IGN on PD5

No real news, just a wish and some speculation.


Thanks for the link lagi.

Hmm… IGN don’t seem to have noticed that there’s a 0% chance of Smilebit making Panzer Dragoon 5, due to the fact that the PD crew has relocated to Amusement Vision…

I also fear that their estimate of PD5 having a 90% chance of being made in the forseeable future is a little optimistic. But I guess we’re all hoping…

A new Panzer Dragoon RPG would certainly make a nice Xbox 2 launch title.

There’s no doubt that there will be a new Panzer Dragoon - the big question is WHEN?

I’m not getting any younger, afterall…

[quote=“Kadamose”]There’s no doubt that there will be a new Panzer Dragoon - the big question is WHEN?

I’m not getting any younger…[/quote]

If there’s one thing we’ve learnt over the years, it is patience. Most of us never even expected Sega to develop Panzer Dragoon Orta.

I’m not sure what motivated Sega to develop a rail shooter in a time when shooting games have sunk beneath the notice of most gamers, but it materialised anyway.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]If there’s one thing we’ve learnt over the years, it is patience. Most of us never even expected Sega to develop Panzer Dragoon Orta.

I’m not sure what motivated Sega to develop a rail shooter in a time when shooting games have sunk beneath the notice of most gamers, but it materialised anyway.[/quote]

I certainly never expected PDO to materialise. BTW, I suspect that Sega developed a Panzer rail shooter because it was both cheaper and quicker to make than a Panzer RPG, and so it would be less of a liability if it didn’t sell so well. At least PDO was a really excellent rail shooter; in fact I honestly don’t think much more could be done with that (sub)genre.

Panzer Dragoon Orta was nothing more than a way for Microsoft to try to snag the “hardcore gamer” into the Xbox. Remember, Microsoft was lining Sega’s pockets for some exclusive titles. Microsoft’s not aiming for an immediate profit, they’re in this for the long run. Sega gamers like Neo Geo gamers are some of the most devoted fans on the planet… get 'em hooked off the bat and you already have at least a small, dedicated base.

And it worked, really. Not a single Panzer Dragoon game has ever sold well, but you can bet there’ll be yet another in time.

I’m pretty confident in a new PD game myself.

But it better come out to the XBox.Unless a new Sega console comes aroudn I want it to be on XBox.

And not on XBox Next.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I’m pretty confident in a new PD game myself.

But it better come out to the XBox.Unless a new Sega console comes aroudn I want it to be on XBox.

And not on XBox Next.[/quote]

Actually, rumors are going around that there are going to be FOUR next-gen consoles going to war with each other in the coming years. The mystery company is supposedly NEC…if that’s the case, I know where my loyalties are going to be. NEC created the best 16-bit system (the Turbo Duo) and if these rumors are true, their new system is going to be better than all of em. Keep in mind that the Turbo Duo was under-powered compared to both the Genesis and the SNES…yet the content on the system was light years ahead of the competition.

If the rumors are true about NEC coming back into the videogame arena, I hope Sega teams up with them…two big time innovators = wonderful stuff.

“A new story, a new hero, same ol’ dragon.”

They’ve obviously completely forgotten what happens at the end of Panzer Dragoon Orta. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]“A new story, a new hero, same ol’ dragon.”

They’ve obviously completely forgotten what happens at the end of Panzer Dragoon Orta. :)[/quote]

Not true - the baby coolia could either be a REGRESSION of the Heresey Dragon…or it’s a clone. Remember, Dragon’s CAN’T reproduce, and this truth binds the Heresey Dragon, just as it bound the drones, to it, as well.

What I believe happened is Orta followed in her mother’s footsteps and cloned Lagi from his remains. I do not believe that Lagi suddenly turned asexual out of nowhere and produced offspring…that scenario is NOT likely.

Except that the Heresy Dragon wasn’t part of Lagi in PDOrta :slight_smile:
They separated in the end of Saga thus causing Lagi to become mortal and eventually die of exhaustion as seen in the end of the game…

Also, what makes you think Orta has the knowledge to do such a thing? She barely knows anything about her past even by the end of the game…

Lagi producing an offspring could be explained as a “gift” from the Heresy Dragon to Lagi. The HD could obviously alter Lagi’s DNA at will to cause him to change forms, I could see him able to do that too.
Or Lagi could simply have mutated in that way, he’s not a pure type anymore, he’s returning to his animal roots after the separation from the HD, coolias can reproduce and Lagi was originally a mutated coolia that evolved to a full dragon cos of the HD.

