Could this mean new Panzer Dragoon?

Ok if you go to the Panzer Dragoon website you can see that it has be updated . So what does that mean?

If you mean that new block of text below the title, I noticed that too; though I’m not sure we should start getting our hopes up about a sequel just yet! Does anyone know what that message indicates though, important or not?

By the way, the above link inadvertantly goes to the wrong site, for anyone who’s confused - it should be with a hyphen, apparently.

There’s a link that shows that Smilebit is doing maintenance on all of their websites today, so I don’t think that there will be anything new. This means however that the website is still handled by Smilebit, and not Amusement Vision. That’s rather surprising since the PD team is now with AV.

Ah but seems to be a new panzer residence…
Maybe AV’s site :smiley: ?!

Whoa, that looks like good news to me if ever saw any. Rumors have been going around since October that Sega might be showing a new Panzer Dragoon RPG at E3…and I don’t doubt it, considering Sega’s lineup is supposed to be AWESOME this year.

In any case, I can’t wait!

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Ah but seems to be a new panzer residence…
Maybe AV’s site :smiley: ?![/quote]

I thought it was just a fan site, but I’m not sure. Does anybody know who’s site this is?

I never heard anything about that actually. I have read rumors that Sega is developing a new RPG for XBox 2 that would be shown at E3. That would make sense since the XBox 2 really needs an RPG to have any success in Japan. We can always hope…

They are just trying to make the site better…and the new edition to the xbox series isnt a box…its a V :smiley:

The Xbox has at least 2 more years of life left in it, if not more. Consumers will be pissed if new consoles appear out of nowhere all of a sudden.

Really? eh i saw a model of it and it looks like a v. they say it plays computer games, music, dvd’s, old xbox games and new ones. Although they were only THINKING of makeing it i dont think it might come out…

My hopes are raised!

A lot of people are expecting to see the first demo’s of the next-generation consoles in E3, perhaps even earlier. Since the Xbox 2 will probably be released in 2006, so there’s still two year left for the Xbox. I’m sure the Xbox will still get enough games until the Xbox 2 is released.

this years releases will pound the PS2!!!

With Fable and Sudeki right around the corner, Xbox RPG fans won’t be disappointed this year. Hopefully the forthcoming Halo 2 will be longer than the first game.

Game Arts have even announced the development of a Lunar and Grandia game for the Xbox, which again, is great news for Xbox RPG fans. was available until a few weeks ago, so it is just a fansite. KFC considered regging it while he was building Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon, but domaingrabbing is not for everyone. :wink:

I wonder what we can expect to see from this new site.

You probably saw a computer render of it, I don’t think they have any real models yet. And the latest information is that xbox 2 will almost definitely NOT play xbox 1 games.


Ah, just “shoo” and go get my coffee !!!
My aiching back :stuck_out_tongue:

A quick WHOIS lookup comes up with the owner of the domain as Anthony Torres. He’s probably a fan who (hopefully) plans to create a great Panzer site.

Why, I wonder? That seems suicidal to me on Microsoft’s part.

Why DO you wonder?! O_O

It’s not the normal procedure anyways.