Dragons: The saviours of the people

Are you kidding agehn?They did that but only after the Ancient Age.That’s what I said…

how do you know that for sure though? It could’ve been part of the Ancients plan to destroy the rebels.

Not in my mind.Someday I’ll write it all.Maybe as a theory on TWotA :slight_smile:

The Ancient Age is a topic we cannot discuss with any level of certainty, which is great!

The ancients may have planned to create a ecologically balanced world that involved reducing the human population to a negligable number all along. That would give people good reason to harbor nasty thoughts towards them and their Towers, certainly? Why else would people oppose the ancients?

I’m pretty sure now of my theory : They were cleansing their enemies…

The books of Zoah mentioned something similar. They wanted to create a world without the impurities of the human world. What was it that made the Ancients different from the humans of the modern world? I’d like to read your theory about that Gehn :slight_smile:

Erm, thats exactly what I said o.o

You don’t understand : to me the Ancients are human guys.The Ancients (who controlled the Towers) wanted to kick other Ancients arse.

This as nothing to do with nowadays human guys

Yeah D-Unit I’ll try to write it tomorrow.It’s nothing big but it has my points of view :slight_smile:

To me the Ancients are humans too. But there was nothing to stop them building a ‘do not harm Ancients’ feature into the Towers and biomonsters.

Indeed. Abadd was fiercely loyal to his masters, as was Sestren.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]You don’t understand : to me the Ancients are human guys.The Ancients (who controlled the Towers) wanted to kick other Ancients arse.

This as nothing to do with nowadays human guys[/quote]

Zadoc: “The will of the Ancient Age still binds our world.”

…food for thought.

Yeah Solo but that is a different matter.I’m talkinga bout the Fall ( the first one no the Great one).

Oh and one thing is a machine, another is a drone and …

…then there are the biomonsters.This is the pyramid.The biomonsters are at the bottom as far as will id concerned still I don’t mean to make a point about this since I don’t believe that the Tower destructive power is a bunch of monsters…

But that’s exactly what the Empire wanted to control: as much biological weaponry as possible. The Towers bred these bio-weapons.

That’s not my point Geoff.Man this topic is getting somewhat confusing…