Iraq 4 Portugal 2

'Nuff said.


Where is Gehn anyway?

I’ve been wondering the same thing. It’s been almost a month since he posted anything on the forum.

I expect it’s because of the summer; I know I’ve been on holiday, away and generally not near a PC a lot over the past few weeks myself. More than I would have liked, actually. It’s not like Gehn to go AWOL though… odd.

Maybe he’s just wondering how long it’ll take for us to miss him. Well, I’m not missing you yet Gehn!

Perhaps some ‘new members’ have signed up recently?

Solo, this is one of those times where I said i wish I had the “IP” button =\

1-This topic should get you a free pass to the Unholy District Shadow…

…hell I mean.

2-I’ve been away because I moved and I decided to get DSL connection in my new lair.It took a long time…

3-45 days (or so) without net can be something pretty painful for someone who uses it on a more than regular basis…

4-I are back!

5-I have yet to read any Seeker Stronghold posts that I missed.I better see some Panzer Dragoon Quini news…

Welcome back, Gehn.

Unfortunately, no, there hasn’t been any news of a new Panzer Dragoon game…

Oh Christ. I mean… hi Gehn…