Dark Dragon: D-Type 01 or 02?

I was sure those names didn’t exist outside of Pandra’s box in Zwei. Where can you see them in Saga?

Unit1 != D-Type01
Unit2 != D-Type02

Unit’s one thing, a dragon type is another.

I was sure those names didn’t exist outside of Pandra’s box in Zwei. Where can you see them in Saga?[/quote]

There’s a semi-secret after you’ve obtained Light Wing: if you have the baby dragon following you from Shelcoof, you can go to the Forest of Zoah and have it merge with Lagi to create Solo Wing. In doing this, you have regained the ability to type select from the following wings:

Brigade wing (ATT)
Skydart (AGL)
Solowing (NORM)
D-Type 01 (SPR)
(can’t remember the last one…)

Anything else you wanna know… just ask :wink:

[quote]Brigade wing (ATT)
Skydart (AGL)
Solowing (NORM)
D-Type 01 (SPR)[/quote]


It’s :

Winrider (ATT)
Skydart (AGL)
D-Type 01 (NORM)
D-Type 02 (SPR)

And the last one is

Brigadewing (DEF)

Solowing is the name of the form.

As Eye Wing or Basic Wing.

Hey, thanks Nevey… but I’ve worked all that out already. What I was talking about are the names “Type_01” and “Type_02”, which Geoff said appeared somewhere in Saga. My idea that they’re just cheat-menu placeholders rather than actual names kind of hinges on the fact that they only appear in the Pandra’s Box menu of Zwei.

Here’s a rather crazy thought that could explain why Sestren says “D-Type 01 activated” in the 5th memory orb. What if this piece of dialogue actually originates from a period before Zwei. Sestren detects an Impurity that it thought it had destroyed long ago, and activates the D-Type 01 dragon in order to eliminate it. However, the program doesn’t act the way it was supposed to, and downloads itself into a coolia. In response, Sestren activates Shelcoof to pursue the Impurity…

While this theory is probably incorrect, I thought it was still worth mentioning. I doubt TA would have made things that complicated, but who knows.

That’s not crazy at all!