Crowd funding projects

In light of Solo’s recent thread about Forsaken Fortress, I though I’d start one where we can discuss other game related Kickstarter projects. So feel free to post your thoughts about interesting Kickstarter projects you found. I think m favorite project that has been funded so far has to be the Oculus:

Initial reactions from people who had the chance to try it out basically confirmed that it actually does what it promises to do and that’s to finally deliver Virtual Reality in the form of a working commercial product. While Kinect didn’t quite deliver, this project looks a lot more promising. And with a potential Kinect 2 in the works at Microsoft, the possibilities seem endless. Imagine for example a Panzer Dragoon game where, using the Oculus, you view everything from the dragon rider’s position. Instead of using L and R you actually look to the left or right and lock targets by simply looking at them. I think it would fit the genre perfectly.

That said I didn’t actually make a pledge for the project as it was already funded before I found out about it. So far the only project I made a pledge for is this one:

The space combat genre is really making a comeback on Kickstarter and this one will be one of the first to be released. I’m certainly looking forward to it. Interestingly, the developers have also mentioned they will include support for the Oculus.

So, anyone have other Kickstarter projects to share? Here’s an interesting website that tracks what’s popular on Kickstarter and if the project in question is on track of meeting its goal:

I love what it can bring to the table (it’s not all good, but I can mostly avoid the bad).

I’ve backed Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns, FTL, Star Command PC version (this may have been a mistake, oh well), and Antharion (actually I need to add funds to my bank for the last, hopefully I will do it by tomorrow). I also backed Telepath Tactics but that didn’t make it, sadly, but they will keep developing it and try again in March, so that’s good (Antharion’s attempt was also its second, after failing once).

There are several other crowd funded projects I’m personally keeping an eye out for but not funding myself, like the various adventure games and space sims, and of course Obsidian’s old school CRPG project will hopefully be great too. Other RPGs too.

I’m interested in Oculus Rift as well, but only if it’s as cool as they hype it and probably not for the early products but for a later more effective and less pricey iteration.

Neat Kickstarter statistics, for example video games took up 25% of the pledges in 2012.

I really like how the adventure game and space sim genre are really making a comeback on Kickstarter. Ragnar Tornquist also started a new studio who will probably be using Kickstarter to fund the next games of The Longest Journey franchise, I’m looking forward to that as well.

This new video gives a good idea of what to expect:

%between%The 90’s Arcade Racer is an indie racing game that pays homage to Daytona, Scud Race and Indy 500 (so it’s a lot like an update to Virtua Racing Deluxe for the 32x!). It looks well made, enough for me to back it, though I’m not 100% comfortable with it considering how close to the original games it seems to be and that SEGA recently did get active with the Daytona franchise which could lead into more ports and maybe a sequel. But this looks too good to wait for that to happen and SEGA didn’t give the PC any love with that recent Daytona port anyway. It’s apparently by the guy who worked on the Sonic Fan Remix we’ve discussed. He’s only asking for ?10k, with a ?20k stretch goal. The ?15 tier is what I’ve pledged for as despite the monumental task it probably is to get this right, with the amount of content mentioned, lack of multi player (I know this would be hard to do), etc, I wouldn’t pay more for the game no matter how much I want it. %between%Trailer. Sweet.

Edit: now the minimum pledge that gets you the game is a more appropriate ?10! Yay!

Freedom Planet is a Sonic-style platformer that looks quite promising. … tform-game

It has already met the Kickstarter target, and you can vote for the game on Steam Greenlight: … =120841685 … f=category

The goal has been met and then some, but time isn’t up just yet.

[quote=“Draikin”]That said I didn’t actually make a pledge for the project as it was already funded before I found out about it. So far the only project I made a pledge for is this one:

The space combat genre is really making a comeback on Kickstarter and this one will be one of the first to be released. I’m certainly looking forward to it. Interestingly, the developers have also mentioned they will include support for the Oculus.[/quote]

I see that Strike Suit Zero is now available (including a GOG version :anjou_happy:). How is the game?

I saw that the developers were considering ports to Mac and Linux as well, any word on that?

My brother donated to that one. He’s a huge Fallout fan and loves those oldschool RPGs.

I’m keeping my eye on this too. If it’s as good as Planescape Torment then it’s definitely worth supporting.

[quote=“Solo Wing”]I see that Strike Suit Zero is now available (including a GOG version :anjou_happy:). How is the game?

I saw that the developers were considering ports to Mac and Linux as well, any word on that?[/quote]

They missed the Kickstarter goal for the Mac and Linux ports, so I’m not sure if they’ll end up making those. As for the game itself, I only played it for a half an hour or so before in between playing Persona 4 Golden, so I can’t really form an opinion on it yet. The opinions seems to be a bit mixed so far.

