IGN on PD5

I doubt it, nothing in the game’s ending implies that anyone other than Lagi was involved in the baby’s “creation” and also nothing implies that the scene we see at the end is long after Lagi’s death in order for Orta to have had time to have enough knowledge to do anything like that…

I didn’t mean Orta created the dragon (although it’s certainly possible), I just meant that the baby dragon left the Sestren system and ended up in the ruin. Orta just had to go back to the ruin to retrieve the dragon.

[quote=“oXydo CHRONOS”]IMO, the baby dragon and the Solowing in Azel are pure gaming things.
A gift for fans, nothing more.

Informations in Orta speaks of the blue dragon for Zwei and Panzer Dragoon but never for Azel. There is no reference anywhere stating that Edge’s Dragon, as they call it in the box, recover this blue dragon form.
(and no reference to the baby too.)
I think there will be at least a quote somewhere if someone see it with this form in this period of time :)[/quote]

Well I’ve considered this before, and I still doubt that the PDS Blue Dragon and baby dragon are there simply as an added extra. The baby dragon in PDS explains what the Zwei ending was all about, after all. (That glowing Dragon Crest inside Shelcoof.) I’m sure that makes it a part of the plot… why would the Dragon Crest at the end of Zwei be a part of the plot if the one on Saga isn’t? That wouldn’t make much sense, at least to me…

As I said earlier, I expect that it was some kind of phoenix birth. I don’t think that anyone here believes it was normal reproduction… at least I really hope they don’t :slight_smile:

Why would it be there on first place (the baby dragon in sestren) d-unit? Why would it be released at this time? Why would Orta go back to the ruins? What ruins exactly?

And no I don’t think it was “normal reproduction” either, still I don’t think it was something “magic” like the phoenix rebirth either. Just some different method of “reproduction”, either cos of Lagi’s mutation or cos of a re-programming in his life cycle by the heresy dragon. And I’m using the word reprogramming rather than just DNA altering cos as we all know every single creature we’ve encountered in PDS is bio engineered, so that includes the coolias I guess…

Also even in our world theres a lot of creatures that don’t reproduce the “traditional” way…

Doh, I wanted to add something more but forgot about it… nevermind the edits…I mainly just elaborated a little more to explain things I’m saying better in the end

I think I agree with Alex on this one; as odd as it may see, the ending narration implies nothing more complex than the dragon dying and literally leaving the baby dragon in its wake.

Remember that if the baby dragon was left behind in the Sestren system / the Legacy ruin, Orta would have no way of knowing about it either. Lagi simply dropped dead at the end of the game, and without the Heresy Program he didn’t seem to be able to do the “mind meld” thing any more. Orta would almost certainly not know to head there.

I don’t think that it’s a bad theory, because that “Quick Shooter 1” Sub Scenario certainly poses some interesting questions. I think you at least have to assume that the baby dragon found its own way to Orta, though, if you’re theorising that it came out of the Sestren system.

BTW, I also suspect that “Quick Shoooter 1” could be something set after the game entirely: Orta may not appear on the illustrations, but she’s definitely there during gameplay (and by all means she didn’t have to be). I’m open to it being Orta and the baby returning to the Sestren system in an attempt to discover more truths about the past.

Sorry, when I keep saying “phoenix birth” I mean some kind of genetically engineered, scientific equivalent to that phenomenon. Just thought I’d clear that up…

I think some form of asexual reproduction or cloning is the best explanation from the evidence we have, although we will probably never know the full truth.

Mabye Orta had sex with Lagi and the final scene is taken a year or so after beating Abbad…


I’m pretty sure that baby dragon was found by Orta in Lagi’s “remains” so to speach…