How/Where are you gonna celebrate the New Year's Eve?

Pretty straightforward a topic.

its my 18th birthday on that day and I have no idea what to do.
Any ideas? :anjou_disappointment:

What the fuck!? Scott’s older than me!?

Funny a paradox isn’t it?

Anyways Scott I’d give a piece of advise but it all depends on what you like to do best.

Probably sitting in my house doing f. all. :anjou_disappointment:

Although I might be going to some fireworks thing near me, but time will tell!

Another year, another chance to actually follow my resolutions! Hope you all have a good one. :anjou_happy:

At last, something simple for my simple mind!

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Chances are my new years eve will be spent a) on the 'net or b) on one of my consoles. :anjou_disappointment:

If I had my way I’d sit on my butt and watch all my new Kurosawa movies. =D

you know it :anjou_love:

but yeah, i have no idea what to do. I reckon now my beard might start to show

[quote=“Scott”]its my 18th birthday on that day and I have no idea what to do.
Any ideas? :anjou_disappointment:[/quote]

Congrats, you share a bday with my two sisters!

Mine? Here or the more likely choice of playing Burning Rangers/Tales of Symphonia.

Wait my Grandparents will be here…err…meh still probably playing something. I was hoping to get invited to a party but I found out it was family crap sooo…

Oh yeah, I’ll probably be up at my grandparents’ on New Year’s Day itself… fun! :anjou_embarassed:

Halo 2 party. I resolve to KICK ASS!

tripping balls in portland, oregon


Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Chances are my new years eve will be spent a) on the 'net or b) on one of my consoles. :anjou_disappointment:[/quote]

You two aren’t the only ones. My plan is to do those things too, but at a friend’s house instead, to make it sound better. =)

Lance’s Guide to Surviving New Year’s Eve

  1. Don’t invite everyone round for a wild party at your house. You will regret it.

  2. Don’t let any of your close friends invite everyone round for a wild party at their house. You will probably get roped into helping clean up.

Follow these two easy steps, and you’re well on your way to a successful new year.

I don’t give a damn about the new years; it’s nothing special.

But I’m going to get naked and start the revolution. :anjou_hardcore-motherfucker:

I’ve been invited to go out with some of my friends and watch a band called Shihad play at a rock concert. However, I’m probably going to be doing what some of you here are doing (stay home) as it doesn’t sound like my kind of music. I’m not really a heavy drinker either.

Like U K Narayan said, it’s just another day. But it’s as good as excuse as ever to go out and celebrate.

Trying to stop my friends from drinking themselves into a drunken stupor is an exercise in futility.

I think I’m just going to treat the eve of the new year as a day like any other.


Meh, I can’t be bothered with that myself. I’m a bad enough sleeper that my mornings are bad enough without a hangover. :anjou_embarassed:

Well, i’m going out in a bit to celebrate my b/day with an all you can eat pizza buffet :anjou_love:
Have a good day everyone :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Scott”]Well, i’m going out in a bit to celebrate my b/day with an all you can eat pizza buffet :anjou_love:
Have a good day everyone :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Happy bday Scott :anjou_happy:

Yep parab?ns Scott! :anjou_happy:

Anyways my plan (like 2003 to 2004 and 2002 to 2003) is to go with some friends and and loads more of semi-friends to a house near a beach location 50 km from my city.There we are to party.Hopefully I’ll meet some cool new people (since someone new goes to that party every year) and who knows maybe more boyfriendless girls will attend the party :wink:

Anyways my expectations aren’t that high for this party;this year I’m not really in the mood to party at all.But since I won’t have anyone home either (even my parents are going out) I might as well be with my friends (and semi-friends).