Convince Me that Wii is Worthy

The newest Nintendo system I own is a Super NES. Nintendo just really failed to lure me into their realm with subsequent platforms, primarily due to the fact that none of the games interested me enough. I was a Sega girl all the way, until Saturn’s demise. I was never fortunate enough to get my own Dreamcast, although I coveted them. I got into PlayStation because of the Oddworld series (which, wtf happened, anyway??). After that, it was on to PS2 so that I could watch DVDs in my room and otherwise avoid my parents. snark Of course, when Orta was annouced, I HAD to get an XBOX, but I haven’t really used it for anything else other than Fable.

Now, I am faced with a dilemma. The bf bought me a PS3 for my birthday because I really wanted to try out Heavenly Sword, which I do like. However, every other game that I’ve seen so far on PS3 is either a sports game, racing game, fighting game or shooter. Being that my preference lies in Action/Adventure/Exploration/RPG with a dabblance of the aforementioned genres, I am sincerely annoyed and disappointed with the quality of the games that are available. I don’t mind shooters if they’re good, but it seems like every freaking game is a Doom/Halo mimic. Something to do with the future, the military and/or some dude with weapons and monsters. Yeah. Really original.

I’ve recently become aware of Okami, which I know Raizen has as his avatar and will likely say good things about. I want to try it out, but PS2 versions are hard to come by. I am also curious about NiGHTS and Zelda, but that’s about it. Nothing else to really warrant spending the money on a whole new system. I’m really frustrated, because I am impressed with the graphical capabilities of PS3, but there aren’t any games that I want to play!!

So. Sell me on the Wii. Recommendations would be appreciated.

Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are worth looking into as well. Both contain some quite innovative ideas and gameplay styles. Journey of Dreams is great as well, although the perhaps not quite in the same league as the original.

The Wii is a great multiplayer console too, you can have a lot of fun with games like Wii Sports. However, at the end of the day, you really have to look at the available games and decide if the system is for you.

[quote=“Snow Girl”]
So. Sell me on the Wii.[/quote]

Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, WarioWare Smooth Moves and No More Heroes. All awesome and all worth buying a Wii for.

If you’re interested in Okami, try to track down a PS2 copy. It’s cheaper used, and the Wii versions motion controls (particularly for combat) are irritating and distracting.

Yeah, I haven’t heard great things about the new NiGHTS game. It’s more for nostalgia or if you haven’t played the original.

I’ve had a lot of fun with my Wii so far. With my friends. There are some good single player games, but when buying this console you’ll probably have to take into account that it’s unlikely you’ll be spending a lot of your time by yourself on it. I find myself occasionally just going back to it when I’m bored or if a game like Metroid Prime 3 comes out (and if you look at their future, doesn’t seem like another big game after Brawl is going to be due).

I’ve heard good things about Lost Winds too on Wiiware.

It was certainly worth the buy but I’m not sure of it’s future line up for games this year.

…that didn’t help sell it at all!

Don’t get me wrong, the new NiGHTS game is brilliant, and I enjoyed it thoroughly despite the poor story scenes and average on foot sections. Just don’t expect a Panzer Dragoon Saga, except an Orta. It does some things differently, but overall it’s still a worthy NiGHTS sequel.

The thing about NiGHTS is the original wasn’t very well recieved when it came out either.

Official Sega Saturn Magazine gave it a glorious review, everybody else slammed it.

As for Wii, Wii is currently the only current console I own.

Currently my “main” consoles are my Xbox, PS2, N64 and Saturn, still trying to collect and complete the games I want for them :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I can’t really sell anyone on the Wii until it gets some better third-party support or something. I have never really enjoyed Nintendo’s bunch, like Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros. does NOTHING for me, etc. I DO like Metroid games, much to my astonishment, although I haven’t played Corruption or anything because I don’t yet have a Wii. I may get one eventually, but it will take more than MP3 and No More Heroes to sell me.

Now if those long-ago rumours of my favourite game designer in the universe, Yasumi Matsuno, apparently creating a Wii-exclusive RPG come into fruition, well… and if Beyond Good & Evil 2 were to have a Wii version… then I would undoubtedly pick one up.

Aside from all that, I want to see more classic SNES titles hit the VC. Seriously, where the hell are Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and Terranigma!? Hell, put all the Mother games on there too! If they do all that, I’ll buy a Wii and a second and would never need an SNES again. :stuck_out_tongue:

So yeah, if some of that stuff happens, it will sell me on the Wii. I don’t know if that helps you, but I thought it might be alright to hear from someone who isn’t quite sold as well.

Thanks to everyone for your input thus far. Thanks for the heads up on Okami, Raizen. It’s alright, Berserker. I want honest opinions, and I appreciate yours!

