It cant be said enough: SEGA GET UR ASSES IN GEAR!

When more and more game sites, around the Internet are taking note of such games that absolutely need sequels; it’s time for SEGA to get off of their asses and give the fans what they want!!! :anjou_sigh: … down/64862

Panzer Dragoon Saga: Number 2 most wanted sequel

Jeez, I was just going to post this! :anjou_happy: It’s a good thing I’m used to refresh the forums before posting a new topic.

By the way, it’s really good to know GT placed Panzer Dragoon at such a high spot, even higher than Skies of Arcadia and Star Fox.

Also, there’s a topic at the official SEGA forums pointing to that video. Nobody mentioned Panzer Dragoon… yet.

Shenmue III!

It’s Sega’s job to make something that sells.

IMO they could do it with Shenmue 3 and a better 3D Sonic game if they really tried but then they’d have to be prepared to commit to quality gaming rather than quickly feeding demand.

No one will remember Shenmue in the current market, which is a shame. It would more or less have to start from scratch. Isn’t there a market for a martial arts style RPG? Probably not.

Face reality. You are talking about massive huge budgets.

What I’d like to see is Sega have a soul again by making games unique to them that sell amazingly well.

Is that too much to ask? Maybe one day. They need to keep associating their brand with quality then make something that stands out from the crowd. Go go go Sega!

Yes and they can do exactly what you said, after they give us: Panzer Dragoon Saga 2, Skeis of Arcadia 2 and Shenmue 3 LOLLLLLLLLLLL :anjou_sad:

Millions and millions and millions of dollars/pounds.

Feel free to donate them to Sega. >:)

I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade; I am just being realistic.

[quote=“legaiaflame”]When more and more game sites, around the Internet are taking note of such games that absolutely need sequels; it’s time for SEGA to get off of their asses and give the fans what they want!!! :anjou_sigh: … down/64862

Panzer Dragoon Saga: Number 2 most wanted sequel[/quote]

Always makes me laugh when I see Fans . How many fans bought Saga when it came out , not many , how many so called fans bought Orta when it came out, not many . In fact the Panzer Dragoon series has never been a great seller , yet people expect to see SEGA make a Panzer Dragoon II epic ??.
How well did Skies of Arcadia do on both the Cube and DC , again it didn’t sell that great , from what I remember , even in Japan .
Shenmue makes me laugh too . Why would SEGA after spending over 70 million on the project make another , when the series so far as sold less than 2 million copies on 2 platform .
If more of the so called fans bough the games at the start , this wouldn’t be so much an issue .

There also the fact , can the Team really top or make a sequel worthy of carrying the Saga or Skies name . Those games would need great scripts and stories lines for starters , maybe the team did all they could with Saga and SOA 1st time around , its a different for Shenmue III , but unless MS or SONY come in with the cash , SEGA is never going to make a part III .

I tell you the one sequel they could make , and thats Power Drift II . If AM#2 could update that game for the Arcades , just like they did with OutRun II , and After Burner Climax , I’ll be happy , and it would cost the earth to make either

I think a Shenmue sequel of a lesser scope could do well, but would fans want that?

Serious question to Shenmue fans here: If a more linear, action oriented Shenmue sequel was developed (maybe even an action game), that wrapped up the story of the first two games, would you accept it as a true conclusion to the series? For example, many Shining Force games wished for a successor to Shining Force III, but Shining Force Neo had a radically different gameplay. As such, the game was labelled a disappointment. Some people here even feel the same about the changes in Orta. So, if Shenmue strayed from the formula of the first two games in order to have broader appeal, would that be an acceptable trade off in order to get a conclusion to the story?

I’ll take any conclusion I can get at this point.

Coming soon, Shenmue III! Touch away at those QTEs exclusively on iPad!

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

[quote=“legaiaflame”]When more and more game sites, around the Internet are taking note of such games that absolutely need sequels; it’s time for SEGA to get off of their asses and give the fans what they want!!! :anjou_sigh: … down/64862

Panzer Dragoon Saga: Number 2 most wanted sequel[/quote]

Always makes me laugh when I see Fans . How many fans bought Saga when it came out , not many , how many so called fans bought Orta when it came out, not many . In fact the Panzer Dragoon series has never been a great seller , yet people expect to see SEGA make a Panzer Dragoon II epic ??.
How well did Skies of Arcadia do on both the Cube and DC , again it didn’t sell that great , from what I remember , even in Japan .
Shenmue makes me laugh too . Why would SEGA after spending over 70 million on the project make another , when the series so far as sold less than 2 million copies on 2 platform .
If more of the so called fans bough the games at the start , this wouldn’t be so much an issue .

