Could Skies of Arcadia 2 be in the works?

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Tell JRPGs are in decline to Dragon Quest IX and its currently 3,800,000 sales :stuck_out_tongue:


Dragon Quest games are always Huge , so that really proves nothing . One looks at the lesser RPG’s and sales even on HH aren’t great .

I don’t think Sonic or 7th Dragoon sold great onthe DS, despite its massive userbase

Is to me , RPG’s just don’t work on a HH imo . The small screen , Just doesn’t draw me into the world and story , like playing a RPG on the TV . And in a any RPG, unless I care about the story or Characters , I tend to give up on it.

I’ll say get a PS3 and 360 myself and you’re more than sorted .

  • Which is why I didn’t only mention DQIX. Sure, the others don’t sell nearly as much, but clearly they sell enough compared to their cost since they keep getting pumped out and more are announced all the time, Square alone has put out a fuckton of them, but there are plenty more from other companies in pretty much any sub-genre. When did lesser-names sell so great anyway? It’s always been about FF and Dragon Quest honestly, the rest were distant placements with the odd exception. Even cult sleeper hits like Persona didn’t have great numbers at all, so there’s no point here.

There’s also market saturation to consider, after all, it does have perhaps too many to choose from, but again, companies seem happy with the profits. Unlike say, HD platforms, with the likes of Tales of Vesperia being touted as 360 exclusive, getting lackluster sales, and therefor a PS3 port, and its sequel is on Wii. Or Valkyria Chronicles being hyped on the PS3, getting lackluster sales, then a half-price slash, sales, and a sequel on PSP.

  • Too bad you can’t get into a JRPG due to a silly reason. Not having them on big screen doesn’t make them any less compelling if the writing is good (frankly, game stories are rarely good, it hasn’t changed this gen or with HD). Most others won’t have trouble.

  • I’ll repeat JRPG fans should get a DSi for sheer variety and quality too.

Tales sold amazing for a 360 title in Japan , MS loves to put ‘Only On’ on a lot of its games , it tends to means a short term exclusive window . Lost Planet as ‘Only ON’ on the box , yet while it sold over a millions copies , it still still made the Jump .
And Namco has producer a number of Next Gen RPG’s , so that tends to say , its getting some amount of success .

As for VAL, that’s just SEGA being dump again . Its should have been multi platform , from the start , given its genre is limited even in Japan . I would have loved the game to onthe 360 , PS3, PC, and PSP from the start . Classic SEGA spends all that time and money on a world class engine , for us never to see it being used again no doubt :frowning:

And how is it silly , reading large amounts of text , can give one eye strain on a big TV , never mind on a tiny screen . I’ve never been a fan of RPG’s on the HH at all . I also think horror games don’t work on the HH either .

To me HH games are all about pick and play , and played in short burst. I love my PSP , but I don’t tend to play it for long bursts

Eh, I didn’t say anything about Vesperia Japan-only sales, nobody in his right mind would only take Japan in account for any 360 release since the system sold abysmally there. I meant worldwide. It sold on par with past Tales games, except, it cost more to make. Hence the “roll back” to non-HD platform for Tales of Graces.

It sold the same as “Dawn of the New World” on Wii, and that’s not even a main “mothership” Tales game, it’s just a cheap spin off with recycled content, so it should have far worse sales than Vesperia. It’s not even released in Europe yet (God damn NAMCO’s delays in Europe), but it’s still on the same level as Vesperia in sales. Clear.

Get glasses if you think the DS screen is too small to read a lot on it… Anyway, I’ll say it again, you’re in the minority if you think like this, but from the sounds of it you’ve barely tried to experience deep, engaging handheld games out of habit.

And for the record I don’t have a DS but I’m totally considering it more with each passing day since it’s rapidly becoming the PS2 of this gen with great, creative JRPGs and tons more types of games on top. I’m not much into short bursts types of games, whether it’s on handheld or not, but the DS has plenty of normal, deep, engaging titles and it’s not slowling down even after all these years. And I also barely play my PSP but that’s more to do with the type of games it’s getting than it being handheld. It’s just not in the same league, it doesn’t even have that many JRPGs and most of what it has is lackluster, or a port like FF Tactics and Persona 3. Nothing like the DS library at all, it has many “classics”.

From MS , the 360 is doing well in Japan , with small but cult following , and never mind a MS game , any game that can shift 200,000 copies in Japan these days , can be classed as some sort of success.

