Farewell from V-Man

Ive finally got fed up of my stupid name (vyper03) and decided to replace it with an equally stupid name(but one I use more on other forums). I wont do an Endow on you though, ill reveal who the new me is as soon as I find out from Solo whether this account need to be deleted or whether he can change my name. Anywho this should be the last post I make under the name vyper03 so farewell!

What do you mean Endow on you??

Kids these days.Their mind is like play-doh waiting to be “morphed”…

Make sure you use capitalized letter in teh beggining fo words :wink:

Endow was some dick who signed up on the forums a while ago. I would think he would’ve gotten on well with you :smiley:


Endow was some dick who signed up on the forums a while ago. I would think he would’ve gotten on well with you :D[/quote]

LMAO nice one Shadow :smiley:

Well, au revoir vyper03 for now :wink:


Endow was some dick who signed up on the forums a while ago. I would think he would’ve gotten on well with you :D[/quote]

Look my friends!!The fiend’s saying that dicks like Panzer Dragoon games!!

My penis likes Panzer Dragoon, Gehn. Something wrong with that?

Men can have two heads but only one is suposed to actually have a brain.You insult PD’s mightness with your heretic affirmations.

Gehn’s just jealous that his penis isn’t sentient.



Neil,Shadow - STFU!

Gehn, your right. The “other head” does not have a brain… but it does have a heart.

And what can I say? I’m a man who follows his heart.

Stop this at once XD!

erm… yeah, Solo (or another admin) can just change your name, and that will change it on every post you’ve done (not sure about quotes tho)

or yu could just make a fresh start with a new account so people ccan see the posts under your old name, but see what you and solo want.

Yay now I have my normal name! Thanks Solo. Btw can anyone guess which game my avatar is from? Bonus marks for guessing how I was able to play it.

Don’t know, and emulation.

Reminds me of Clockwork Knight.

The picture is from World of Warcraft and I was playing via server emulation projects that can be found at gotwow.net where I am a moderator and coder.

edit: wahey this was the 12,000th post in the Liberal District. Praise me!