Edit2: Awww… Solo replied while I was editing this :

[quote=“Kadamose”]Not true - the baby coolia could either be a REGRESSION of the Heresey Dragon…or it’s a clone. Remember, Dragon’s CAN’T reproduce, and this truth binds the Heresey Dragon, just as it bound the drones, to it, as well.

What I believe happened is Orta followed in her mother’s footsteps and cloned Lagi from his remains. I do not believe that Lagi suddenly turned asexual out of nowhere and produced offspring…that scenario is NOT likely.[/quote]

If that was the case, then how would you explain the baby dragon from Shelcoof? Lagi left that dragon behind in Shelcoof at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei, and if Lagi does have that same body in all four PD games then I don’t know how else to explain it apart from it being a clone or a pup that came from Lagi.

Lagi was once a coolia so it would make sense if he inherited the ability to reproduce from there. The narrator of the ending also said that the dragon “left behind an heir” rather than “left behind a copy of itself”. It was a proof that the dragon had once lived, rather than a proof that the same dragon would live again.

Just an off-the-wall idea, but maybe the dragon pup’s creation was something like the birth of a phoenix? Still the same bird/dragon but reborn out of the dying body of the old. It’s the same entity as far as its soul is concerned, but at the same time it’s young and new again.

Well, consider the final piece of narration:

***With the passing of the dragon,
so died a part of Orta.

And yet, not all was lost.
The dragon had left behind an heir…
a symbol of proof that
the dragon had once lived.

And so a legend came to end.
But every ending leads to a new beginning.***

I think we can safely rule out the concept of Lagi regressing, as the narrator clearly defines Lagi and the dragon pup as two different entities. It also confirms that Lagi did indeed die.

The dragons created in the Ancient Age were not built to reproduce; but remember that Lagi was not an Ancient Age dragon. He was a Coolia that was mutated into something approximating an Ancient Age dragon design, so who can say what he was capable of after the Heresy Program had finished tampering with his genetic code?

As unlikely as it may seem, it is exactly what the text suggests: “The dragon had left behind an heir”. Orta is not implicated in any way in this birth; it is the dragon that produces the heir, in whatever way.

Personally I like to think of it as a kind of phoenix birth, with the baby dragon rising from Lagi’s ashes, but I admit that there’s no evidence of exactly how the dragon produced its offspring.

EDIT: Evidently Rune both thinks similarly to me and posts faster than me :slight_smile: - but I honestly haven’t considered whether or not the new dragon would be a “second Lagi”. Only time (and another game) will truly shed light on these things, I guess…

And as Alex said, the concept of the naive and completely unexperienced Orta being able to operate an ancient Drone production facility would seem quite unlikely in itself.

boys look at my signature. it’s a copy from a private discussiun with a teasing drone.

[quote]“yeah. so they can do the next game/rpg/whatever and not have to follow the same formulas of being ‘a boy and his dog’ in a sense.”
“ahh i see… well now they can start with ‘a girl and her baby dog’…”[/quote]

I think I need to see the word “can” switched with the word “are going to” and then I would be excited.


[quote]“yeah. so they can do the next game/rpg/whatever and not have to follow the same formulas of being ‘a boy and his dog’ in a sense.”
“ahh i see… well now they can start with ‘a girl and her baby dog’…”[/quote]

I think I need to see the word “can” switched with the word “are going to” and then I would be excited.[/quote]

Agreed. I don’t think our teasing interface drone (T.I.D) would say anything to put his job in jeopardy :slight_smile:

IMO, the baby dragon and the Solowing in Azel are pure gaming things.
A gift for fans, nothing more.

Informations in Orta speaks of the blue dragon for Zwei and Panzer Dragoon but never for Azel. There is no reference anywhere stating that Edge’s Dragon, as they call it in the box, recover this blue dragon form.
(and no reference to the baby too.)
I think there will be at least a quote somewhere if someone see it with this form in this period of time :slight_smile:

Oh, and even if the dragon can reproduce in Orta, it seems he is a bit to alone to have childrens :smiley: (supposing you all know how reproduction work :p)

I think the baby dragon originated from within Sestren, as we see in the mini-game. The mountain area in which the ending took place was very similar to that of episode 6, where the ancient ruin was situated. It’s possible Orta went back to that ruin to retrieve the baby dragon.