Gash's Identity Theory

(split from TWotA Updates Topic)

sorry, but that Gash’s Identity Theory is complete BS.
this is so way off it is almost embaressing. gash was tortured by the empire (probably with an arch welder) in the same way edge was tortured, only he didn’t have a dragon to heal him. Jeremy did it never occure to you that his eye isn’t black but completely GONE??
his hand may have been burned and scarred and demolished as well, hell even in our universe people use masks and long sleeves to hide demolished limbs from other peoples view…

Calm down man, it’s just a theory jeez! What you said (while quite boring and unimaginative) could have been an obvious reason why he hides behind the mask, but think outside the box once in a while will you.

Oh and thanks for completely demolishing my theory and acting like an ass.

you are welcome.

thinking out of the box is ok, but that hypothesis (to call something a theory you need profound evidence btw) is simply as far fetched as lets say “Craymen is in fact Edge’s father…in law…or at least his mother”

i was under the impression the theory section was meant for halfway serious argumentation and not for random fanboy mid-tempo bs.

I was gonna say “you are welcome” too XD


I was gonna say “you are welcome” too XD[/quote]

screw you.

thinking out of the box is ok, but that hypothesis (to call something a theory you need profound evidence btw) is simply as far fetched as lets say “Craymen is in fact Edge’s father…in law…or at least his mother”

i was under the impression the theory section was meant for halfway serious argumentation and not for random fanboy mid-tempo bs.[/quote]

I didn’t see the point in paraphrasing when you had already summed up what I wanted to say so beautifully.

Panzer Dragoon has taken great pains to show that nobody really understands the technology that they find - why then do you think a few Seekers digging around in the dirt would be able to graft parts of dead Drone onto a living human being? Where is the evidence?

I don’t know what bothers you guys so much.Theories are theories.I can name you some theories at TWOTA that I don’t like myself but so what?

I thought/think we were a different kind of forum where we didn’t have to flame each other for our opinions…

yep theories are theories because they are based on evidence, hypothesis are based on assumptions. and I didn’t flame him, I just made my point clear. maybe I’m too old for this stuff…

Well if you want to start a semantic discution you should check some more theories like a time travelling theory I’ve heard about …ROFL jk :smiley:

A few members may have an idea how much I love free flying conjecture…

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sometimes a mask is just a mask.

My two cents anyway.

But there really is time travel in Panzer Dragoon! Mobo travelled back in time and is actually the Sky Rider. One has green skin, and the other has a green life force, so the two characters can easily be confirmed to be the same person.

In all seriousness, perhaps the Theories section does need refining a bit. As lordcraymen has pointed out, some of the theories don’t really follow the scientific definition of what a theory actually is. However, some of these ideas can be an entertaining read, even if the lack of solid facts to back them up is evident. Perhaps the section could be split into two sections, the first for “Interesting Ideas” and second for “Theories” - for those pieces of writing which actually use a certain degree of evidence found in the games to back them up and aren’t the “what if, what if” kind. Thoughts?

I think it would be hard to split them.It would be a better idea to just rename the section to something that could encapsulate both “interesting ideas” and “theories”.

Something like “Thoughts” for example :slight_smile:

Well first of all, how many theories in the Theory section are more in the creative idea range?

If there are enough so called “What If” ideas, that don’t quite cough up enough evidence, than you should make a separate section.

I myself think there probably isn’t any need for it, if you have at least some evidence, that you can compare and analyze, than there is no need for it. I mean take my Gash Identity theory for instance:

It may not have an incredible amount of evidence but the evidence that is present such as the Gash and Abadd comparison

, show striking similarities between the two.

Whom ever says that Gash’s eye isn’t just black but an empty hole…

Jeremy did it never occure to you that his eye isn’t black but completely GONE??][/quote]

is nothing more than personal opinion.

So your evidence is that Abadd was designed with feet that are shaped somewhat like boots, and coincidentally Gash wears boots?

Please enlighten me if I’m missing something…

yeah, I tell you, Craymen and Arwen are also Drones, look at the massive boots they wear…

Jeremey, only because pears and lightbulbs are similar in shape that doesn’t mean there is any connection between them. comparing both of them does not give you any evidence that pears glow when electricity is attached or that lighbulbs are if at all digestable, you get the idea?


i should wear a pair of boots like than and maybe people will think that “wow your foot bears a striking similarity to ABADDS FOOT”

Come on man… the ‘theory’ is really farfetch’d

They look SIMILAR. For all we know Smilebit could have based Abadd off of Gash. Yes, it’s not conclusive evidence, but just a comparison showing comparable features. So lay off.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]yeah, I tell you, Craymen and Arwen are also Drones, look at the massive boots they wear…

Jeremy, only because pears and lightbulbs are similar in shape that doesn’t mean there is any connection between them. comparing both of them does not give you any evidence that pears glow when electricity is attached or that lighbulbs are if at all digestable, you get the idea?[/quote]


i should wear a pair of boots like than and maybe people will think that “wow your foot bears a striking similarity to ABADDS FOOT”

Come on man… the ‘theory’ is really farfetch’d[/quote]

Listen, there is no need to patronize me. I told everyone it wasn’t conclusive evidence and maybe it’s not my best theory I’ve ever written. You don’t have to mock my intelligence. I put forth more “What Ifs” than evidence I guess. It’s fine if you want to bash it and all, but jeez it’s just a theory or an idea, I guess. :anjou_sigh:

[quote]LordCraymen Wrote:

gash was tortured by the empire (probably with an arch welder) in the same way edge was tortured, only he didn’t have a dragon to heal him.[/quote]

Well there you go. Here is what really happened to Gash, It’s a sad tale of torture and pain. I feel sorry for the guy. :anjou_sad:

[quote=“lordcraymen”](split from TWotA Updates Topic)
gash was tortured by the empire.[/quote]

I’m curious as to what makes you so sure on that. Gash said that the seekers were made up my survivors of villages attacked by monsters. Couldn’t Gash have recieved his injuries when his village was attacked before he joined the seekers? or even during his time with them - there would plenty of times gash could have been injured by monsters. (or to throw in other ideas some ancient machine he was working on could have blown up… There are dozens of ways one could be hurt. Perhaps he put his toaster on too high a setting :stuck_out_tongue: )