Devil May Cry goes multiplatform

Chalk up another casualty to the PS3’s list of exclusives.

Do I smell Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360 in the near future? Why, yes I do!


Capcom either smelt blood or simply didn’t want to risk making games for a console that is selling so slowly.

Sony was riding on brand loyalty just a little too much while forgetting what created all the loyalists in the first place.

Neither platform has much to offer me at the moment anyway. Devil May Cry 2 and 3 were nothing compared to the original in terms of overall completeness. The fact that DMC 3 was a prequel to the first game shows the lack of direction the series suffered after Mikami left. I plan to go back in time to experience all the games born from love I have missed.

I think part of the reason was Capcom seeing how well their previous efforts such as Lost Planet and Dead Rising have done on the 360.

Yeah but the producer of those games struggled to sell the ideas to Capcom’s shareholders.

It was a gamble that paid off big time (thanks to marketing help from M$ no doubt).

Capcom won’t want to see the PS3 die though. They just don’t want to be beholden to one console all the time where they are forced to play by the manufacturer’s rules with no other choice.

We don’t even know if DMC4 will actually be any good. Dante himself has morphed into a girly man.

I, for one, am definitely looking forward to Metal Gear 4 being ported. Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops were excellent in the story department, and I can’t wait for the conclusion.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Capcom won’t want to see the PS3 die though. They just don’t want to be beholden to one console all the time where they are forced to play by the manufacturer’s rules with no other choice.


Capcom have always looked at the bigger picture is why I have so much respect for them, They could have inthe PS and PS2 days just been a SONY only developers, but never becasue Capcom knew having one dominant console is bad for them and the industry in terms of development ect .
I just hope the game will be better than the last games, DMC II was sheer rubbish and DMC III wasn’t much better , too hard for its own good and really outclased by Ninja Gadien or O.TO.GI II .

Its great news and I’m thinking that DMC IV much like VF 5 could well sell better onthe 360 . I’m just wondering whats SEGA Japan plans for the PS3 now with all this , Sales have been weak inthe USA and Japan and software sales haven’t been much better (well they’ve been dire) .
I’m hoping that if the likes of Yakuza III are ever to be made, they’ll be multiplatform .
I know like Capcom SEGA have too much money on PS3 development to turn thier back onthe system , but I just hope that all future games witll be multi platfrom unless they’re for a Pacific market

This just in: Ace Combat 6 is an Xbox 360 exclusive.

Now the only thing left to find out is if DMC4 is actually any good or not. It may actually turn out to suck judging from previous efforts.

I seriously need to play more Action/Adventure of Puzzle/Adventure games (before they go extinct).

Does anyone foresee MGS4 and FF13 following in DMC4’s footsteps? That would send the PS3 past the point of no return…

I don’t think Sony would let that happen to MGS4, at least not for a year or two, MGS2 style. Perhaps they have even signed it as an 100% exclusive, given all the references to PS3 tech that exist in the game…

Anyway, wasn’t DMC announced for the 360 months and months ago? At least, I always thought it was multi platform for some reason…

It depends on Konami. They may feel they have to invest more in the Japanese economy. Silent Hill 5 has more or less been confirmed by insiders but I haven’t seen anything on that yet either.

Squaresoft will always stick with whomever is the front runner in Japan for reasons we don’t really need to explain. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw another unique kind of FF game for the 360 though tailored for westerners. Even that, though, is almost inconceivable…

We shall see.

Capcom have always looked at the bigger picture is why I have so much respect for them, They could have inthe PS and PS2 days just been a SONY only developers, but never becasue Capcom knew having one dominant console is bad for them and the industry in terms of development ect .
I just hope the game will be better than the last games, DMC II was sheer rubbish and DMC III wasn’t much better , too hard for its own good and really outclased by Ninja Gadien or O.TO.GI II .

Its great news and I’m thinking that DMC IV much like VF 5 could well sell better onthe 360 . I’m just wondering whats SEGA Japan plans for the PS3 now with all this , Sales have been weak inthe USA and Japan and software sales haven’t been much better (well they’ve been dire) .
I’m hoping that if the likes of Yakuza III are ever to be made, they’ll be multiplatform .
I know like Capcom SEGA have too much money on PS3 development to turn thier back onthe system , but I just hope that all future games witll be multi platfrom unless they’re for a Pacific market[/quote]

They’ve also lost money on the PS3. At least three of their games have so far flopped on that system including VF5. I know VF sales hasn’t been strong in the years after Saturn but compared to the PS2 557,750 sales of VF4 and the PS3 79 000 sales of VF5, that’s just pathetic.