As for the ‘Flamebait’ Alert . Lots of games gets moved to Handhelds and ports or spin off’s. Ridge Racer , FF, Tekken , SC sold great on consoles , yet get Namco also ported them to various Handhelds , same goes for Mario , Zelda , Sonic and a host of other IP.

I don’t have a DS, but a PSP , and have my eye’s tested every 3 years thanks , with my last one, being in March of this year (before you ask)

I don’t really rate handhelds much , about the only ones I like are the Neo Geo Pocket and PSP.
I rather play game on the Big Screen myself , and the main type of games I play on my HH would be Golf games , which to me, are perfect for the format .

Can we stop your classic spining , or endless defence of all things NCL .

  1. I’ve never made out they aren’t deep games for the DS

  2. Its not a NCL think , its the HH format . I don’t think RPG’s work on the format , nor do Horror games , or FPS . Its not a anti NCL attack , but what I think of all HH on general .

Pick and play and played in short burst , which is why I still think my humble Neo Geo Pocket is the best HH around

  • Lol. Considering this, that, this, that, it’s doing well. Whatever. I dn’t care. I spoke of worldwide sales. That includes Japanese sales. They weren’t so great in TOTAL. Being better in Japan than elsewhere doesn’t change the total being less than they wanted.

  • Facts are flamebait now? Get a grip. And lol @ comparing
    something like a Tekken spin off (was it called 5 or 6? No) to a sequel, or a port of a beat em up like Soul Calibur to an RPG sequel like Tales. And yes, series have shifted around before. When did I say they haven’t? I simply gave you the reasons they shifted this time. It’s not like it’s a case where they put Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PS3 and Chronicles spin off on PSP, or they put Tales of Graces on Wii and a different team doing a different HD Tales like they have a portable Zelda team and one for the home consoles. Please open your eyes fanboy.

  • I don’t care if you rate handhelds much. They’re rated much by most people, considering the DS has something like triple the Wii’s install base, which itself has more than the PS360 install base. Simple math. I don’t care if you only play in short bursts, the selection of games and their sales shows many people do otherwise (or it shows they can play JRPGs and other more engaging titles in short bursts also) even if they’re not the best sellers.

  • You quote my opinion of the DS and claim it’s spinning? The fuck? Or will you tell me that the selection of JRPGs on DS is in any way comparable to the PSP offerings? GET A GRIP. I HAVE A PSP. I DON’T HAVE A DS. STOP calling me a fanboy every time I say something you don’t like. You’re the one who appears like a fanboy then. GOD man.

Yet , when Abadd says about JRPG’s being in decline you have to react by bring in Dragon Quest Japanese sales , a game which as only come out in Japan . And its not like most JRPG’s handheld or not , sell well in the west , after the FF 7 fad .

[quote]And lol @ comparing
something like a Tekken spin off (was it called 5 or 6? No) to a sequel, or a port of a beat em up like Soul Calibur to an RPG sequel. [/quote]

Tekken sold millions on the PS , yet even the GBA got a port , FF sold millions and millions on the PS, yet we got DS and PSP spins off and ports . Same goes for various IP . What next Mario Bros was a flop on the DS , because we’re getting a 480p upgrade sequel ?

…Mummy… boys are making fun of NCL , please tell them to stop . Grow up , and stop the flamebaits

Why the need to bring in sales all the time ?. Sales prove nothing and mean nothing to me . Sales make out Panzer Dragoon Saga was a below par RPG, the Saturn a crap system , and games like SOA utter rubbish . Lets just say , I don’t agree , not matter what sales or reviews make out

That the 360 and PS2 are the best current systems for RPG’s , or JRPG’s . I’ll stand by those comments thanks .


  • Can you even read? Worldwide sales include Japanese sales. By saying worldwide, I don’t exclude Japan. I even HELP the title by including worldwide sales if it’s released outside Japan as well. DQIX has great sales WORLDWIDE-wise, even if it’s out ONLY IN JAPAN. It’s got great sales, period. Even if it didn’t sell a single copy elsewhere, overall it would have sold great. That’s all I was saying.

  • Re-read my last comment, you said nothing new so I won’t repeat myself.

  • Again, facts are fanboyism? Take your own advice and grow up.

