Help me please

Ok so am trying to get Myst IV : Revelation Collector’s edition from just got a Visa Electron debit card but I’m having some problems with informational fields.

Issue Number or Start Date: ???
Switch only: If your card does not have an issue number please enter the start date (mm/yy)

What is this? ^

Postal Code: ???
(of the invoice address for this card)

My postal code?There is already a field before all this where I gave it away.

Can someone enlighten me on this?

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Issue Number or Start Date: ???
Switch only: If your card does not have an issue number please enter the start date (mm/yy)[/quote]

There will be a title saying “Issue” with a one digit number underneath it
if not, there will be a start date (month/year when you got the card) with the title “valid from” or something

If not… then are you sure you can pay via visa electron?

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Postal Code: ???
(of the invoice address for this card)
My postal code?There is already a field before all this where I gave it away.[/quote]

Baisically your Post Code with the address your Card is linked to. Probably the same as the one you put before, so just type it again.

My card is linke dto an adress? :anjou_wow:

Oh and yes I’m sure accept Electron.

Also concenring point 1 : that means expiration date right?

There will also be something like “Valid First Day Of 06/03” which is June 2003 in this case (just looking at my own one here) which is the start date they were talking about.

start date isn’t expiration date
it will be like solo said… valid from …
to expiry date.

So there should be 2 dates

I just edited my post above, I kind of got confused with what the question was…

the only thing I see on my card is

“valid thru
last day of > 12/06”

They say the alternative to that is the issue number but I don’t see an issue number either.

Does anyone else here have a visa elctron?

I think mine’s just a regular VISA.

hmmm strange. Try to leave it blank, if you can’t, just put the date you got it