Could Skies of Arcadia 2 be in the works?

This is just my personal impression of course…

Al3xand3r, to go by your post history on this forum, you have defined yourself at least as much by what you are against, as what you are for. So if you start to argue that you aren’t actually pro-Nintendo, it seems to mean that in reality, all you are is against everything else then?

As soon as someone starts using the word “bias” pejoratively, I lose trust anyway. Everyone is biased, but only one person appears to be trying to escape that truth here.

Lol. You’re funny. Ignoring numerous posts where I pimp things for systems I don’t even own (or for any of the THREE different branded systems I own, as opposed to simply the Nintendo system) as shining examples of quality is either dumb, or deliberate. The same goes for making statements like I’m “against everything else” considering that.

Then the icing on the cake, changing the fanboy accusations that have been thrown left and right to merely saying “everyone has a bias so don’t pretend you don’t Alex”. What. The. Fuck? You didn’t say “everyone’s a fanboy” now did you? Clearly, you only consider me one. Or do you? I don’t care actually, I was discussing with someone who does and started this whole thing (again) during a completely different discussion because he can’t handle anything that puts his loathed NCL under a positive light.

And for what? For a bias that apparently everyone has as you now claim? I’m worse off for not accepting that I’m a fanboy, because anyone else would gladly admit his bias? I’m sorry, I’m no fanboy no matter how much you’d like to think so. If we were talking about a bias in such an arbitary fashion as you put it now, twisting this whole mess to suit your given argument, then I certainly would admit one, as I have in the past. After all, I’ve stated what systems I own numerous times so obviously I’ll pay more attention to them than systems I do not have. Doing so however is far from being a fanboy blind to reality and all the other fancy accusations I’ve endured. Keep it up though, this is entertaining.

Again , you’re fooling no one , not least me . You knew fully well what NCL meant/stands for .

Coming for the person that was 1st the bring-in talk of Fanboy or throw the insults ,so very rich …

No need , its clear for people to see. I only said that RPG’s don’t work on a HH imo , to which I got the usual 'I must defend NCL at all costs ’ response .

I only said that PS2 and 360 were imo , the best systems for RPG’s . Depending on on views of Facts , that is a perfectly true comment
More so … being as I’ve actually own the systems , and played RPG’s on those systems FACT .

Well that’s somting , we can agree on .

Hardly I had another typical load of spin from you about Kenzan thread , when I only said the next Yakuza game should be more Next Gen like Borne …

I don’t mind it at all , even I will prise NCL now and again . I defy you to show , where I’ve ver slaged off Mario Galaxy . You know I’m sure I said it on this board too, and that’s my view that I liked my Snes more than my MD .

You need to ask ???

What , That NCL are a shadow of their former self’s , the Wii is a poor console , with a poor controller, and the 360 and PS3 are imo better gaming machines .

Yeah , I’ll stand by those views.

There’s no RPG’s on the 360 or PS2 ???. And I’ll ask one simple question , how do you know that the DS RPG in question are any good, or that the ones of say the 360 or PS2/3 aren’t as good . GameFaq’s tell you ?, screen shot tell you ?.

I value it so much more, if you played the games in question , Then we’ll could have a better debate .

I don’t think in such sad little ways , I don’t care what other’s think or say at all. I say what I feel , that’s all .

I do thanks , I don’t need sad little sales charts , I so much rather play the games instead . Shame you don’t

Again you stick to a bullshit non-argument that is both insignificant and also wrong. Always up to impress people instead of actually discuss eh? Fine by me, I’m used to seeing that from you.

What? Please re-read how the discussion went. I wasn’t saying anything remotely related to fanboyism and YOU started saying I spin things and “defend” Nintendo, which would be silly considering you maintain nobody attacked them.

Yes, it’s clear for people to see, but apparently not for you if that’s how you saw it happen. Please, re-read, and you’ll find the discussion wasn’t like that at all. I very much acknowledged your opinion and simply said that it doesn’t matter, most people have no problem with handhelds JRPGs therefor the DS is still a system I recommend to fans of the genre. You’re the one who allows your very, uh, “special” view on games and handhelds to put the DS down and now acknowledge its worth for JRPG fans, just becuase you have a 360. Wtfever, honestly.

[quote]I only said that PS2 and 360 were imo , the best systems for RPG’s . Depending on on views of Facts , that is a perfectly true comment
More so … being as I’ve actually own the systems , and played RPG’s on those systems FACT.[/quote]

But you’ve clearly shown that you haven’t played such games on the DS, and that your view is already slanted since you don’t even play JRPG on handhelds. How is that a fact then? Obviously, it’s not.

Because Bourne SUCKS and holds no next gen quality whatsoever. It’s a mediocre game that Yakuza should NOT take after. You also had many ignorant statements to make about engines and their capabilities, and stood by them even when you were corrected by multiple people. I wasn’t the only one against your stupid statements in that thread. Deal with it, or go back to THAT thread to discuss it again. No reason to bring up different subjects to make stupid points like this.

