

I could waste far too much time playing this game…

90 squares, 8547 points
96 squares, 8414 points
99 squares, 7721 points


117 squares
12152 score

great game and music!

now the real challenge is playing with your non-natural hand

with left hand, 5838, 77 squares

Or with your chin…you should have seen me trying to explain that one when my older sister came into the study.


this was the origin of where i found the game that took over ym revision life 2 years ago.

i dunno why the creator deleted it… but im re linking here (i hosted the game on one of my sites)

AND just recently i found out the song title by complete accident!! its a daft punk song <3

oh yeah, i puverised my old score on my first go yesterday with a score of 20842 and 168 squares =D

but aint been able to get near it recently…

[quote=“Scott”]i dunno why the creator deleted it… but im re linking here (i hosted the game on one of my sites)

Hmm… I should look into implementing a feature where posts can’t be edited after a certain amount of time (say, 30 minutes). When posts and topics are modified greatly, it breaks the flow of conversation. Any pointers, Mr phpBB?

I’d say, make that time a week or so. XD I hate it when I spot a typo in a post a few days after I made it and I would feel bad about myself if I couldn’t correct it anymore.

there must be some sort of mod that enables that… but it might be just more benifical to turn off editing if you feel its right

maybe there is an option in olympus (phpBB3) but i havn’t really used it yet… but if you do want to implement it i could look around for you :slight_smile:

i still havn’t beat my squares score… got 151 squares a few days ago tho

I can relate to that. Here’s a question - would you feel bad if the same thing happened when sending an email? And if not, is there any difference between sending an email and posting on a forum like this… is there a difference because what you post here is publicly viewable?

Have a hunt around for something if you want. I wasn’t going to upgrade to Olympus just yet, as it’s still in beta, but it’s certainly something I’ll be considering in the future.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I can relate to that. Here’s a question - would you feel bad if the same thing happened when sending an email? And if not, is there any difference between sending an email and posting on a forum like this… is there a difference because what you post here is publicly viewable?[/quote]

Why yes, I certainly would, which is why I read, reread, and re-reread e-mails before sending them usually. XD

theres also something like spellingcow for phpBB, which is just a general spellchecker. I was considering it at one point, but then again, i’m not much of a spellchecker.

I’ll look around =)

I use the spellchecker that’s built into Firefox 2.0. There’s also a spellchecker included in the Google Toolbar for IE.

The main problem for me is grammar rather than spelling.