  • I brought up sales? Abadd discussed sales, or do you think this “decline” he mentioned reffered to things other than sales? You jumped in to answer to my comment to him. Keep track of the conversation please. Now sales don’t matter? Then stop posting cos we have no discussion with each other then, you’re arguing with whatever’s in your head.

Not to mention in this instance I simply use sales to show you WHAT PPL ARE PLAYING, even though you try to say that because YOU don’t play JRPGs on DS/handhelds, then that’s what matters, and handhelds aren’t suitable, just because YOU don’t like them. Who even mentioned reviews here? They’re not part of this discussion. You don’t matter. The market does. People play JRPGs on handhelds, even if you don’t. Capiche?

  • Stand by whatever bullshit you want. The PS2 is not current gen, there’s a PS3, you know. That is why I likened the DS to a current PS2 JRPG wise. Yes, I know it still gets the occasional release. And the 360 is not in any way, shape or form close to the DS. If you want to call the PS2 current, fine, the PS2 and the DS are the definitve JRPG systems nowadays, even if the DS isn’t for you. You don’t matter, as one person, and the market shows otherwise. Capiche?

  • Sure, keep claiming that. Lol. You’re too obvious still.

Yes , and worldwide sales mean exactly that , sales made up from charts sales from Japan, USA, Europe . Now DQ 9 hasn’t been released yet in the USA or Europe .

Yes , classic GameFAQ forum stuff, Oh my Console sell better than yours ECT , This game must be brilliant as it sold millions .

Yes , as the appeal of the genre isn’t was it once was not , not just in sales , but in hype and gaming coverage . It’s also not great for Japanese developers to back the Hand Helds , as cover and short terms measures for poor sales in Japan of 360 and PS3 .
Japanese developers need to embrace the Next Gen and learn to make games that appeal and worlk on the WW stage
Either that or Japan will fall further and further behinds the times , in terms of tech and gameplay . Sadly only Capcom and to a point From Software get this

Abadd knows more about games than I’ll ever know , I simply pointed out that DQ games sell massive , not matter the format . Kind of like Madden does in the USA. But both games appeal on the Worldwide stage is very limited .

People can tell the little piss poor tactics of the NCL faithful .
Tell tale signs… sales and little knocks about HD (High Def) . Like High Def is even a bad thing rolls eyes . Sad and pathetic really .

The system is still being manufactured and games still being made for it , its current gen , and along with the 360 offers some fantastic RPG’s

Yes I know , I owe one , but its not great for RPG’s at the moment

By saying JRPGs are on the decline, I meant worldwide. Looking at a single market (which you also admit is in decline in general) that is the smallest market is disingenuous. While in Japan, the vast majority of sales are happening on the DS, outside of Japan, the money is all on the X360 (and PS3 in Europe) for third party publishers. Games like Dragon Quest are the exception to the rule, not the rule itself. Japanese developers have admitted as much. They have accepted that western developers have surpassed them in technology, innovation, etc, which is why so many are turning to western solutions (Unreal, etc).

Whether or not Japanese games are more “polished” is a highly debatable claim. You can look at games like Rock Band, COD, or whatever and see that they are extremely polished and have very few bugs. But you can also look at a game like Oblivion and claim it has a ton of bugs… but there are no comparisons of similar games coming out of Japan. There simply are no games of that scale, which is why there are so many bugs (it’s impossible to fully test and debug a game of that size).

Of all the Japanese developers, Capcom is the only one that has managed to stay on top of its game and saw the writing on the wall. It was no coincidence that Dead Rising “felt” like a western game. RE4 was also heavily influenced by western shooters (too bad RE5 didn’t make similar leaps in style). They’ve seen how western games have changed the landscape and have adapted. The vast majority of Japanese developers have refused to or have been incapable of change. Hopefully this will not continue for too much longer, as it would be a shame to lose the creativity that many developers have.

But, regardless of all that, my original statement was made simply because the JRPG market is extremely limited outside of Japan (and even within Japan - a successful RPG is considered to be 150K or so units), which makes budgeting for a next gen RPG extremely difficult. So, you end up on DS, with the 50,000 other RPGs. It’s stuck in a downward spiral, which is why there is extreme reluctance to do something like a SoA2. It would be a hard sell even in a healthy market, but with the situation as it is? Fat chance.