There also the fact , can the Team really top or make a sequel worthy of carrying the Saga or Skies name . Those games would need great scripts and stories lines for starters , maybe the team did all they could with Saga and SOA 1st time around , its a different for Shenmue III , but unless MS or SONY come in with the cash , SEGA is never going to make a part III .

I tell you the one sequel they could make , and thats Power Drift II . If AM#2 could update that game for the Arcades , just like they did with OutRun II , and After Burner Climax , I’ll be happy , and it would cost the earth to make either[/quote]

And think of this another way: If these games did sell well enough and met SEGA’s expectations profit-wise, these beloved series may have had too many sequels with less and less quality put into them. AHEM like coughSONICcough, exuse me…

So, would it be better to wait for someone to step in along with the original (or at least some of the original developers) team, or would it have been better for us to have a string of sequels never meeting the expectation of the first.

That’s not to say, like you said: they would probably mess it up anyway with today’s target audience…

The Sonic games maintained a good level of quality for a good number of years , even the 3D Sonic games were good and to a decent standard , bar Sonic 06 . There?s far more to it than just the number of sequels .
There?s also factors like having a good team , good producer , and having enough development time to make sure things are done . Virtual Fighters series has always maintained a high level of quality , so has the Ratchet series of games

I think you’re very wrong about Sonic , I really like Unleashed , there’s been been a lot of effort put into that game , but its just been rushed out to make the silly Christmas period . I feel a few more months could have made all the difference with that game

[quote]So, would it be better to wait for someone to step in along with the original (or at least some of the original developers) team, or would it have been better for us to have a string of sequels never meeting the expectation of the first.

I think its always better if the developer wants to make the sequel , for reasons like they know the Hardware better, hut to cut corners here (for the 1st game) and there , address issues with the 1st game, that could all be fixed with a sequel . That’s a good starting point I feel .

With something like Saga II or SOA II , one really needs a story that can better or equal what’s gone before , with an Orta II , you just need 10 more levels of shooting action (that in its self is hard, but easier than making a 40 Hr Saga II) .
It’s very easy to call for sequels , not so easy to make them . Do we really need a SOA II or Saga II . I thought both games did more than enough 1st time around

  1. Purchase iPad
  2. Purchase Shenmue III
  3. Play Shenmue III until conclusion
  4. Sell iPad


Always makes me laugh when I see Fans . How many fans bought Saga when it came out , not many , how many so called fans bought Orta when it came out, not many . In fact the Panzer Dragoon series has never been a great seller , yet people expect to see SEGA make a Panzer Dragoon II epic ??.
How well did Skies of Arcadia do on both the Cube and DC , again it didn’t sell that great , from what I remember , even in Japan .
Shenmue makes me laugh too . Why would SEGA after spending over 70 million on the project make another , when the series so far as sold less than 2 million copies on 2 platform .
If more of the so called fans bough the games at the start , this wouldn’t be so much an issue .

There also the fact , can the Team really top or make a sequel worthy of carrying the Saga or Skies name . Those games would need great scripts and stories lines for starters , maybe the team did all they could with Saga and SOA 1st time around , its a different for Shenmue III , but unless MS or SONY come in with the cash , SEGA is never going to make a part III .

I tell you the one sequel they could make , and thats Power Drift II . If AM#2 could update that game for the Arcades , just like they did with OutRun II , and After Burner Climax , I’ll be happy , and it would cost the earth to make either

And think of this another way: If these games did sell well enough and met SEGA’s expectations profit-wise, these beloved series may have had too many sequels with less and less quality put into them. AHEM like coughSONICcough, exuse me…

So, would it be better to wait for someone to step in along with the original (or at least some of the original developers) team, or would it have been better for us to have a string of sequels never meeting the expectation of the first.

That’s not to say, like you said: they would probably mess it up anyway with today’s target audience…[/quote]

You really need to accept that game creation revolves around supplying a demand, and nothing more.

