Help with diallers

Somehow, a program with a dialler got on my system and it’s now dialling the ?100-a-sec number more often than not. I have already downloaded one program which is supposed to help, and all it’s done is repeatedly disconnect me from the CORRECT number and screw up my task manager.

Does anyone know a good anti-dialler program which is designed for British 08 numbers in mind?

Have you tried Spybot and Adaware?

I just downloaded Ad-aware. 102 critical finds, some malware, mostly tracking cookies. Hopefully that’ll stop the problem.

Damn porn scams!
I have no advice, sorry. :anjou_embarassed:

You should try Spybot as well if you haven’t already. It catches things that Adaware misses.

Sorry to hear that, Arcie!

Funnily enough, this computer doesn’t even use a firewall and hasn’t got a virus for ages! :anjou_embarassed:

Not one that I can detect, anyway… :anjou_wow:

I am gonna be making a “PC cleanup” guide for a personal webpage soon… if you can wait until then that is…