Greatest RPG moments

My favourite RPG moment of all time has to be from Planescape: Torment when the city of Curst is being overun by demons from hell, with you in the midst of it all (well they were devils actually but semantics are irrelevant during such turmoil). Somehow, watching the people and soldiers of Curst fending off nightmarish demons, and being torn to pieces in the process, was very satisfying.

Maybe the real world will suffer the same fate one day…

Anyway, the reason I remember this moment so fondly was because the city was more than deserving of the demonic invasion I mentioned. The city was corrupted to its very core, and a fallen yet noble angel named Trias dragged the city into one of the nine hells of Baator. You can confront the angel whose fate is in your hands. Will you kill him, or if you are wise enough, persuade him to seek his father’s forgiveness? He’s outraged with his own people for ignoring the plight of the innocent suffering at the hands of warring demons and devils allowed to run rampant across the planes, and fully intends to bring that war to them.

I used to love Japanese RPGs before Sega screwed loyal fans out of the complete Shining Force 3, yet they have similar memorable moments.

What’s yours?

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
I used to love Japanese RPGs before Sega screwed loyal fans out of the complete Shining Force 3[/quote]

What? You do realize that is an extremely stupid reason to not like Japanese RPG’s anymore. Western gamers have been getting screwed (and we still are) from great japanese only releases for years.

Anywho i would have to say my favorite RPG moment would be the final boss battle in Vagrant Story. I don’t want to ruin it for you if you haven’t played the game as the story is so top notch.

Yeah, I know. Sega annoyed me on so many levels, and now fans of the Shining series are paying ridiculous prices for games they can’t even understand. This was how their loyalty was repaid.

I was thinking about buying a few new RPGs but I’m not sure where to begin. Morrowind and Knights of the Old Republic were both excellent RPGs which have addicted me to the genre once again. I need another fix of escapism!

I loved the twist in the story near the end of KOTOR by the way. I can’t wait to see what BioWare dream up next.

To this day i regret not having finished Planescape when I had the chance…

(the copy was not mine)

A RPG moment out of a zillion of them would be very difficult to pick.
However one of my latest adventures : Shenmue 2 had a lot of them.

My favourite must be the part when we finally meet Yuanda Zhu and the player is thirsty for answers and suddenly … …BANG!!Dou Niu appears and we have to fight him.And he’s this big human mountain of fat and muscles…


Well it’s difficult to explain but I wanted to get rewarded with some info after all those hours looking for Zhu that it was kindda frustrating and cool at the same time that I had to fight Dou Niu…

You didn’t finish Planescape? Shame on you. >:)

Copies of that critically acclaimed masterpiece can be found at ridiculously low prices now.

I suspect, however, that Torment would’ve sold more copies if the main character had been a half-dressed female super model with globular breasts spilling out of her bra.

Planescape was cool but sometimes it was a bit too kinky for me.I stopped playing after Ignus(i think that was the name of the human torch;fire in latin) joined my party.

Did you happen to learn who introduced Ignus to the art of magic?

Those stupid mages thought they could exact justice upon Ignus (who until then enjoyed burning people alive) by opening up a conduit to the elemental plane of fire through him. Of course, not only did the conduit fuel his burning desires, but changed him into a force to be reckoned with.

I don’t remember anyone’s history.Not even No.Name himself :stuck_out_tongue:

I played it a long time ago yea know…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I don’t remember anyone’s history.Not even No.Name himself :stuck_out_tongue:

I played it a long time ago yea know…[/quote]

The game is by no means out of date, but you might be discouraged by the amount of dialogue in the game. I couldn’t get enough, personally. Your character’s statistics would decide the dialogue choices at your disposal, and even to this day, no other RPG has surpassed the complexity of this kind of branching dialogue.

The agme might not be out of date but it is a bit old.

The game is presented in beautifully drawn 2D sprites and backgrounds, which stand the test of time. Remember, it has more depth than most new RPGs, which speaks volumes about the changing nature of the games industry. People don’t want real depth anymore and even lack the patience to read. Games like Planescape: Torment are doomed to be misunderstood.

Man you have to admit that they exagerated with the dialogue.

(and I was saying tit is a bit old cause it wasn’t done in 2003 not cause it had bad graphics or anything)

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

The game is presented in beautifully drawn 2D sprites and backgrounds, which stand the test of time. Remember, it has more depth than most new RPGs, which speaks volumes about the changing nature of the games industry. People don’t want real depth anymore and even lack the patience to read. Games like Planescape: Torment are doomed to be misunderstood.[/quote]

Reminds me of Septerra Core. Great RPG, it had a lot of influence from Panzer Dragoon too.

As for Planescape, does it have more dialogue than for example KOTOR?

A lot more.

I’ll upload some screenshots later. Torment resembles Baldur’s Gate but the sprites are bigger and more detailed (well it was developed by the same people, so similarities are inevitable).

The next person to have the urge to speak to me on an IM program should remind me to reply to this thread x.x Busy atm.

I can probably guess what you’re favourite RPG moment is. Maybe a certain plot twist in KOTOR, or perhaps the confrontation with a certain someone in Morrowind where that person gives a typical evil villain speech before unleashing their misguided hatred on you.

Plot twist in KOTOR? o.o

I assume you’ve only played the demo…

No, actually. I just wondered why he thought that particular development would be my favourite.