How gay are YOU?

The test is only good for a laugh anyway.

We all know who and what we are already.

Some of us don’t…

points to Shadow

On a topic about gays you choose to insult me…

…I’m not even going there.

Everybody, quit fighting! wails, and then stops when people stare

What? I’m an actress…

[quote=“Shadow”]On a topic about gays you choose to insult me…

…I’m not even going there.[/quote]

I wans’t calling you gay if that’s what you thought.

On Arcie’s test, I got 22% gay.

Mabye you should use Mozilla or Opera instead of IE.

Or Netscape. I only got one pop-up with Netscape.

Yep IE sucks.I started using Netscape Navigator and found it a lot better even tho there are probably better browsers out there.

I know what you were saying, it was just frightfully immature.

Then what did I say?I don’t find it immature at all…

I’m 43% “gay” on Neil’s test and 29% “gay” on Arcie’s test.

Statistically, on average I’m 36% gay!!


/me catapults those leather pants out the window

… Leather pants? shudders And I thought the people on the other sites were weird…

Orta, may I remind you that leather pants are unbearably sexy? 8)

Don’t say that, because it’s a damned lie.

no, it’s a damned opinion.

Well, sorry.

No if you excuse me, I am going to go set the dude sitting next to me on fire. marches away

And blood shows up cool on them.

erm… damn straight! :stuck_out_tongue:

You have disturbed Neil, Daz…

Keep going!

50 percent. ^_~