HOTD on the silver screen
I can’t say I’m looking forward to it but I hope it goes well…
Imagine the possibilities if it does…
Panzer Dragoon Movie anyone? (One can dream, yes?)

I can’t say I’m looking forward to it but I hope it goes well…
Imagine the possibilities if it does…[/quote]

I saw the last 3 seconds of the trailer last night lol. We can only hope it qill do better than the RE flick did tho…

One thing is for sure, it probably won’t be topping 28 Days Later any time soon.

If this was to happen, I’d prefer a CG film rather than live action. Otherwise they’d have to find a bunch of non-japanese actors/actresses that speak japanese (or possibly even panzerese. An entire movie in panzerese!)

Just seen the trailor for it and on first impressions it looks like it’s a RE beater. Bullet-time pwnz :smiley:

Lets not start this again…


Lets not start this again…[/quote]

Yeah, Panzer Dragoon possibilities are not often favorable discussions…

goes off to cry yet again

The fact that I once suggested Julia Roberts for Azel makes this a particularly taboo topic for me.

On the subject of the HOTD movie…I had a major bitch about this when Shadow-corp forums had a topic on it, and I, quite frankly, wanted to cry. Co-eds. On an island. With zombies.


Would it really, REALLY have been that difficult to base it around the plot of the game? I think Patrick Stewart would have been a great Dr. Curien.

I saw a 10 minute behind the scenes preview on my mates copy of HOTD3.
Personally I thought it looked terrible. Laughably bad in places and as for bullet time it was just a camera spinning round the action really fast while filming in slow motion.
It’s not gonna be top of my viewing list.

[quote=“Arcie”]The fact that I once suggested Julia Roberts for Azel makes this a particularly taboo topic for me.

spits out Coke he was drinking with a force ten wallbuster


I saw it today.
It was like a giant steaming pile of ass-spam.

The story line and characters had absolutly nothing to do with the games except for Dr. Curien’s name. They actually used scenes from the first two games in the movie, when a character shot a zombie, they showed part of a game when a zombie was shot. They even had parts that said “Reload” and the first boss from the second one, even though the boss wasn’t in the game.