I’ve never been a huge Mario fan, myself. Sonic was always my “mascot” of choice (which, off topic, but the bf has been playing Team Fortress 2, and told me yesterday that he was on a server that had a narration of some pornographic story about Sonic recited like a children’s fairy tale. o.O He asked the other players about it, and they said it had been around for months and no one knew how to get rid of it, so they just muted the sound effects. =P). I think the most fun I had with Mario was on one of the DS mini games one of my classmates let me play with once where you had to draw little trampolines to bounce him to safety. Granted, going back to Sonic, once they gave him the voice of a surfer, I was lost. I miss the old Genesis/Sega CD versions of Sonic.

I only played the demo of NiGHTS, never the full version, although I always wanted to. I think the main appeal was that it was sorta different.

As I said, I like action adventure type games. Fighting games are only so much fun. I still revisit Tekken Bowling. I even taught my mom (who usually hates video games) to play and enjoy it. However, most of my playing is solitary. I don’t have friends that I ‘game’ with, and I don’t currently have any of my consoles online. I’ve been tossing FF XII around. I’m curious about Dreamfall, although I’ve never played The Longest Journey. I just saw one of my friends playing TLJ once. Amazon has a $22 deal on a special edition with both games and the soundtrack.

I want to have a decent, fun, interesting game to play! One of the problems I have with the Wii is that all the colours are so freaking bright, too. I don’t want to always feel like I’m playing a cartoon. I like the dark. Ask Shadow.

I was in desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, they’d be kind to us and release some special Saturn bit on the VC just for the other scenarios for Shining Force 3.

Doubt it’ll ever happen but until the Wii dies, I’ll be waiting.

Well theres not many dark, single player games for Wii. Excluding RE4. So maybe it’d be worth waiting a little longer to see where it goes.

I’m not sure the Wii is actually powerful enough to emulate the Saturn that well, sure, they release Saturn games on PS2 in Japan - but they are conversions rather than emulations.

And more often than not they are straight conversions or emulations of the Arcade versions rather than Saturn.

Overall I find the Wii to be a fairly entertaining machine, Smash Bros Brawl is a decent game, from a competetive standpoint (There is quite a big Smash bros tournament scene).

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Don’t get me wrong, the new NiGHTS game is brilliant, and I enjoyed it thoroughly despite the poor story scenes and average on foot sections. Just don’t expect a Panzer Dragoon Saga, except an Orta. It does some things differently, but overall it’s still a worthy NiGHTS sequel.[/quote]

sorry i have to disagree… i think NiGHTS:JoD was appauling, and nostalgia wise made it even worse. :anjou_sigh:

as for the wii, its good but theres TOO much emphasis on the movement sensors to be honest.

i sometimes feel like slouching back on my seat and playing with a joypad… but trying to do that with the wiimote means the senso goes and i have to get back up to “point” at the screen.

i keep a gamecube pad plugged in and mostly just play gamecube games tbh…
the movement stuff i just see as a novelty which im not too keen on.

currently, the only thing tempting me to a console right now is rezHD (trying to decide if i wanna pay ~?100 for just 1 game (assuming second hand xbox360) )
for now PC gaming keeps me happy

[quote=“Scott”]as for the wii, its good but theres TOO much emphasis on the movement sensors to be honest.

i sometimes feel like slouching back on my seat and playing with a joypad… but trying to do that with the wiimote means the senso goes and i have to get back up to “point” at the screen.[/quote]

I can see the annoyance behind this. I’m not really into many PC games, but I enjoy the feel of a controller in my hands. I feel like I’m steering, and the PS3’s wireless motion sensitive feature is really neat. It makes Heavenly Sword a lot of fun. With the way the PlayStation controller is designed, you don’t have to really point. It naturally faces the machine by being held. But, yes, if you have to stand up to do all of your gaming and “point” your controller at the Wii/televsion, then that could get very irritating.

It really depends on the game. With Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, for example, pointing is one of the main features/attractions of the game. It’s like playing a light gun game but being able to move around at the same time. With Zelda, the remote is mainly used to swing your sword, so there isn’t a huge emphasis on pointing in the game, it’s more about the motion. It’s much easier to relax.

In some Wii games, the motion control feels tacked on, but when it does work the results are pretty awesome.

I don’t have a Wii myself, but if I get one the main reason would be Brawl and No More Heros.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

It really depends on the game. With Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, for example, pointing is one of the main features/attractions of the game. It’s like playing a light gun game but being able to move around at the same time. With Zelda, the remote is mainly used to swing your sword, so there isn’t a huge emphasis on pointing in the game, it’s more about the motion. It’s much easier to relax.[/quote]

Yeah, Metroid Prime 3 is a great example of where the motion controls work well. It worked well in Zelda too. It’s, as just said, for a lot of games it seems they’ve thrown it in at the last second. The whole game is made for normal controllers, then ported to Wii with a quick fix scheme.

Or…they just do it badly after massive hype…coughRed Steelcough

Having an aging PC which can run most games I want decently (not the likes of UT3 though, that’s just dodgy, since Bioshock which uses the same engine runs quite acceptably…) I don’t feel compelled to buy any next gen system yet. I do have a Wii but it’s not getting much use at all. I don’t even have Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 or No More Heroes yet (actually, I just have Wii Sports and Zelda), but that’s because I want to finish some PC games I’ve missed the past year or two first.

