly to live longer?
To each their own really.

Just remember, you don’t “have” to do anything at all. You do all you do because its a means to an end. If the end is irrelevant then so is the means. Remember that.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]I was going to start a webpage concerning the Panzerense present in Orta but I’m lazy so…

SotiCoto : You could try to do what I did for Orta (I have it all documented somewhere) and try to translate every single sentence (trying to make sense of it…having japanese and english version here is sure to help) by yourself.

I stopped halfway thru but I got something out of it.Still Orta has twice if not more Panzerense in it that all of the other games put together.

PS:Please stop beeing so anti-Sony.Some people here will be getting (like me) a PS2 just to play the sega ages PD1.I’m sure you can respect that in a PD forum. :)[/quote]

You speak Japanese?
I don’t.
I’m sure I could try that… but I rather had my hopes up regarding the dictionary thing. Its not as if I’m short on time though. I can wait… in case the dictionary matter resolves itself. If I found out I spent much more time on something than I need have done, it will feel rather… bitter.
Oh… as for the anti-S*ny thing. I suppose I could try to keep quiet about it… but on a scale of one to ten, it truly is a level-10 obsession… so I hope you understand its not exactly a walk in the park to keep my seething hatred down.

And unfortunately… if what I’m hearing (or think I’m hearing) about the Sega Ages PD1 is true… I’ll never get to learn Panzereze anyway as I will be duty-bound to commit seppuku.


Why? It has no practical use whatsoever.

If you learn a language that sounds as cool as Panzerese…Japanese maybe…then this gives you career prospects as well as decent holidays in Shinjuku, if you can afford it.[/quote]

Because I’m not Japan-obsessive. I’m PD-obsessive.
In the grand scheme of things, neither is practical. Neither will allow me to change the Universe in any significant manner. Neither will make me any more significant than a slight dirt-smear on the bottom of an ant’s foot. Learning Panzereze would give me greater satisfaction though.
That answer your question?

[Edit: Yes, in case you hadn’t guessed… I would admit to being a bit of a Nihilist.]

You could have summed all of that up with “Yeah well I don’t really see any point in living so I’m just going to sit here and piss about”. :anjou_embarassed:

Its a little more complicated than that.
Not much… in fact thats moderately accurate… but there is a little bit more to it.

Panzerese, the new Klingon.

If only.

I gotta wonder though… hasn’t anyone else here felt the inclination to learn it? Ever?


If only.

I gotta wonder though… hasn’t anyone else here felt the inclination to learn it? Ever?[/quote]

Well, a while back I had considered compiling all the known Panzerese words (not that there are all that many) and making a translation program - mainly for the purposes of annoying people on MSN - but learning it fluently? Nope. Just don’t see the point.

I suppose thats the difference between liking something and being obsessed over it.

As far as I can tell, it’s not a completely fleshed out language, so therefore, would be impossible to learn “to fluency.” More than anything, the pronunciation from actor to actor varies greatly, depending on their ability to pronounce non-Japanese phonemes.

Change the universe? Who has goals like that? With a little bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of luck, while you may not affect the outcome of the universe, you could end up affecting the lives of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people in a positive way.

[quote=“Abadd”]As far as I can tell, it’s not a completely fleshed out language, so therefore, would be impossible to learn “to fluency.” More than anything, the pronunciation from actor to actor varies greatly, depending on their ability to pronounce non-Japanese phonemes.

Change the universe? Who has goals like that? With a little bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of luck, while you may not affect the outcome of the universe, you could end up affecting the lives of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people in a positive way.[/quote]

Irrelevant really.
One could destroy this entire planet and it would be completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The very concept of achievement is something that only really applies to the self, and I have little wish for “achievements”. I derive no special satisfaction from meaningless trivialities.
All I can do is what I’m programmed to… and since I’m programmed with obsession relating to PD then so help me I’m going to learn Panzereze… or die part-way.

And as I said… I intend to take it as far as I can take it… and if I can learn all that has been said and done to this point, then clearly the next step is to track down those who devised the language in the first place, find out the precise methods they used… and take over the task of completing it.

So… you’re wondering perhaps why I said I derive no satisfaction from trivialities and then said that… maybe? Does learning Panzereze seem trivial and unnecessary to you? Well maybe thats the entire point. Its not something I’m going to glean satisfaction from directly… But I will be satisfied in knowing that I’m just doing what feels right. I feel compelled to do it so I am doing it. If the compulsion leaves me then I will stop.



Um… I’ll go back to what I was doing then, and forget I had this conversation.

As I believe Crowley said: “Do what thou wilst shalt be the whole of the law”.
One’s actions are a product of causality, a summation of past events. Any perceived connection to the future, which is inherantly unknowable, is merely an artefact… a fallacy. We don’t do things because we wish for a particular outcome. We do things because circumstances up to the present have led to us doing them.
Because we are made to do them.


We’re just cogs in the machine friend.

Wanna learn Panzereze too?

I’ve already had to translate more than my fair share, so no thanks :anjou_embarassed: