Devil May Cry goes multiplatform

[quote=“dragoon lover”]Seems like PS3 is d.o.a. Now if Gran Turismo 5 will jump ship, I just might be sold on the XBox 360.

PS3 == Titanic[/quote]

Perhaps consider Forza Motorsport 2 instead. The first game got quite high reviews, and the second title in the series is likely to follow suit.

And while we are on the subject of PS3 exclusives, it is looking possible that FFXIII won’t be one of them…

Any racing game so realistic that it inspired a reality tv series is a-okay in my book. I’m not a total die hard Gran Turismo supporter.

I might get the 360 just for Mass Effect.

If GT5 is anything like GTHD I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. Talk about misspent attention. SURE they modelled and textured the doorknobs on the INSIDE of the car… but the car itself doesn’t even remotely behave like one. Staying perfectly level in corners? Not even lightly going through it’s suspension after a jump? Even Sega Rally 1 had better car physics. >.>;;

I think the mass appeal of the GT series is that it makes the layperson feel like they are a professional driver. The reason why a lot of people don’t take to games like Ferrari F355 is because the learning curve is too high for it to be enjoyable for most. While GT positions itself as a sim, it has quite the arcade-y feel to the racing at times, but in the end, it makes it more enjoyable for more people. And it doesn’t hurt that the game has always been gorgeous.

I loved the first GT, but haven’t really been all that interested in the subsequent releases. Not because I think they’re bad games - say what you will about the series, the quality is AAA - but because I’ve already gotten my fill.

I will say, though, that no other team has quite gotten the look and feel for car models that they do. There’s something about the way they texture the cars that makes them look right. Forza was beautiful, of course, but there’s something in the styling of the two games that makes me think GT4’s models were better-looking (environments are no contest, though). That’s just me, though.

As for DMC4 jumping ship - yes, it’s a big name and a huge win for MS. But I’m saving my judgement on the importance of this title until after we get more info on it. If they pull a RE4 with this one and revamp the series, it’ll be pure gold. But, the series has been on a steady decline (though they injected a little more life in DMC3 from what I hear, but sales have continued to decline).

GTHD got cancelled, if I remember correctly. It was nothing more than just GT4 with a new coat of paint. But I think with the power of PS3, Polyphony just might do some surprising things with GT5.

GTHD wasn’t canceled - it was simply made available only for release as a download.

No its not jusyt you Abadd , When it comes to car modelling nothing comes close what PD do and the GT series , Forza looks like nothing up to GT III or GT IV , the only corps to get close are SEGA with SEGA GT 2002 and Codemasters with Colin McRae IV/IV those games had car models almost up there, with what PD were doing on the PS2.
I still to this day never understood why people still think GT is a sim though , its not and not even close , its one of the most overrated racing series they is (the AI is pathetic) , TOCA World Tour on the PS is such a better sim , never mind the like of F355 , GTR series on the PC , Or Geoff The God Crammonds GP series .

I also agree Adadd on DMC , Its not as big news as some people are making out , I thought Part II sucked , and Part III was really overrated far too hard for its own good, and simply outclassed by the likes of O.TO.GI II (there again this outclass most games), Ninja Gaiden and the amazing God Of War

No. Of everyone I know who has played both DMC3 and GoW, they all say DMC3 is the better game. That is a rather large number of people as well, let me tell you.

Just wanted to correct something I said earlier - Looks like sales for DMC3 were much higher than DMC2. I knew they brought the quality back up, but hadn’t checked the sales in a while. Sales were looking so-so at first, but looks like they’ve held up quite nicely.

How is it that you can just “check” sales numbers and all while most of us are left to wait for news of a certain milestone being made regarding units sold before we know what kind of numbers a game is moving. Either that or wait for top selling list regarding months and years.

I know there are probably a lot of complexities regarding the implementation and data gathering involved, and that it’s easier said than done, but there really needs to be a site such as Box Office Mojo that tracks video game sales, where anyone can just go to and search for a game and see current totals. Does NPD have a stranglehold on this type of thing?

Well, we may get something like that eventually. But for now, NPD/TRST are the primary source for that information in the US. Even those are not 100% accurate though (but good enough for government work).

I have still to understand what people like so much in DMC.I only played Devil May Cry 3 but I didn’t even finish it.It bore me to death.The scenarious, the combat etc…

Besides, clipping is something I really hate in hack and slash games and DMC was plagued in that respect…

When the first DMC hit it was like nothing else, and it was also one of the first PS2 games to really come together visually. I have a love/hate take on the game personally, but it is arguably the most influential 3D action game of the generation. Nearly every other 3rd person action-combat game made since has built off DMC in some degree. Ninja Gaiden and God of War would not be what they are without that precedent.

I consider the original DMC to be one of the most important action games of all time, but I’m seriously turned off by obnoxious difficulty. The original was just right in terms of difficulty. Granted I never played “Dante Must Die!”. Only the normal setting. But if DMC 4 will be just as difficult as DMC 3, then I’ll have to rent it first. However I am intrigued by this new “demonic arm” concept of the new lead character. It might lead to some wicked combos.


No. Of everyone I know who has played both DMC3 and GoW, they all say DMC3 is the better game. That is a rather large number of people as well, let me tell you.[/quote]

Well let me tell you they’re wrong . Really imo Ninja Gaiden got the best 3D combat system ever in a action game, and GOW is just the best action game . DMC was brillaint , but is outclassed by both NG and GOW and after having hopes for Part III it didn’t live up the hype . Decent game, just lacking in aera’s and far too hard

Judged purely by the action, and the control/camera refinement, Ninja Gaiden is in a class of it’s own. I haven’t tried GoW2 yet, but while the first one was beautiful and unparalleled in it’s visceral kick, half the fights in the game could have been cut down to one and you would have still had the same experience.


[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]They’ve also lost money on the PS3. At least three of their games have so far flopped on that system including VF5. I know VF sales hasn’t been strong in the years after Saturn but compared to the PS2 557,750 sales of VF4 and the PS3 79 000 sales of VF5, that’s just pathetic.

I really can’t see sega still supporting this system if it doesn’t start grabbing a decent market share which it has also failed to do.[/quote]

you’re an idiot. and i usually dont bash people liek that. you have some of the worst logic i’ve ever read.

Well, look who has nothing better to do than visit random forums just to insult people… Grow up kiddo, then try again.

As for the quote, all it basically says is low software sales don’t guarantee future support of the system while he doesn’t condemn the system as he states things could change. If you think that’s stupid you need to rethink your own logic.


[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]They’ve also lost money on the PS3. At least three of their games have so far flopped on that system including VF5. I know VF sales hasn’t been strong in the years after Saturn but compared to the PS2 557,750 sales of VF4 and the PS3 79 000 sales of VF5, that’s just pathetic.

I really can’t see sega still supporting this system if it doesn’t start grabbing a decent market share which it has also failed to do.[/quote]

you’re an idiot. and i usually dont bash people** liek **that. you have some of the worst logic i’ve ever read.[/quote]

“Liek” talk to the hand.

Compared to some of the worst spelling i’ve ever read. Anyway I fixed it for ya so there’s no need to thank me…