Favorite Sonic Game?

I have to agree about Sonic Adventure I. It was by far my favorite Sonic title, and if you can understand Japanese, all the better, as it included that excellent Japanese voice actors for the characters.

I just voted for SA1 because it was so revolutionary at the time, as opposed to many of its predecessors, which while they were awesome, could have easily been overlooked for “just another platform game.”

Also, I should note that SA1 was the first game to let you play so many characters. I loved the final battle with Perfect Chaos, where you transform into Super Sonic.

Well… people here are probably going to be annoyed with me for this, but I’ve only had an NES, SNES, N64, PSX, and GCN… But I did play some of Sonic 1, 2, and 3… Overall I like 2 the best. But I certainly haven’t played all of them.