Heh. Speak of the devil. This link was on Kotaku: … ld-the-mmo

Take that with a grain of salt, since it is just Kotaku users (who do not represent the vast majority anyway). But what that shows to me, at least, is that even Kotaku users (who seem to skew heavily in favor of Japanese-developed titles) still prefer western RPGs over JRPGs.

This isn’t proof, per se, but one piece of data that supports my claim.

  • Ok, the answer to my question about being able to read is negative. Yes, worldwide sales mean worldwide sales. No, DQ9 isn’t released in EU/US. Why are you repeating what I have said already?

  • When did I say my console is better than yours? When did I say ANYTHING about ANY game being GOOD? Did I say a game is GOOD here? WHERE?! Show me where I said a game is good. Do go back to GameFAQS, you know much about it and bring it up all the time so you must love it.

  • Then sales do matter. No shit? Now you AGREE with what I said, but earlier you were all against me. And now you agree with what I said, you pretend it’s an argument against me. What the hell?

Also, hype and coverage? I thought you didn’t care about reviews which in turn SHOULD mean you don’t care about the gaming press, because they are the people who do the reviews, and reviews are coverage too. That matters now? You constantly change your points around to match your current argument, while at the same time contradicting your past self. Sweet!

  • Whatever, learn to read.

  • Piss poor tactics? You’re the one barging in a thread and saying that because YOU don’t play JRPGs on handheld, then they aren’t good for handhelds. Me saying that a SHITLOAD of people play JRPGs on handheld, and PROVING IT WITH SALES, is NCL faithful tactic? Please, get off the pot. What do you expect me to say? OH IM SO SORRY TEAM ANDROMEDA, YOU DONT PLAY JRPGs ON HANDHELDS AND YOU, BEING ALL GODLIKE ARE CORRECT. SINCE YOU DON’T PLAY JRPGS ON HANDHELDS, NOBODY DOES! NOBODY! THEY ALL FOLLOW YOUR ALMIGHTY EXAMPLE AND JRPGs ON HANDHELDS DON’T WORK! DO YOU WANT SOME PIE WITH THAT?

  • Again, taking a few words from a full paragraph I said, then repeating the same things I said as if you’re arguing with me. Yes, I said that the PS2 still gets games, and added a point for that. Learn to read properly, don’t mix and match and ignore things as you please.

All I get from this is that you don’t speak English almost at all, you must use a google translator on my posts or something (or you translate yourself) and don’t understad jack shit of what I say. You constantly contradict your points, you constantly agree with me but somehow believe you’re arguing against me, and you’re constatly at a loss of any kind of point that you make up for by bringing up COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT SHIT like fanboyism, NCL, GAMEFAQS, or whatever shit you make up. GOOD JOB! Every other sentence of yours contradicts your last one.

When did JRPGs other than big names sell so much anyway? Are Persona 4 sales much worse than Persona 3 sales for example? Did Atlus games like Disgaea ever sell so much more than they do now? I only really remember big names selling, especially in the West where it always was about Final Fantasy. So, yeah, FF happens to have somewhat lost its spark with the Western audience thanks to the advent of (lol) RPGs like Oblivion, or arguably the failure of Final Fantasy to keep itself fresh, but that doesn’t mean that the whole genre is in decline, unless the whole genre was Final Fantasy.

Debate that takes place from the perspective of a universe where the DSi is the winner of this “console” generation; the Wii is under-appreciated in a manner somehow parallel to how Saturn was; and a game from the longest running ‘mandatory purchase’ franchise of it’s genre, on the most popular platform in it’s territory, is the only relevant yardstick by which to gauge the health of said genre… well it’s good entertainment at least.

A fanboy says what?

What? Who said anything about the Wii being under-appreciated in this “debate” as you call it? I don’t know where I said that, if it was even in this thread, but it certainly didn’t have anything to do with a discussion about JRPGs, nor did I try to make a point in this debate using my opinion of a system. It was someone else, who has an inherent dislike for a system, and playing a given kind of games on it, who tried to show that preference of his is somehow a preference of everyone, when the output of titles disproves that.

If you want to discuss my opinion of the Wii, a platform pretty much irrelevant in this particular debate centered around JRPGs, of which the Wii has almost none so far, you can go back to the thread you saw that and dispute that, since you’re clearly so against it. Paraphrasing me out of context shows your intentions I suppose.

