Ugh. WHY is everyone so worked up over this? It’s most likely just a silly little advertising scheme. It’s not even that good, the countdown timer is client side. There have been cooler marketing campaigns of this sort in the past. I wish people would just stop bring this thing up everywhere. Whatever happens it will be VERY underwhelming compared to the response it’s gotten.
Probably some sort of product release on those parts of the world it shows in the map is my guess. All that talk about terrorists and virii and the end of the world is hilarious anyway.
If we were in the middle of a season of Lost I would immediately conclude that it was yet another one of their websites that tie in with the show somehow.
Bwahahaha. XD Turns out it was a project of a student to see how the public would react to a lack of information (surrounding a suspicious looking website).
I reacted most uninterested. I’ve seen several topics on this Eon8 thing, I visited none. =D