I really can’t see sega still supporting this system if it doesn’t start grabbing a decent market share which it has also failed to do.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw another unique kind of FF game for the 360 though tailored for westerners. Even that, though, is almost inconceivable…

We shall see.[/quote]

The closest thing to that would be the incoming MMO for 360 and PC by Square, which really is a western styled game design (I recall the Japanese hated Final Fantasy XI at first). Tanaka said the game’s world would take place in an earlier Final Fantasy title, but didn’t say which. I really hope it isn’t Final Fantasy VII’s… ugh.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]

They’ve also lost money on the PS3. At least three of their games have so far flopped on that system including VF5. I know VF sales hasn’t been strong in the years after Saturn but compared to the PS2 557,750 sales of VF4 and the PS3 79 000 sales of VF5, that’s just pathetic.

I really can’t see sega still supporting this system if it doesn’t start grabbing a decent market share which it has also failed to do.[/quote]

I really doubt SEGA lost any money of the VF5 port , its sold over 100,000 copies ww and more sales should mean SEGA will make a proift on what is a simple port . PS2 VF 4 is million seller and sold close to 700,000 copies inthe USA alone , and even with the small users base and littlle intrest in VF inthe US, Pt 5 already sold over 50,000 copies (only been on sale a couple of weeks) even onthe PS3 VF5 should sold sell over 200,000 copies and that should be enought to turn a profit .

As for SEGA Japan , I wouldn’t be too sure either about them not backing the PS3 , Its got a lot of money on PS3 devlopment and the big problem SEGA Japan has , is that the 360 only sells 3, 000 consoles a week in Japan and the PS3 sells in a couple of weeks what the 360 sells in total for the year , Thats poor and not enough to make a game costing over 20 million big ones for , and some games are meant for Japan only, so that either means the Wii or the PS3
Given that the NAOMI II pumps out better visuals than most Wii games I’ll rather see SEGA Japan back the PS3 and really show what the men and women can do on next gen hardware , and then port it to the 360 :slight_smile:

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]

They’ve also lost money on the PS3. At least three of their games have so far flopped on that system including VF5. I know VF sales hasn’t been strong in the years after Saturn but compared to the PS2 557,750 sales of VF4 and the PS3 79 000 sales of VF5, that’s just pathetic.

I really can’t see sega still supporting this system if it doesn’t start grabbing a decent market share which it has also failed to do.[/quote]

I really doubt SEGA lost any money of the VF5 port , its sold over 100,000 copies ww and more sales should mean SEGA will make a proift on what is a simple port . PS2 VF 4 is million seller and sold close to 700,000 copies inthe USA alone , and even with the small users base and littlle intrest in VF inthe US, Pt 5 already sold over 50,000 copies (only been on sale a couple of weeks) even onthe PS3 VF5 should sold sell over 200,000 copies and that should be enought to turn a profit .[/quote]

No it hasn’t sold over 100,000 copies,not in Japan at least which is what i was commenting on in the first place. Western sales weren’t a consideration. So Sega at least before the sales of the western games lost some moolah on the japanese side of things.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
As for SEGA Japan , I wouldn’t be too sure either about them not backing the PS3 , Its got a lot of money on PS3 devlopment and the big problem SEGA Japan has , is that the 360 only sells 3, 000 consoles a week in Japan and the PS3 sells in a couple of weeks what the 360 sells in total for the year , Thats poor and not enough to make a game costing over 20 million big ones for , and some games are meant for Japan only, so that either means the Wii or the PS3
Given that the NAOMI II pumps out better visuals than most Wii games I’ll rather see SEGA Japan back the PS3 and really show what the men and women can do on next gen hardware , and then port it to the 360 :)[/quote]

Well that’s the dilemma isn’t it. Do Sega back the Wii but having to end up sacrifycing high end visuals or carry on as they are? We’ve already seen Sega all but dumping the PSP in Japan.

I did say World Wide and the game sold around 77k more In Japan which give the state of the PS3 market isn’t that bad . VF 4 was helped by the machine being far more established and the machine selliing hotcakes . I’n sure given its a simple port has long as it sells 200,000 onthe WW stage thats a nice profit for SEGA, given that bulk of the costs are already paid for by by the Arcade version

Well not evvery game onthe Wii have sold that well have they ? , Monkeyball sold poor really . To me in a couple of years the PS3 market will be massive when the cost comes down so will the 360, while at that stage the Wii will be on its last legs. If I was SEGA I would back those platfroms with the big budget games and give the Wii simple games , but thats just me

As for the PSP I don’t see SEGA dropping the system ouright at all , there still money to be onthe platform

Seeing as no-one has mentioned it yet, there is now an online petition of angsty DMC fans who are planning to boycott Capcom over this decision.

This is happening over DMC? They’re mad that a third party game is not going to be exclusive, but still coming to their console of choice…wait…what?

If this happens over DMC, I don’t even want to know what the fallout over MGS or Final Fantasy’s next installments will be like if those every go multiplatform.

… can’t … resist…

There’s never been any whore quite like a Sony whore.

Good stuff. lol

Seems like PS3 is d.o.a. Now if Gran Turismo 5 will jump ship, I just might be sold on the XBox 360.

PS3 == Titanic

It’s a Sony title, so I guess you won’t be jumping ship.