FIFA World Cup 2006

Someone’s getting their arse kickied today :anjou_happy:

1998 - Poor refereeing cost us.
2000 - Our team was shit.
2002 - Our team were pansies.
2004 - Poor refereeing cost us.
2006 - Poor refereeing cost us.


I’ll reply to that in a week or so…

It was a red card imo…
But now watch the (general) nation find a Manchester United player to blame - Oh look! Rooney got red carded and Ronaldo was around the area (and buried that final penalty)
it always happens. Beckham 1998 prime example anyone? Oh well…

Anyways i watched the match at a portugese bar in south west london. Atmosphere was great! Semi’s look intresting now… I think Germany will do it

I was really shocked at Argentina going out, the team looked so strong and i thought the world cup was theirs…

How so?

2006 - Poor refereeing cost us.[/quote]

I thought it was stepping on someone’s balls that cost you. o.o;;

I was under the impression that lackluster playing and an inability to score on PKs was England’s downfall.

[quote=“Pedro The Hutt”]

2006 - Poor refereeing cost us.[/quote]

I thought it was stepping on someone’s balls that cost you. o.o;;[/quote]

Rooney’s case didn’t have anything to do with it.Sure, I think he deserved the red card but England could still have scored after that (and they had a couple of chances to do it).

I fail to see why he was sent off. If it was for the boot-to-nads thing, it’s ridiculous. Dangerous play? Hardly. It was accidental, and things like that happen in football. You’ll notice the referee wasn’t going to book Rooney until he pushed Ronaldo, and that isn’t a red card offence by any stretch of the imagination. So any other ideas?

Accidental?I dont’ think so.Ricardo Carvalho was pushing him a bit and if you watch closely you can see that if Rooney was simply progresisng along the pitch he wouldn’t need to stick his feet backwards…

Plus pushing Ronaldo is surely a fair aggravator.


Not for a red card it isn’t.

I found it quite strange that England did not manage to score once. They seemed quite in control of the game, and every time Portugal did have a chance, they were almost bound to miss it since they had no proper strikers on the field. It was like a hunter facing a declawed lion, only to realise he forgot to bring his bullets.

Another thing bothered me was that Sven didn’t seem to care. He sat there the entire match and the other guy was dancing about with a clipboard, making motions at the players. I thought Sven was supposed to be the boss, not clipboard-man. It was only towards the end of the match that Sven bothered to get involved.

Sure, you can blame Rooney getting sent off for losing the match. You can blame Beckham being injured for losing the match. If either of these is the case, though, then the England Team isn’t as much as a Team as Beckham, Rooney and the 9 other guys who tagged along. Hell, I was panicking when the Human Flail (Crouch) got the ball, because he seemed almost too good at using his body to gain or keep possession.

What did not help this feeling was the BBC’s utterly woeful commentary: “It’s the Ten Men of England holding out for penalties…” and other almost battle-like comments, rather nicely put on the anniversairy of the Somme. Obviously, that was not intentional, but seeing their faces after the match was a picture. “It was Rooney.” “It was Beckham.” “Portugal just got through because Penalties are a game of chance.” Oh dear. When I watched the Ecuador game, neither team really seemed to want to win and the only reason THAT didn’t go to penalties was a fairly impressive set piece from Beckham. If they hadn’t had that free-kick, who knows what might of happened?

I don’t watch football often, but that’s me $0.02.

XD I caught some of the after match commentary on the BBC while waiting for Doctor Who to begin.

What I found odd was that they were talking as though they had sent 11 amateurs to the World Cup that they could easily outplay themselves. Oh well, there’s a Belgian saying that roughly translated says: “The best captains are on shore.” I’m sure it applies to them.

Rooney clearly had intent. When i was first watching it i thought it was just an accidental step - but after looking at the replay you can see he forcefully pushes harder down…

And crouch can’t hold up the ball he’s terrible at it.

Slightly off topic - Beckham retires as England Captain… imo he isn’t captain material, and he just stepped down rather than being told to by new management.

You know, when Scotland go out, we laugh and say we suck, but there’s always next year. When England go out, there’s one person or incident to blame that stopped their otherwise unstoppable team from winning the cup. :anjou_sigh:

I blame the pundits myself.

“So, we’ve won a group stage game, how do you think we’ll do in the final?”

I like how the word bitch as an english flag in background…The guy who made that pic probably had a hidden message lol

Gosh…how I love sore losers…


and also, what arcie said