Dark Dragon: D-Type 01 or 02?

In Sestrens 5th memory orb, the Dark Dragon is called D-Type 01. I always thought Lagi was the D-Type 01, and the Dark Dragon D-Type 02. So why is it different in that memory orb? Maybe Sestren considered the Dark Dragon as 01 because that was the most powerful dragon left? Or is there another reason?

No.IN the orbs Dark is called Unit 01 noot D-Type 01.

Correction: the Dark Dragon is called Unit 01 in Panzer Dragoon and D-Type 01 in Sestren’s fifth memory orb. Sestren even pronounces it “D-Type Zero one” in English, so there’s no chance of a translation error.

This mystery has puzzled many of us. Because the armoured blue dragon is designated the Type 01 dragon (in Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Panzer Dragoon Saga) it’s difficult to make any sense out of it.

Solo did suggest that perhaps the Heresy dragon was meant to be the D-Type 01 dragon in the beginning but upon becoming a rogue dragon Sestren shifted the name to his next most powerful dragon – the Dark Dragon.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Sestren even pronounces it “D-Type Zero one” in English, so there’s no chance of a translation error.

How so, if Sestren speak in japanese?!


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Sestren even pronounces it “D-Type Zero one” in English, so there’s no chance of a translation error.

How so, if Sestren speak in japanese?![/quote]

It’s true. Everything is spoken in Japanese except for that part, which is in English.

What?!You are kidding me right?

To quote Rich:

“If I were to say “mais oui” or “j’mapelle The Master”, you’d probably understand what I was saying. Japanese people often have a grasp of some English phrases, like “high score” or “press start” in the same way.”

How could I not see that?!

But it was just “d type zero one” right?

I think they also always say “dragon”, not the japanese word which I just forgot.

This is probably the most logical assumption. One thing I’m wondering about though: is the D-Type a program or the dragon itself? And if so, is the Heresy Dragon the same as D-Type 01, or is it a different program? I remember reading that there was an “anti” Solo Wing flying around Sestren in the last battle in PD Saga. Perhaps that is D-Type 01?

The only Solo Wing dragon (or dragon Solo Wing) you encounter in Panzer Dragoon Saga is Sestren when he gives Edge and Lagi a warm welcome.

I wish I could provide more answers on this subject but I’m lost in unfamiliar territory.

I wonder if that “solo wing” looking dragon in Sestren was actually meant to be Sestren, or another one of his guardians. If it was meant to be Sestren, then how do you explain the other big creature that it is defending. Surely they’re not both Sestren?

Why not?

I want to know why we didn’t fight a huge gold dragon instead. Perhaps we can blame the graphical limitations of the Saturn. :slight_smile:

No doubt.

How would Sestren be two entities at once? I could understand him being in control of both, but being both seems a little strange.


Well the defeated enemy data depicts Sestren Exsis as the huge mass of flesh we fight.

That’s why I wondered. Was the dragon that surrounded it part of the same being, or just another guardian? For example, it could have been the Anti Solo Wing.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Why not?

I want to know why we didn’t fight a huge gold dragon instead. Perhaps we can blame the graphical limitations of the Saturn. :)[/quote]

I’m pretty sure a golden dragon model could even use less polycount than the sestren we fought and then for the effect they could use something like the sestren space background effect except with a different texture…and there had been glowing things in the saturn before, I’m sure they could make Sestren glow as well but it would look great in the day even without the glow…It seems like a design choice to me.

I don’t know. Fighting a huge golden dragon with inherent draconic powers would’ve been so much more… epic.

“I don’t know. Fighting a huge golden dragon with inherent draconic powers would’ve been so much more… epic.”

Yeah, the final form that Sestren turns out to take is a bit… weird, to say the least.

I think the “Anti Solo Wing” and the weird monster entity are both just projections of the Sestren AI in the virtual realm; in the same way that the Golden Dragon in the cutscene seemed to be it, as well. The interior of the Sestren system just seems to be made up of illusions, as a virtual reality would be. Also, don’t forget that both the dragon and the main Sestren entity share the same life bar, and they both die simultaneously; heavily implying that they are just extensions of each other, or rather the AI entity that controls them.

As for the whole Unit 01, Unit 02 thing, I had come to the conclusion that the names in Pandra’s Box in Zwei - Type_01 and Type_02 - were just placeholder names, not actual names applied to the dragons in the PD universe. I mean, they have underscores in them - that isn’t normal for a proper name. I believe they were just put in there as signifiers. If the creators wanted to relate them to the PD1 introduction, they’d surely have just called them “Unit 01” and “Unit 02”, anyway, becuse “Type” isn’t the same thing.

It seemed likely to me that “Unit 01” and “Unit 02” referred to the Dark Dragon and its rider - who must have been been a Drone, surely? Failing that, it could have been talking about the Dark Dragon and the Tower itself - perhaps any Ancient Age entity could be called a “Unit”?

I’ll quote what I’ve written elswhere:

“The voice of Sestren originating from the Tower identifies the Dark Dragon as Unit 01 before it enters the Tower and exits as a huge flying armour-plated serpent, even though it confirmed the activation of two units. I’ve always believed that the Unit 02 Sestren speaks of was its drone rider, but nothing can confirm this with any degree of certainty. However, the drone and the Dark Dragon were synchronized which meant they acted as a single mind, or in other words, a unit. If that were true, who or what was Unit 02? The Heresy dragon and/or first in-game rider is the only answer, which can mean the ancients or Sestren created it, or better still, lost control of the famous dragon”.

Failing that, I have no idea. Somehow I doubt the Sky Rider/Fourth Rider was Unit 02 but I suppose it’s possible.

We know the armoured blue dragon is designated the Type_01 dragon and the Dark Dragon is designated the Type_02 dragon because those are the names and shapes of normal and spiritual classes of the Solo Wing dragon (or dragon Solo Wing) in Panzer Dragoon Saga. These designations are consistent with the names of the dragons in Panzer Dragoon Zwei.