Dragons: The saviours of the people

Interesting idea.Yes…

…maybe it were the rebels who made Lagi.

What Gash said is the only thing that fails to make sense no matter how you look at it.

If dragons were bred by the ancients why would they “terminate” the active Towers?

Zadoc’s research indicates that the Towers wore down over time which makes far more sense to me.

Gash, like Endow, knew more about the Ancient Age than he was willing to share with Edge. Why keep all these secrets?

Even by the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga we know next to nothing about the Ancient Age. A surprising thing considering the series was meant to end with the third game.

Man I really need to know : were is it stated that the Ancients were the ones terminating the towers Geoff?

Just one thing that is very clear in my mind : whenever we hear about the Ancients we CANNOT think of one faction but must visualise ALL the people living in the ancient age.So the Ancients who did this thing might not be the same ones who did that thing…

I define the ancients as Abadd’s masters and those who built the Towers. They were more evolved than the rest of humanity, or thought they were.

The book of Zoah describes them best: gods who abandoned the world, and left the warring humans to their own fate. Craymen even distinguishes between humanity and the ancients as two separate groups:

“Even if the Tower restores the world, the humans will just consume and destroy it again. Someone, or something, must take control of everything. Or we shall continue to destroy ourselves forever. This world was constructed by the ancient ones as a delicate balance”.

Why would dragons bioengineered by the ancients deactivate the active Towers built by the same ancients?

Maybe they(dragons) were programmed to do that after the Ancients had no further nee dof the Towers.This way the other guys(whatever you wish to call them) couldn’t get hold of it…

I’m wondering if Gash said what he said at all.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
What Gash said is the only thing that fails to make sense no matter how you look at it.

If dragons were bred by the ancients why would they “terminate” the active Towers?[/quote]

Well Solo Wing could be right when he says that there may have been Towers that weren’t active yet. The dragons, created by the Ancients, destroyed the active Towers causing the ecosystem to collapse. After that, the remaining Towers were activated and were supposed to form a new world.

That’s not it.IMo anyway.The ecosystem ain’t collapsed cause the dragons destroyed the Towers…

…cause it doesn’t fit in my theory (check above) :stuck_out_tongue:

The world was constructed by the Ancients as a delicate balance. The destruction of one Tower could have major concequences on the environment. After Panzer Dragoon Saga I can quite easily see Uru drying up and the forest dying. It’s ironic, but the Tower basically kept the ecosystem alive.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]What Gash said is the only thing that fails to make sense no matter how you look at it.

If dragons were bred by the ancients why would they “terminate” the active Towers?[/quote]

The Ancients could have wanted to wipe out humanity.

That is true, in Pandora’s box it states that the Ancients were the “citizens of the Ancient Age”. I like to call the Ancients that are usually talked about here the Tower creators.

Perhaps I’m being nitpicky but the Ancients didn’t create the world.

Yes 80% of what we read about the Ancients is BS.That 2…


Perhaps I’m being nitpicky but the Ancients didn’t create the world.[/quote]

The Towers formed the world, and those Towers were made by the Ancients. Yes I know the actual physical planet probably wasn’t made by the Ancients, but the Towers could change the world so much that it virtually became a new world. I guess it depends on your definition of the word world.

It just like how in the PDO intro the narrator refers to it as the “Ancient world”. It’s still the same planet, but because it was so vastly different it was considered a seperate world.

I don’t agree with you.The Towers didn’t create the world.They sustained it whenever something happened.

I think the Towers were regenerating a scarred world, or terraforming it into something else entirely. Either way they “protected” humanity by always keeping its population to a minimum.

I still can’t see why dragons, as weapons created by the ancients, would destroy Towers built by the ancients as well.

Lundi’s journal states: “This world has been molded into its current shape by the powers of a series of ruins we call Towers.”

One thing effects another. I think the Towers were built so that a slight change in their day to day functions could effect the entire environment surrounding them. In truth we don’t know why the dragons would want to terminate these ruins, but the Ancients could have had many reasons for not wanting them to function any more… such as what I mentioned before: they longer wished for the people of the Ancient Age to remain alive.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Lundi’s journal states: “This world has been molded into its current shape by the powers of a series of ruins we call Towers.”[/quote]

See?!It doesn’t say it was built but molded by the Towers.Now that’s a very big difference. :slight_smile:

Geoffrey : The Towers weren’t saving humanity by killing some of it.That procedure was only started after the Ancient Age…

The towers were reducing the numbers of species which hurt the enviroment. Us included.