Freedom Planet looks and play great, although I wish they’d up the resolution a bit. Still, the gameplay and level design is more ambitious than anything I’ve seen from Sega’s Sonic 4 games. The 90’s Arcade Racer looks great as well, but with Daytona USA on XBLA I have to wonder if it really adds anything new other than better graphics. From the looks of it it really needs to reach its ?20k goal so they can add in more features. Still, it’s really impressive for a one man project.

I have no idea what to think of Radio the Universe, but it does look interesting. Good to see that games like this get funded.

Meanwhile, teamPixel is trying to buy the rights to Homeworld:

It’s an odd situation though, with Sega having recently acquired Relic entertainment it would actually make more sense for them to acquire the license.

Strike Suit Zero is underwhelming to say the least. Don’t buy all the epic space opera stuff. It’s an obviously in the wrong way indie game that’s too simple, shallow, short, with conflicting design decisions and little to make up for it on the presentation side (it seems the titular mech is the only good design, the rest are boring metal chunks and the story’s cliche is presented in a barely passable manner). I couldn’t bring myself to finish it, and it has nothing to do with difficulty like some people counter saying those who don’t like it can’t handle it etc, I didn’t die once to the point I played. It’s just so mediocre. Maybe if they released mod tools people can do something cool with it but for now you’re better off installing good old Freespace 2/Open and getting some custom campaigns or missions instead. Or other older space combat games you may not have played. Independence War 2, Tachyon, etc. The quote saying it makes BSG look like Sputnik is just so hilariously wrong too. There are crowd funded space games to watch for, this isn’t one of them.

That doesn’t sound very promising Al3xand3r, I’m not sure if I’m even going to get around to playing the game anyway.

That said, Ed Annunziata (creator of Ecco the Dolphin) will apparently be going to Kickstarter for a new game called “The Big Blue”:

I’m definitely going to help fund that game, if it’s a success perhaps it might finally convince Sega to let him make a new Ecco game.

That’s good news. But he shouldn’t care to get SEGA on Ecco, just make his own thing in this manner. They don’t own the rights to dolphins. Make Ecco, call it something else.

Perhaps The Big Blue will act as a spiritual successor to Ecco? In the same way that Golden Sun, Crimson Dragon, and others are acting as spiritual successors to their respective series’.

It sounds like it’ll be a very different game though, so I don’t think it can be called a spiritual successor.

That said, here’s a new Kickstarter project that I’ve really been waiting for:

TLJ is easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. Even though I found Dreamfall a bit disappointing, I’m still totally backing this project. Interestingly, Red Thread Games (Ragnar Tornquist’s new studio) has worked out a deal with Funcom which mirrors what Ed Annunziata wanted from Sega. RTS licenses the rights to the franchise from Funcom and fund the new game on their own. Funcom doesn’t take a risk that way, and RTG are free from any publisher influence when developing the game.

I haven’t played The Longest Journey or Dreamfall (yet), but I like the aesthetic and graphics of this latest instalment. The series must be popular as the project has reached 200K already.

Maybe Grounding could fund the Crimson Dragon RPG via Kickstarter if Microsoft isn’t willing to give the game a large budget. Or just make their own Panzer Dragoon Saga-like game independently.

The video actually spoils the ending to Dreamfall without any warning, so if you haven’t seen it you might want to avoid watching it. The funding is indeed going surprisingly fast, as they’ve reached that much in only 6 hours without actually having much of a game to show. I assume they’ll have to put up some new goals.

That’s very unlikely to happen for Crimson Dragon. I do believe it’s Microsoft’s IP, and they can fund a project like that easily. To Microsoft the amount of money made on Kickstarter is trivial, keep in mind this is the same company that funded Halo 4. I don’t see Grounding starting yet another different series either, as Crimson Dragon seems to have been made with sequels in mind. It would be interesting to see a Panzer Dragoon inspired title on Kickstarter though.

When Futatsugi talked about creating a Crimson Dragon RPG, he mentioned doing it on an Xbox Live Arcade budget. It’s early stages, they may not have properly pitched the idea yet, but it sounds like Microsoft may not want to invest too much into the project. Which means the game wouldn’t be in the same calibre as Panzer Dragoon Saga. So perhaps they could get additional funding via Kickstarter beyond the initial funding from Microsoft. Of course, Microsoft may not be willing to let them use that approach.

90s Arcade Racer is funded but the guy’s taking way too long to post a meaningful update so it will probably not reach the stretch goal. Still, cool.

We have the first Wasteland 2 footage (gameplay starts at ~2m40s).

I feel way more confident with my pledge after this, my first boxed PC copy in ages!