Off topic much? When did I say you put Mario Galaxy down? Even you aren’t THAT dense. All the haters use a “but I like that one game” (or a few instead) excuse to pretend their opinion is more valid and not biased anyway. It’s an old trick and I see right through it/you.

[quote]What , That NCL are a shadow of their former self’s , the Wii is a poor console , with a poor controller, and the 360 and PS3 are imo better gaming machines .

Yeah , I’ll stand by those views.[/quote]

Of course you will. It’s what makes you hilarious, so thanks, “gamer”.

Um, when did I say that? Putting words in my mouth again. Typical. LOL.

A) i’ve played multiple of those games, you just ASSUME I haven’t. Some of them are even on PC. B) I take part in discusions about said games with trustworthy people who know their stuff and have good taste (that doesn’t include you since you like Bourne). C) I am aware of the developers that make those games and their track records. D) I am closely following their development more often than not, and how much effort/budget/time goes into them. E) basically I do anything an informed gamer and follower of the industry does, and that doesn’t include checking your beloved GameFAQs. Like I said though, I HAVE played plenty of these games, so please don’t stick to another letter to make another stupid point.

You shouldn’t ever speak for the DS or Wii since you never spent much time with either. I know my stufff when it comes to other systems since even though I don’t own them I follow them closely so I’ll keep speaking for them, thank you.

Now to reverse this question. How do YOU know that’s NOT the case? You clearly don’t want ANYTHING to do with the DS, or handheld JRPGs in general. And when did I say the PS2 RPGs aren’t as good anyway? Again putting words in my mouth. I made clear that I don’t consider the PS2 a current gen system (despite the recent release of the awesome Persona 4) and therefor in no direct competition with the DS. Might as well start saying the Saturn is best for JRPGs because it has Saga and SFIII or something, huh? Other than that, who would even put the 360 in the same league as the PS2 when it comes to JRPGs? Only a fanboy apparently. You.

Yet you jump every time I say something positive about Nintendo. Clearly, you care, so cut the bullshit, you’re just saying the exact opposite of what you actually do, lol. Actions matter more than pretend-responses though, tough luck for you.

Sales charts? When did I use sales as a gauge for quality, or to dictate what i play? Again, putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting what I play, you’re so full of bullshit. Lol. You do this a lot huh? Oh well, maybe some day you’ll learn to have a decent argument instead.

Oh yeah , That’s sure to impress people on the Panzer board .

It’s clear as day , You were the 1st to mention fanboy , along with some silly little insults .

Yes it is.

No I don’t like playing RPG’s on the HH . Not a new point for me.

Simply facts are there’s RPG’s on the PS2 and 360 , and I’ve played them and enjoyed them . I call that FACTS . Who knows maybe some of them reviewed and scored well too . How many of these great DS RPG’s have you played, much less ones that’s been translated .

I just how would know ??. I don’t think its out onthe PC , much less the Wii / And how would you know just how well Kenzan plays , since you don’t own a High Def Console .

Now when you own the games and system’s in question , come back .

I’m meant to be a NCL hater , don’t you know .

Maybe , but its my own views . I happen to feel a lot of that, is true for SEGA, who are also a shadow of their former self’s.

See you don’t like it , before you jumped on my comments, I never put down NCL or the DS . But you had to leap to NCL defence…

NCL forums ???

Oh dear GOD, you’re only as good as your last game . I think most people on here , are well aware of developers and their backrounds , but its the current game they’re working on or just finished , people will judge the developer on .

So do many people here .

I lot of fans would , but its the finished product that counts . Might not look like it , but a lot of money and development time was spent on Sonic 06 , but that didn’t really help the final product .

Coming from the one that doesn’t own X-Box, 360 , PS3 ?. Little bit rich that , I owe a Wii btw , but not a DS.

Pathetic, Anyone can say that here .
I think most people here know ,a lot of about other systems and companies .

Twisting again are we . Where have I said I won’t nothing at all to do with the DS . As for RPG’s on HH , I’m not a fan , not matter the brand of HH.

For some it would . Not for me , I happen to think the Mega CD was/is the best system for RPG’s.

The more you keep on about the DS, the more you go on about me hating NCL , Just goes on to prove one thing … You’re a NCL fan alright .

No need to say anymore I feel

No need for me to say any more either. You’ve done nothing but twist everything I said to suit your needs, most prominently ignoring the part I say I HAVE played many of these games, and I HAVE access to the same systems you do, and more, even if I don’t own them, and then ASSUME I haven’t played this or that game. Shit, the fact I’ve played many of the games was my FIRST point. Point A). You ignored point A), and went on to deconstruct and shoot down the SUPPORTING points as not enough. This is how you’ve treated every single one of my posts, always dodging the real points, then twisting supporting statements around, and adding a bunch of imaginary bullshit on top. You’re honestly doing little more than making shit up. It is however hilariously pathetic to see you try so hard, thanks for the laughs, it’s been fun. I look forward to our next session.