Come visit Juba's Bar, Have some drinks and hear some info!

Understood Raizen, my mistake. =)

Yet more content that’s already up on, but with three pictures from The Art of Panzer added?

I don’t think I need to comment any more on this one…

Just to clear a few things up, the Panzer Dragoon Saga books that are now found of several websites were originally compiled by Sestrenegade. He typed them all up himself, not by editing the text on the game disc, but actually typing it out word for word from the screen. Because he hadn’t formatted them in the same way as in the game (not many words per line), I went back into the game and edited the documents. Stephan Dolby who created The Panzer Place has already compiled a few of the books, so when Sestrenegade and I had them all done I sent them off to him so he could complete his “Edge’s Books” section and I also placed them on Azel Online/The Will of the Ancients.

So, after all that work, and also the work required to compile all the “About the…” dialogue (which were all typed out by hand as well), it would have been common courtesy for legaiaflame to credit my work or more appropriately to ask if he could use it on his site. I couldn’t care less what someone did with TWotA’s content in the privacy of their own home, but when someone goes and makes it available to the world and doesn’t even go out of their way to make it look like they’ve typed it up themselves… well, Lance has said it all already.

Maybe I should try and work out some JavaScript so that no one can copy/paste off TWotA. I?d rather not have to resort to something like that though.

For that matter legaiaflame, would you like to credit me for the work of mine that you’ve taken for your site? I see that you’ve copied-and-pasted some sizeable parts of my edited PDS script into other sections, again without permission or credit. This “Juba’s Corner” thing and the “Ask PDS Characters” thing are definitely made up of my edited script, your Radgam theory features parts of the edited script, and all manner of other things on your site may or may not be copied and pasted from my script as well.

Now I may not have typed it up by hand, but it took a considerably long time to edit all fifty-three documents’ worth of that script out of the game code: locating each section of text in the first place, extracting the text for each document by hand, running each section through six different search and replace filters to put it into the original lines, remove the unintelligible symbols, standardise the punctuation and remove any redundant spaces, inserting all of the speakers’ names (they certainly aren’t in the game script), double-checking it for errors, sorting any remaining problems out, formatting it, and so on, and so on…

You should have asked permission to use this edited script on your site (which you didn’t), and you should have credited me for creating it (which you haven’t). The fact that this stuff was originally written by Sega is fairly irrelevant at this stage, as Sestrenegade, Solo and I have put more than enough work into these projects to justify some credit and respect; without us, you simply wouldn’t have these things for your site. I’d like to know what you’re planning to do about this problem.

we should form a commitee that will review ideas for new PD fan content and then veto the [size=9]legaiaf[/size]lame ones

Would you allow me to credit you (Lance) and Solo for the scripts as you both much deserve. And you are right you both spent a lot of work, and I should have asked you. So I would like to do the right thing and give you both credit.

[quote]And you say that you are learning Web Design in college? Man what are they teaching you.

Please keep your lame insults to yourself please, I don’t need to hear any more negative remarks. If you think it is such a waste of space than simply don’t bother reading it or interacting with the section.

Lance, I understand that you’re angry about your work being stolen. But there are right and wrong ways to go about dealing with it. Starting a flame war is probably the wrong way. You’re pissed off and you’re venting, that’s a normal thing to do, as can be seen on nearly every message board on the internet. But seriously, man, cut it out. It doesn’t accomplish anything. Take a look at Solo’s last post for a great example of how to get your point across without just enflaming things further.

And I would like to point out that the quality of Legaia’s site is completely beside the point. I’ve never seen any of you attack the quality of another panzer site except his, which makes me think you may be motivated by something other than honest criticism. If you have concerns about plagiarism, then that’s fine, but discuss THAT, don’t flame the site for no good reason.

I haven’t been a huge part of the Panzer community, but from what I have seen, one of the great things about it is that it’s very friendly. Let’s not change that now.


That sounds right up my street. =) Sign me up sire. =P

Sorry Solo your right. I guess the only thing I can do is ask if I can make things right. Please don’t make me have to delete my sites content. I would gladly give everyone credit for their hard work.

I don’t have problem with you using the books that Sestrenegade and I compiled, so you have my permission to use them on your site (although credit at the top of the page would be nice). I’m pretty sure that Sestrenegade wouldn’t mind either, although you may want to double check with him, but its okay on my part.

I just noticed that the “Ask PDS Characters” section was using Lance’s compiled dialogue, rather than mine (at least, it’s formatted closer to Lance’s than mine), so I shall leave the response for that and for Lance’s other content on your site in his hands.

Okay I will gladly give you and Sestrenegade credit. Now Lance I would also like to make things right and give you credit for all of your hard work too.

If you’ll credit me for any work of mine that’s gone towards your current site - including some kind of credit towards my PDS guide, which we’ve established as an important reference source for your own - then I’m fine to give you permission for the stuff that’s already there. As with Solo, a line of credit at the top of any relevant pages would be best.

But please, always ask us before using content from in the future; always ask anyone who puts any content online that you might want to use. And if there’s anything else of this nature on your site that hasn’t been accounted for yet, now would be the best time to bring it up and get permission.

If this whole unpleasant matter can be resolved, I’m happy to have it closed; as Bluefoot so correctly said, it would be best to restore friendliness to the forum. (And Bluefoot, I will reply to your points, but possibly with a PM; I’d just like to get this out of the way for now).

I strongly agree with you Lance and will give you credit where credit is due. You are right and I should have asked first and I understand how you got upset at me for using text from the PDS scripts you compiled, without asking. I can see you put a lot of work into it and now I feel pretty bad. I apologize and again I will give you credit on the sections pertaining to your work.

Okay Lance I just gave you credit were it was needed ( Edge’s Diary, Characters, Juba’s Corner and the Ask PDS Characters questions about the PDS world sections. Tell me if what I wrote is Okay for each section.

And about the Ask PDS Characters questions about the Panzer Dragoon World section, I was going to make it a bit more interesting with more pictures, but I just uploaded what I currently finished for now.

I’d still appreciate some credit for your Radgam theory page too, as there seemed to be quite a lot of my edited script used there, but the other credit lines are just fine.

Also, (if you haven’t done so already,) I’d stongly recommend that you get permission for the various cover scans and adverts in your “info” section from the sites they originated from; at least, I’d assume that you don’t own all three versions of Panzer Dragoon Saga plus those various ads, as some of the scans looks much blurrier than others.

With all that done, I’ll be fine to give you permission to use my edited script for things in the future too, as long as I’m given credit at the top of any relevant first pages.

Oh sorry I forgot about the Radgam theory, I’ll give you credit right away for that too. And thanks.

Okay I just gave you credit for the Radgam Theory.

Thank you; that appears to be everything sorted out, now.

I know some of you may have thought my “Ask the Characters” section was a waste of space, but to anyone who cares I have made it a bit more tolerable. I have added illustrations to each conversation, so the next time you look at it, it will be more pleasing to the eyes. I have also fixed some of the pictures in the “Books” section that had nothing to do with the book descriptions as that was a careless error on my part that has now been corrected.