Because of all that I’d advice you first get the titles you want on the systems you currently own, then get a Wii. It will be cheaper and there will be more games by then so there’s nothing to lose really…

I’m sure there are some great games you’ve missed for one reason or another. Either because you didn’t come accross them on release, or because they’re titles that need your full attention rather than be played concurrently with others, maybe because they were bugged but have been patched up by now, or even because they got bad reviews or no reviews at all but later proved to be great. Look around a bit.

I suppose you could get a Wii if you missed some great GameCube games also though, I do intend to get many of those once I get around to using it as I never got a GameCube myself. Skies of Arcadia Legends comes to mind as a first purchase, maybe Baten Kaitos just after that…

Another option might be to consider the 360 if you’re not content with the PS3’s lineup. The 360 controllers are excellent (although not particularly innovative), and it has the largest selection of games in this generation. It also has more RPGs than the original Xbox (Blue Dragon, Oblivion, Lost Oddysey, Mass Effect, etc) and some great downloadable titles (Rez HD, Castlevania SotN, etc). Although I don’t own a 360 anymore as a lot of its games are on PC, it’s a good option, especially if you want a large selection of games from lots of genres to choose from.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Another option might be to consider the 360 if you’re not content with the PS3’s lineup. The 360 controllers are excellent (although not particularly innovative), and it has the largest selection of games in this generation. It also has more RPGs than the original Xbox (Blue Dragon, Oblivion, Lost Oddysey, Mass Effect, etc) and some great downloadable titles (Rez HD, Castlevania SotN, etc). Although I don’t own a 360 anymore as a lot of its games are on PC, it’s a good option, especially if you want a large selection of games from lots of genres to choose from.[/quote]

I’ll admit, I’m a tad wary when it comes to XBox, because I wasn’t all that impressed with the previous console. I liked Orta and Fable, but that was about it. I live in the land of Microsoft, and I’m surrounded by it every day, both professionally and at school (case in point, our new Seattle soccer team - that’s football to the rest of the world - has ‘XBox 360 Live’ plastered across the front of their jerseys, larger than the team logo. o.O). I haven’t really looked at the line up for the 360, just that Shadow’s been trying like hell for the past two years to convince me to get on XBox Live. That, and I get to hear about Rock Band from other classmates, which I could care less about. I know how to play real musical instruments.

I’m sorry if I sound a little bitchy. I’m just starting to feel really cynical about video games these days. Everything seems like it’s mimicking everything else. Same song with the notes rearranged. I want to be stimulated. I’m waiting for a good game to rock my socks.

[quote=“Snow Girl”]

Another option might be to consider the 360 if you’re not content with the PS3’s lineup. The 360 controllers are excellent (although not particularly innovative), and it has the largest selection of games in this generation. It also has more RPGs than the original Xbox (Blue Dragon, Oblivion, Lost Oddysey, Mass Effect, etc) and some great downloadable titles (Rez HD, Castlevania SotN, etc). Although I don’t own a 360 anymore as a lot of its games are on PC, it’s a good option, especially if you want a large selection of games from lots of genres to choose from.

I’ll admit, I’m a tad wary when it comes to XBox, because I wasn’t all that impressed with the previous console. I liked Orta and Fable, but that was about it. I live in the land of Microsoft, and I’m surrounded by it every day, both professionally and at school (case in point, our new Seattle soccer team - that’s football to the rest of the world - has ‘XBox 360 Live’ plastered across the front of their jerseys, larger than the team logo. o.O). I haven’t really looked at the line up for the 360, just that Shadow’s been trying like hell for the past two years to convince me to get on XBox Live. That, and I get to hear about Rock Band from other classmates, which I could care less about. I know how to play real musical instruments.

I’m sorry if I sound a little bitchy. I’m just starting to feel really cynical about video games these days. Everything seems like it’s mimicking everything else. Same song with the notes rearranged. I want to be stimulated. I’m waiting for a good game to rock my socks.[/quote]

You’re not going to find any good games in this day and age, mainly because everything now is being directed toward the mainstream, and the mainstream is fucking retarded. I’m still hoping that Deus Ex 3 and Thief 4 will change my stance on that a bit, but considering the previous offerings, I doubt it.

I think it’s best to completely ignore the current generation of games - maybe then, these braindead companies will get their shit together and perhaps release something decent.

[quote=“Kadamose”]You’re not going to find any good games in this day and age, mainly because everything now is being directed toward the mainstream, and the mainstream is fucking retarded. I’m still hoping that Deus Ex 3 and Thief 4 will change my stance on that a bit, but considering the previous offerings, I doubt it.

I think it’s best to completely ignore the current generation of games - maybe then, these braindead companies will get their shit together and perhaps release something decent.[/quote]

I know… sigh

I just don’t want to give up hope…