Favorite Sonic Game?

Details, details…


Knuckles did not wear a hat in Sonic Adventure, or any of the other Sonic games. Only in the anime.

Quite correct (in that you have no skill). Sonic 2 on the 8-bit consoles was a good bit harder than the first Sonic 8-bit, but it’s still perfectly possible. Still, the last boss of Sonic Chaos was just plain unfair in his second form (you die even if you have rings, wtf?).[/quote]

After playing Sonic 2, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic 3, and Sonic Chaos i found the difficulty of Sonic 2 on game gear to be a turn off. Plus the levels didnt seem as fast as the genesis games. Ah well i still think Sonic 2 on GG sucks.


I bet you like the music more than the actual game, Scott :D[/quote]

hehe the music rules! :slight_smile: I listen to it now and again still, as for the game, “nostalgia” is what makes me like it mostly

Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles really shouldn’t be listed as seperate games, it’s almost like listing disc 1 of Azel as one game and discs 3 and 4 as another.

My favourite Sonic game is without a doubt Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It had almost everything that made the series great up until that point, threw some interesting new ideas around (such as the elemental barriers, alternate routes for characters, etc) and had huge and well designed levels with diverging pathways. The music was nice too, and the plot was simple and fun enough.

It did have its drawbacks though. The Sonic & Knuckles theme musics were nowhere near the quality to that of Sonic 3’s, and yet S3&K gets stuck with them. Sonic’s sprite is too cutesy. Tails gets stuck with the same pathways as Sonic, rather than having something different like Knuckles does. The Special Stages are too easy to enter, and too easy generally (the Advance series has the exact opposite problem funnily enough). The extra Super and Hyper characters were overkill, it should’ve just stayed with Super Sonic. The Super Emerald/Mushroom Hill thing made the game feel disjointed. Visually the levels were very nice, but didn’t have the same surrealistic flair as Sonic 1 and Sonic CD.

And no Picky. :frowning:

Otherwise, it was an awesome game.

Runner ups are Sonic Adventure and Sonic CD. Special mentions go to Tails Adventures, for being perhaps the best spinoff Sonic has had and yet being so unfortunately overlooked, and Sonic & Tails 2 for introducing Fang the Sniper.

Sonic 2 had the best gosh darn ending. But the combination of Sonic 3 and Knuckles companion just opened up worlds that just blew my mind. Seeing Hyper Sonic for the first time was exhilirating.

What happened to Sonic 3D, flickie’s island?

Sonic 3D was a bit sub-par, in my opinion. Especially the one glitch that took about 8 lives off of me in the same amount of minutes.

Sonic 2 for the Game Gear/Master System was a nightmare. You needed to find all the Chaos Emeralds before being allowed to fight the last boss, and they were all well hidden.

ONE was well hidden (Gimmick Mountain). The rest were fairly easy once you realised that all the Emeralds were in Act 2, in my opinion.

You also need to take into account that I was 12 when I played the game. As annoying as Sonic 2 for the Master System was I somehow forced myself to complete it.

Sonic 2 for the Mega Drive was more fun, but oddly enough, everyone complained that it was too easy.

Sonic 2 had a cheat that allowed you to restart the game from the beginning, yet still keep all your old emeralds, potentially allowing you to keep playing the easy first level while getting all the emeralds. But for the life of me I can’t remember that cheat.

Sonic 3 had the nifty save feature. Much easier to get the emeralds and hyper emeralds.

Sonic 3.

I never knew it was so popular until I voted though… Weird…

Same here.

So, I am not alone.

I’ve been playing Sonic Adventure in my free time and I enjoyed it until the game’s frame rate started dropping in a few places. This, in my eyes, is unforgivable. Slowdown is only minor but it’s frequent in some of the later Sonic levels. Far too many Dreamcast titles, even Sega-made ones, suffered from slowdown.

I’ve never experienced slow-down in the DC version of SA1.

I actually can’t remember if I experienced slowdown with it or not. A bit of slowdown here and there never particularly bothers me for some reason; I seem to subconsciously ignore it, which is probably a bonus. I did think that SA1 was a great game for the time it came out though, but as I haven’t played it for a couple of years I’m not sure how well it’ll have aged.

Well it is only minor, and in the later Sonic stages it’s more frequent in some areas. I just can’t believe that such a high profile launch title suffered from slowdown at all. There’s nothing I find more irritating than slowdown.

The game is quite fun though. I especially liked the level where Sonic hopped on board Tails’ airplane and flew towards Eggman’s ship which flung sentries and missiles in your direction. I couldn’t help but think of Panzer Dragoon.

I follow the opinion that Sonic3&Knuckles is the best and shoulda been listed together.
So in choosing between the two I’ll go for S&K simply cos Hidden Palace and Doomsday Zones. Hidden Palace, the first time we see some story exposition in a sonic game? Fighting Knuckles is a fun and Im glad the game allowed you to resolve that little dispute, all those times he blew out the bridges beneath your feet…
Doomsday zone is, to abandon all intellectual communication here, TOTALLY COOL, LIKE TOTALLY! Flying through an asteroid field to kick the shit outta Robotnik felt so good, and the shift in movement and attacking made it somewhat difficult intially, so beating it came great feeling of success.
Oh, and being able to play as Knuckles in Sonic 2 doesnt hurt either.

Sonic Adventure 1… it just screamed “next generation” when it came out.
Special Forces units surrounding this Chaos creature between golden rings floating in the air was so extremely cool.

Yes, it really was a first generation title, and I expected more in the ‘adventure’ section, but it felt like a great new Sonic experience.