All you can hope for is that the market for the kinds of games you want is actually big enough to see someone supply it.

Even a relatively obscure series like Silent Hill has a big hardcore following. But IMO, the future of western RPGs is online.

I miss the JRPGs of the past to be honest. Even they, however, were attempting to supply a demand.

sigh, the good old days. Too much nostalgia for me to look back on…

[quote=“Solo”]I think a Shenmue sequel of a lesser scope could do well, but would fans want that?

Serious question to Shenmue fans here: If a more linear, action oriented Shenmue sequel was developed (maybe even an action game), that wrapped up the story of the first two games, would you accept it as a true conclusion to the series? [/quote]

Shenmue was pretty linear , to be fair . The trouble is there’s no real way you can make Shenmue on the cheap . People go on about the game engine , I don’t think that would cut costs that much, Look at Yakuza games there re-use the same engine time and time again , and each game still costs upwards of 20 million each for SEGA to make, just down the sheer number of staff needed to models these worlds .

Even if Shenmue were to use the DC engine ,it would still take a army of staff to model each new location, and character’s (none of which have really been done for Shenmue III) , then add in the testers , script writers , sound staff, voice actors ECT , and you’re still looking at a massive team and a Hugh cost to SEGA.
Then there the fact than Shenmue III wouldn’t conclude the story anway . What… we’ve another 10+ chapters to go? , There’s no way they could be all told in Shenmue III, it will need a Shenmue IV or even Shenmue V to fully conclude the remaining chapters .

If Shenmue II sold over a million copies , we would be having this debate . We would have played Shenmue III years ago on the X-Box . The sad fact is not enough people bought Shenmue II , and there’s no getting away from that fact .

Yeah, and too bad it didn’t sell; for the fans who’ve been waiting over a decade :anjou_angry: for it’s sequel. That’s like and is: torture.

Oh, and maybe if SEGA released Shenmue 2 here in America on DC like they were supposed too, it could have sold well; instead of waiting to release it on the Xbox…(what happened with that?) I remember posting up the American ad from my Gamepro magazine on my wall, reserving the game at Funcoland, and then learning of the horrid fact it was only coming out in the UK! Thus prompting me to import it like a mad mannnnnn!!!

IMO, SEGA have just been producing shit out of their ass. Aside from a very small fraction of games IMO: the Sonic Unleashed series, Valkyreia Chronicles, and Bayoneta to name a few…

Sonic 4 beter be fucking spectacular, that’s all I can say!

And with shenmue: SEGA just make a CG movie or anime series to end the story at least. Jesus H Christ!! :anjou_sigh:

[quote=“legaiaflame”]Yeah, and too bad it didn’t sell; for the fans who’ve been waiting over a decade :anjou_angry: for it’s sequel. That’s like and is: torture.

Oh, and maybe if SEGA released Shenmue 2 here in America on DC like they were supposed too, it could have sold well; instead of waiting to release it on the Xbox…(what happened with that?) I remember posting up the American ad from my Gamepro magazine on my wall, reserving the game at Funcoland, and then learning of the horrid fact it was only coming out in the UK! Thus prompting me to import it like a mad mannnnnn!!!

IMO, SEGA have just been producing shit out of their ass. Aside from a very small fraction of games IMO: the Sonic Unleashed series, Valkyreia Chronicles, and Bayoneta to name a few…

Sonic 4 beter be fucking spectacular, that’s all I can say![/quote]

I’m sure Shenmue II would have sold better on the DC , but the fact remains it didn’t sell great in Europe or even in Japan , and the so called Shenmue fans couldn’t be bothered to buy a X-Box and Shenmue II ?. That kind of says it all , not what SEGA people want to see, when you’ve sung 70 million USA dollars into the project

As for the current SEGA, I agree they’re very poor these days , that what happens when so called fans don’t buy your games or systems. You lose money and become subjects to take overs .
Sammy all but killed the SEGA I used to love , but a lot of the problems are of SEGA own making . Calling it so wrong this generation , and behind on tech , mutli-platform , and more shaming of all, the Internet.

Still when you’ve got people like Nagoshi in charge , I shouldn’t have expect any less

Okay, what about about a movie or anime series to tie up the story?