
Hey there, welcome to the forums.


This forum has the highest percentage of female members I’ve ever seen.[/quote]

You should travel more.



This forum has the highest percentage of female members I’ve ever seen.[/quote]

You should travel more.[/quote]

Yeah, it’s a frightening world we live in; women are everywhere!

Female gamers are on the rise apparently, which can only be a good thing.

Girls rule. I find it much easier to socialise with them than I do with guys. I don’t know why that is, maybe it’s because you can use compliments to boost your popularity in their eyes if they start to give you bad looks.

The biggest LoK forum that exists - Nosgothic Realm - has about 35% of girls.

Considering we are 4100 members that’s alot of girls :slight_smile:

Welcome Emma.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The biggest LoK forum that exists - Nosgothic Realm - has about 35% of girls.

Considering we are 4100 members that’s alot of girls :)[/quote]

Yes. It combines two of Gehn’s favorite loves: chicks and LoK. If you could get more girls on here, you’d be living in paradise, wouldn’t you?

I sure would :slight_smile:


You’re a simple creature to figure out. But so are most guys.

Guess what word im using to insult you right now, then!

Femenist? Bitch? Omnibitch? Lesbian? Uh… shrugs I give up, but if you did call me a lezbo, I will go to Braga, I will find you, and I will kick your ass.


I’m not at liberty to say anything other than WHAT THE HELL do you you mean by “girls like you?” What kind of girl am I?

You are an americanish girl!

Define “americanish.” I’m pretty sure I know, but go on. Tell me.

Please clarify this sentence. If you’re referring to lesbian sex, the position you just described would require contortionists.

I meant day btw.The toher day I saw these two girls in my school french kissin each other.One was facing the othe on top of her lap with her legs opened.

Let me give you a tip. When ladies are reading forum posts, they react like they’re in your physical presence. Discussing such topics of the like which you have just brought up, usually doesn’t go down too well.


I think it depends on the girl, really. There’s contacts I can mention weird stuff to, and there’s ones I have to be careful around.

Any girl that get’s offended doesn’t deserve my respect.