And yes, I’m a total fanboy for acknowledging that the DS, a system I don’t have, has completely trashed the competition by a long shot and acknowledging it gets more JRPGs than any other. Or maybe the fanboys are those who dispute that, and with it, reality. No, that doesn’t mean people don’t play the other systems, it doesn’t mean the other systems don’t get any games, and it doesn’t mean that you can’t like them. Still, 5 years on, the DS still often has the most titles in the top 30 and the DS still has the most hardware sales, worldwide (I guess I’ll hear some more talk of how sales don’t matter and only fanboys bring them up now, lol). I’m so sorry I offended you by implying it’s a winner of any sort, even though it clearly is. Perhaps you judge winners in a different manner, perhaps a winner for you is what YOU like. Fine by me, just understand you’re the fanboy. I’m such a fanboy I still don’t have one after 5 years!

I also never said DQIX is the only revelant yardstick. Good job, once again.

They do indeed .

The point I was making , than you very much .

When we need to bring sales in to it , and go on about abysmal sales . You’re getting like an stuck record . Be nice if for once , you played the games and talked about their good points , rather than the GameFAQ’s standard tactics , of lets post sales .

I think we both need English lessons , since when did hype and general coverage = reviews ??? . Views maybe, but not reviews .
Now its seems to me that even on RPG and gaming forums , the love for Japanese RPG’s isn’t what it once was, say like in the 32 bit days , never mind the general press.
Much like Point and Click games inthe West are finding it hard of late

Barging in ?. I simply made out that DQ games sell in huge numbers , no matter the console , which I thought was a fair point , and if one looks at lesser BIG name RPG’s, sales do seem to be that great , even on Handhelds . Maybe I missed something , but since the debate is about a possible SEGA SOA RPG
Sales of more traditional Japanese RPG’s haven’t been that great , even on HH . Since you love sales, how well as 7th Dragon sold , as good as Tales on the 360 In Japan ?, You know that HD flop, that’s sold abysmally .

Oh dear … Here’s me playing the GAMEFAQ’s game. :anjou_disappointment:

And you’re be right , because I’m Welsh .

Classic twisting yet again . I said I don’t like RPG’s on any HH , and I’ve made that point in other thread’s . That’s totally different to making out , that no one with HH plays them, or they aren’t any good ones on HH.

Sorry , I’m no Ueda-san . He’s a true GOD of the ancients, not me .

Nah , Just a pint of lager , will do me thanks

Unfortunately I don’t have direct access to a lot of sales information anymore, but yes, JRPGs (even the slightly lesser known ones) sold better than they do now. Even the sequels to moderate success stories like Disgaea have taken quite a tumble with subsequent iterations. Yes, even FF is in decline, but the total aggregate sales of JRPGs have decline, not just FF.

There are 2 big qualifying factors, however. While the difference between individual title sales between JRPGs of last gen vs now have only changed by a small factor (I’d say roughly 10~20% decrease in sales), this is further exacerbated by the fact that dev costs have increased, as I mentioned previous (I think). In addition, the rest of the market has grown in size by 15-20% year on year, which makes the drop in JRPG sales that much more drastic.

The decrease in sales coupled with the increase in dev costs has forced developers to move to the cheaper platforms - Wii, DS, and PSP - to develop RPGs for. However, even in Japan, the DS and Wii markets are completely dominated by Nintendo. Some developers are managing to eke by on those platforms, but very few are actually making enough money to grow their companies and/or franchises. That sort of stagnation is simply a slower form of death =\ The PSP has proven to be more lucrative for Monster Hunter (and subsequently, Phantasy Star), but even then, Monster Hunter accounts for something like half of all PSP game sales in Japan (let’s not even talk about software sales on the PSP in the west).

Regardless of your thoughts on the quality and/or creativity of Japanese RPG developers, the situation is dire for them. It’s just like denying that PC gaming is dying. Sure, there’s still a lot of money being thrown around online with the Sims, WoW, and stuff like Bejeweled, but the fact of the matter is that unless you are one of 3 major IPs on the PC or a casual puzzle game, you will most probably not succeed.

(Now, another thing to note is that there is a difference between the overall success of a title vs the profitability of localizing a title. There are often times when it simply makes sense to localize a small title if the royalty terms are set up in a favorable way so that the local markets make money and help the bottom line of the originating territory, but that’s a completely different story. That simply explains why some companies will continue to localize titles that aren’t necessarily blockbuster hits.)

