It cant be said enough: SEGA GET UR ASSES IN GEAR!

Damn, you got there first. It was my idea really. MINE! :anjou_love:

Easier if SEGA just released the finished scripts tbh .

Right, because a movie or anime series wouldn’t also cost millions to make :anjou_sigh:

Only they do costs millions to make . Making a full on CGI or Anime epic , would cost a lot of money to make .

A Shenmue film or anime series might be more marketable than a video game. There’s arguably a greater variety of story types in those mediums. Games tend to fall into set genres, with action oriented stories generally being more common.

The trouble is , There isn’t really much of a story to Shenmue , its your typical Revenge Hong Kong Kung Fu film (‘You killed my father’ ) that’s been done to death . The only people that would be interested with a Shenmue III film or a Shenmue film (since the game was never a Blockbuster like Resident Evil ECT) , would be the Gamers , and they’ll much rather play the game , I feel .

They could sort of ‘hit reset’ by summarising the first two games at the start of the series/film, and then developing the plot from there on. You wouldn’t need to include every detail from the games, just the plot points that are relevant later on. That way people wouldn’t feel alienated because they hadn’t played the first two games. There’s potential to expand and develop the story in an interesting way, you just need good writers.

I think Team Amdromeda is right. The only people that would be interested in a Shenmue anime are basically the same people that would be interested in a new Shenmue game. This is the only forum I’m a part of that still gives a crap about this series, so that doesn’t amount to many people from where I’m standing. The lack of interest in the story and games themselves when they were available should also tell you something.

People may have been turned off by Shenmue’s gameplay, and the story in the games was very padded out. Compare the EA Lord of the Rings games to the books; they are quite different types of storytelling, even though they have the same basic story. A Shenmue-type story might be better suited to a non-interactive medium.

I don’t think they could make it marketable.

Maybe if the budget was much much cheaper and they found a market for that type of game.

It’s a shame but the series died with the Dreamcast imo where you probably would have seen a third game with even more refinements.

Just be happy with what we got and find something else to munch on.

One thing is ABSOLUTELY certain…

Whatever sequel Sega make, it’s either going to be:

a) Criticized for deviating from the original format.
b) Criticized for being too dated and stale.

While yes games are made for “fan” demand, I am a huge believer that fans should have absolutely NO say in game development, primarily because almost all fans don’t even know what they want themselves.

I have just gotten back into Valkyria Chronicles, and also playing through Yakuza 3 for the 2nd time I still have faith that Sega is capable of producing some extraordinary titles.

I concentrate more on the good, and I am thankful…

Btw if you’re reading this Sega, how about Daytona USA on PSN/XBLA? (HYPOCRISY!)

Cough :anjou_sigh: Cough




Nice to see Eternal Darkness and Conker’s Bad Fur Day

I’d be happy with a book series finishing the story. If you have more budget, make it a nice manga.