Crazy rant shit

I don’t sound that bad do I o.o

Nah. You’re okay.

You don’t sound at all.

Well I AM using headphones right now…

One of the reasons became such a divided community was because most of its members haven’t even played one single game in the Shining series. The site has over 2000 thousand members who would rather discuss the latest Final Fantasy epic.

I don’t want to see that happen here. This is meant to be a community of Panzer Dragoon fans, not a dumping ground for meaningless garbage.

I second that.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]One of the reasons became such a divided community was because most of its members haven’t even played one single game in the Shining series. The site has over 2000 thousand members who would rather discuss the latest Final Fantasy epic.

I don’t want to see that happen here. This is meant to be a community of Panzer Dragoon fans, not a dumping ground for meaningless garbage.[/quote]

Well said, Geoffrey, well said. Although people are welcome here who haven’t played any the Panzer series (after all, it isn’t exactly something everyone would have had the chance to play, given it’s rarity), I would hope that all the members on this board have some sort of interest in the series, even if it’s just be the art or a demo. Otherwise, what exactly is the point, I wonder? The Liberal District was designed to be an off topic board for the Panzer Dragoon fans of the Seekers’ Stronghold, not the other way round.

That was well said as well =P

I just don’t really see what the point of people being here is if it’s just to chat. These forums’ purpose is not to solely meet new people. It’s to talk about Panzer and meet new people.

Just an observation from my perspective… but the trouble makers got the attention they were looking for, so in a sense… they won. Anyone knows they’re going to get banned at some point if they act up intentionally on a message forum, but the overall goal is to illicit some enjoyment at others’ expense BEFORE getting banned. And needless to say, I think they got what they were after. Just something to think about for the future when something like this happens yet again, because there’s a 99.9% chance it’ll happen again.

Well I think this thread is here more for the people that are still here rather than the ppl that got banned. Imo a few ppl here (perhaps out of trying to be kind to the “spammers” and not judge them right away) got carried away and did posts without meaning as well in certain threads.
Also in a way it’s good those spammers got attention, it shows that here people aren’t banned on sight, they are first given a chance, perhaps it’s harder on the forum but in a way it shows this community doesn’t have the shoot first, ask questions later type of moderation. Still in the case of Blazing I do think he should have been banned sooner but I’m just glad it’s over now really… Shame we still have posts to remind him to us but in time they will get lost in other pages with the new things people will post :slight_smile:
And this situation also made me realise how cool it is that we haven’t had big problems like that before even tho these forums have been up for so long, I think that also shows it’s run quite good, I’ve never before been in a forum that there weren’t spammer problems every week or even every day :slight_smile:

Nevey and I just simultaneously bitch-slapped Tom and his brother. Here’s a little song for you…

If you could be a superhero
Would you be Justice Guy?
Making sure people get what they deserve
Especially bastards who spam.

Like if two guys came on a forum and screwed it all up
And started topics that soon got locked up
if you’d burn them and pwn them[size=134]until [/size][size=142]they [/size][size=150]die[/size].
Yes, then you would be Justice Guy.

Very true, but sometimes I think it’s easier just to give in rather than to allow them to further bastardize the forums

Man, if you look at all the locked threads, you know something’s gotta be done. I mean… Damn. I’ve never seen so many locked threads before…

I have not ethier myself. I missed alot havent i? Well, as for the spam thing, you wont see it from me ever again. Thats a promise.

I tried the “no spam” thing. I don’t know if I’m doing good on that or not…

I must also agree. I think if people want to use a Panzer Dragoon chat room, they should use the IRC instead of the forum.

That’s because on most other forums, topics such as these are deleted, rather than locked. And that’s understandable in forums that have a large amount of topics each day. I’d rather stick to a “lock don’t delete” system here though, if possible.