I've had another dream I would like to share

Eat lots of cheese. That makes you dream, apparently.

I dread to think how many dreams Chuck has in a night.

Chinese food usually does it. My dreams as of late fucused on a evil looking Lagi, A gold cat that reflected rainbows and crazy little blue alien critters riding on a Orca sized Harbor Porpoise.
Oh and a Female version of a Hunter from Halo. 0.0;

The oddest dream I ever had was one about a phsycopath terrorising my school, and we all had to ride on drag-lifts in the canteen to get away from him.

Damn! So that’s why… x_X

Scary, deep dreams lately… Me running on water, away from an angel…
Stabbing myself with my sword…

I’ve been having a lot fo dreams lately myself.

It’s usually something very weird.

My dreams are extremely odd.

I used to have dreams that a shadow claw chased me down a flaming school building and it spoke with Russel Crowe’s voice, and when I saw it, it was a cat with spikes like a porcupine.

Also had a dream about the forum, but everybody looked like the people I see in their avatars (not only now, but before their past ones), so Gehn was Kain, TSE was a wide-eyed cat, I was a demon, and Shadow was that dude from LOTR…

I keep dreaming about a certain girl.

I’m Kain?!Even if it’s only a dream its cool 8)

and that’s news to us… because?

It’s not Laura anymore.

I had this dream when we were all charactors from lord of the rings, and Solo was a well spoken Golum. I was in my ordinary clothes and I think Arcie was the witch king, with Neil as Sam in a penguin suit. And shadow was Aragorn, and TSE was Gandalf…o.0

Great. I’m the Witch King of Angmar, in a GIRL’S dream. Fantastic. Why couldn’t it have been a GUY’S dream?


and that’s news to us… because?[/quote]

I like to gloat.

And rock… I am teh Aragorn ^^ That makes me happy.

Its not???

I imagine that you would make a good witch king. =)
Besides, he was awesome!

I quote (loosely) from White Dwarf magazine, battle report:

“Of course, the Witch King didn’t really run away from this fight…he really went to reinforce his troops elsewhere. Upon which he gets killed by a hobbit and a girl! Is there no respect for evil warmongers nowadays?”


Its not???[/quote]

It isn’t, no.

[quote=“Pete”]We all sat down in rows of chairs and stood at the front was Solo Wing Dragon telling us about stuff…but I couldn’t hear.

Heh, your dream makes us sound like some sort of wierd cult!

I’ve had some pretty wierd dreams, including plenty of Panzer based ones, although none about these forums.

There is one wierd dream I can remember off the top of my head right now, it started with aliens invading earth and we were all terrified, and then I got captured (can’t remember how), and promised to help the aliens if they let me live, and went round killing everyone I knew, including my family and friends, for them. Then they killed me.

Says something about me, doesn’t it?

Yes, you’re niave. What made you think they would spare you?

Damn those double crossing aliens.