The only GameFAQS game here TA is played by you. All you do is contradict yourself every other sentence, repeat the same things I say and pretend you’re arguing against other things I never said, and quoting something like 3 words out of a paragraph, responding to minor things out of context with a full paragraph while you completely ignore and never acknowledge or respond to any of the actual points I made. At least you acknowledge you don’t understand English, yet keep trying to pretend you’re having a discussion in it. Let me tell you, it’s not working. It’s like you’re arguing with someone else and not me. Your self usually, with all the contradictions. Good job.

@Abadd: So why are there so many JRPGs developed for the DS (and not nearly as many for the home systems). Some of them sell well, like various FInal Fantasy remakes/spin offs, and DQIX, others sell less, but Square keeps pumping out more of them (with the occasional booming flop like that Bahamoot game), other companies bring their franchises to it (even Disgaea I think?), Nintendo gets in the game with a new Golden Sun, there are other games like Infinite Space and Nostalgia in the making. If they’re in sucha bad shape why do they make so many, instead of reduce the output and at least reduce market saturation and get less titles but perhaps more sales per title? And sure, each particular title sells less than it used to (I guess I’ll take your word for it) but with so many JRPGs available, what about their total sales? Are they also less than they used to be, in total, considering you agree that the “big sellers” like DQ still sell? As for the market expanding, um, it’s not the JRPG audience that expanded, it’s the expanded audience as they like calling it, so I don’t see why that would make JRPGs appear worse.

Abadd gave a completely cogent explanation there, and you just ignore the points you don’t want to hear?

Al3xand3r - “So why are there so many JRPGs developed for the DS (and not nearly as many for the home systems).”

Abadd - *“The decrease in sales coupled with the increase in dev costs has forced developers to move to the cheaper platforms - Wii, DS, and PSP - to develop RPGs for.”

If you repeat questions that already have a direct answer, you only reinforce the truth that your intent is all rhetorical. That’s a very abusive form of persuasion, but unfortunately an effective one on too many people it seems. I actually know you aren’t what I’d consider a genuine fanboy Al3x, but again, that’s all the more reason your use of so many well tread fanboy tactics is so… depressing.

And actually I haven’t even read most of this, only as much as I needed to. :anjou_happy:

Eh, I stated that JRPGs thrive on portables thanks to lower dev costs (perhaps not quite as directly, but it’s not like I claimed they have a home in home consoles) before Abadd did. Hell, that was my argument, that they aren’t in decline as they thrive on portables. Well, at least one portable. So, yes, it’s clear you didn’t read most of this.

I guess I just don’t see how they’re in decline when we get so many, or why we restrict the focus and say that “JRPGs are in decline” instead of state that “home consoles are in decline in Japan” as they are, at least compared to portables which dominate the charts every week. Why say JRPGs are in decline just because they adapted to their home market which this generation favors the portable systems over the home systems? And in response to that Abadd said their sales are lesser, which I guess I have no reason to dispute, hence my last comment not disputing that but asking different things.

I am actually talking about total sales. Total sales are down, whereas the rest of the industry is growing. Let’s look at it this way.

Total WW game sales = Z
Z = the total sales of various game genres. Let’s say JRPGs are X, everything else is Y.

So, Z is growing every year by about 15-20%. Yet X is shrinking by a similar percentage. That means that the shrinkage of the JRPG genre is made relatively larger by the fact that the industry as a whole is growing.

And yes, companies continue to try and put RPGs out there. Some make money, some don’t. But just because they do that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a good idea. Look at the auto industry in America :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness, I’m very curious to know how many units Infinite Space has sold in Japan. To give you a glimpse - I don’t have as up to date data as I used to, but I still have some:

  • Blue Dragon. Got a spin off on DS, right? That means it was probably successful, right? 200K on X360 in the US, 20K on DS for the spin off. For a title that cost a rumored $30M, that’s HORRIBLE.

  • Chrono Trigger on DS. One of the most popular classic RPGs. 280K. Good numbers, but most likely nothing compared to what they had hoped for.

  • Shin Megami Tensei on DS has sold 40K.

  • Even the FF spin-offs. Chocobo Tales has sold 60K, the most recent Crystal Chronicles on DS has sold 58K.

I can go on and on. But just because companies are putting their RPGs on the DS doesn’t necessarily mean they are selling. More than likely, it means that the DS is the only platform that they can afford the level of risk on.