Hi i am danielle

i know emma and Neve and i want to know more about this


I’m also quite new to the forums, welcome!

Welcome Danielle.

What happened to Emma anyway? I notice that you and her share the same IP address. Posting from school?

How do all these people manage to post from school anyway? In our school you have to get special permission to use the computers, and not only are most sites denied but they log everything we do and we banned from using the computers altogether if we go on any site that they decide is “offensive”.

Hey, danielle, welcome. ;D

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]What happened to Emma anyway? I notice that you and her share the same IP address. Posting from school?

Emma is still here, she just comes on and reads the posts. And yeah, they’re both posting from school.

(Please be nice, people, both emmz and danielle are new to forums in general)

I’m posting from school right now too.

Welcome around, Danielle.

Howdy ^^

Hiya! :smiley:

Hello. How are ya?

Welcome :slight_smile:

Every time I hear that, I want to add a little something to the end that I stole from AOL…

Ben venida ni?a! :slight_smile:

Ben venida ni?a! :slight_smile:

Why post the same thing twice Gehn?

it’s called a double-post


I was having net problems.I had to defrag my hardrive cause it was all whated up.At that time several net bugs happened to me.This was one of them

Been there… Done that…

danielle what are you doing

yes of course you no me your my best friend