Dragons: The saviours of the people

Legends in Lundi’s village describe a dragon. Lundi wanted to become like the dragon rider in the fairy tales he was told in his childhood. The people of Zoah believed the dragon was a messenger of the Gods. However all these beliefs state that the dragons were good… that they did not bring death and destruction. Yes I know the Empire believed otherwise, but they had good reasons for that since the dragon destroyed their capital.

The questions I wish to discuss is why would these “primitive” people of the frontier believe the dragons were their saviours? The dragons ended the Ancient Age, surely the beasts that wiped out a whole civilisation couldn’t be mistaken so easily?

One theory is a group of people of the Panzer Dragoon world considered the downfall of the Ancients a positive thing. Perhaps an evil reign of terror and oppression brought to an end?

Speculate :slight_smile:

Wait a minute!!Where is it stated that the dragon ended the Ancient Age??

It’s said A LOT in Saga, Gehn. I think Gash even once states that legends tell of dragons ending the ancient age by terminating all the active ‘ruins’

Still I want proof :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t remember very well…

The people of Zoah believed that the Ancients were Gods. According to their books the humans destroyed the world and the Gods (Ancients) left the world because of that. The dragons were creations of the Ancients, therefore it seems logical that the people of Zoah believed that these creatures were good. When the Ancient age ended there must have been people left behind that still trusted the Ancients. After all they wanted to create a new world where war doesn’t exist. There were people who resisted this plan and fought for their freedom, and then there were those who believed that the world could only survive if the Ancients ruled it, even if that means that they couldn’t be truly free. I don’t know if we can speak of the downfall of the Ancients as it was their plan and their dragons that ended the Ancient Age.

The Empire doesn’t think of the Ancients in the same way .They used to be Seekers who wanted to free the world from the Ancients at first. They now believe that the Ancients were human and therefore all their technology belongs to them. They want to return the Ancients’ power under the Emperors control, not realizing that this could ultimately lead to their destruction.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Still I want proof :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t remember very well…[/quote]

Gash says this in Saga: “The dragons ended the Ancient Age by terminating all of the active ruins and towers.”

Which cannot be true cause Towers DO still exist…

They terminated all the active Towers and ruins. Some of the Towers may not have been active in the Ancient Age. Not every Tower would have been needed to wipe out the human race.

Good point. I wonder what the people of Elpis believed exactly… similar ideas to Zoah or would they have only considered dragons a fairy tale?

Those fools :slight_smile:

How much of their plan was it though? We know that they planned to return, and that they left drone(s) behind to do their duties, but how much of this was intended by the Ancients? It all could have been a plan that went horribly wrong.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
I wonder what the people of Elpis believed exactly… similar ideas to Zoah or would they have only considered dragons a fairy tale?[/quote]

I think the people of Elpis also believed that the Ancient Age was the Age of the Gods. They may have told it in the form of fairy tales but their fear for the ominous light seems to indicate that they had the same source for their stories as the people of Zoah. The ominous light was probably even feared by the Ancients themselves. By killing the mutant coolias, they were following the Ancient’s will, which is the will of the Gods in their opinion.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

How much of their plan was it though? We know that they planned to return, and that they left drone(s) behind to do their duties, but how much of this was intended by the Ancients? It all could have been a plan that went horribly wrong.[/quote]

I think the Ancient Age ended in the way the Ancients wanted it to end. However they did have problems with the high-end drones, so their plan was far from perfect. With malfunctioning drones left behind to control their ruins, they took an incredible risk to go into hibernation. But what could go wrong if they had an AI like Sestren controlling the Towers right? They probably didn’t count on rebels tampering with the Sestren system itself. The Towers didn’t regenerate the world though and I’m not sure if this happened because the rebels sabotaged their plan or if this was the Ancients’ own fault. There were drones left behind after the Ancient Age, and they survived for thousands of years pretending to be human, until they disappeared at around the same time of the Empire’s foundation. Maybe these drones were supposed to maintain the Towers and to awaken Abbad and Azel when the Towers had finished their work, and for some reason they didn’t. Or the remaining drones were actually the rebels themselves who broke free from their masters’ will, perhaps fighting together with humans against the Ancients. Maybe we even encountered one of those rebel drones already?


I think the guys from Elpis didn’t even associate the mutant coolias with dragons (well they really weren’t) so this has nothing to do with them…

One thing that continues to bug me is how dragons could terminate all the active ruins and thus end the Ancient Age if dragons were bio-engineered by the ancients.

I can only conclude that dragons were used by both sides.

Dragons haven’t a will of their own.Tnhey can be “controlled” just like horses…

I don’t know. The Dark Dragon and the Guardian dragon of Shellcoof both seemed mindlessly loyal to their master[s].

The rebels could have engineered their own dragons; however, it wasn’t enough to save them from annihilation.

I’m entertaining the wild idea of human rebels riding dragons. :slight_smile:

Not all dragons are tower-dragons.

The Heresy dragon is the only dragon that exists to “kill” the Towers, according to Skiad Ops Endow (I presume the rest obeyed/were engineered by the ancients). I think he was speaking in the context of the current era, however, not the Ancient Age.

Exactly.I was gonna say something but you have your answer :slight_smile:

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]One thing that continues to bug me is how dragons could terminate all the active ruins and thus end the Ancient Age if dragons were bio-engineered by the ancients.

I can only conclude that dragons were used by both sides.[/quote]

I still believe that these dragons were created by the Ancients. I doubt the Towers were really “terminated”, probably just deactivated. I can’t imagine dragons destroying every single ruin and Tower that existed in that time. I think it was the Ancients’ intention to deactivate the Towers.

I don’t think so.In fact the Towers would be needed.

Do you know the place where Abadd says for the first time that ressuscitation is impossible?

I think that is a Tower…

So the Towers weren’t just needed to make the world “live-able” again but they might help in the ressuscitation process…

Or whatever it was in the first place…

Good point Gehn.

It seems to me that it is an assumed fact that the Ancients went into hibernation at the end of the Ancient Age. perhaps this wasn’t the case. When the Ancients went into hibernation their weapons, buildings, machines, creations etc etc would all still be around, so the Ancient Age as we know it would still be going on.

Years after the Ancient Age went into hibernation, the rebels could’ve captured and reversely enginered a dragon, thus learning to create their own dragons. These dragons were then used to deactivate the Towers, terminating the Ancients’ life support systems and ending the Ancient Age.