Come visit Juba's Bar, Have some drinks and hear some info!

[quote]And most of my sites content can be found on other PD sites, but I felt the need to put it on my PDS site anyhow, with pictures illustrating each section.

But why?

Because I felt like it and I wanted to have as much content which has to do with PDS as possible. And I thought the illustrations to each book was a nice touch that adds something just plain text doesn’t have.

It’s not a “problem”, it’s called respect for the work of others, something which you still don’t seem to have much of.

And if you have indeed worked very hard on your site and spent countless long devoted hours on it, I can assure you that it’s difficult to tell; considering that it’s a bunch of existing content taken from other sites and sources that has been put into some simple templates with a minimal amount of new material, I’m not sure where all this “effort” has gone…

And I ask again, why? It’s not as if anyone can ever hope to make one definitive site that covers every possible aspect of something like this… by doing this you’re essentially just trying to “compete” with the established sites where you got this content from, which seems pointless… the only real way to grab people’s attention is by doing something unique. Why waste people’s time with a site that is primarily redundant content? Why not just make a small site with your own new, unique content, and provide links to some of the existing sites where the other stuff can already be found? People would be much more impressed by your site if they weren’t trudging through things that they’d already seen before…

In that case it’s a fairly decent reason and a nice idea, but again, why put so little effort into it? The picture choices are incredibly poor, as a lot of them don’t even have anything to do with the text in question… you’ve illustated Lundi’s second diary with a picture of the dragon flying next to Shelcoof, even though the diary doesn’t describe that part of the story… you’ve illustated Craymen’s letter to Edge with a picture of Gash, for some bizarre reason… you’ve illustrated The Book of Genesis with a picture of PD1 Episode 6… The Book of End with a picture of PD1 Episode 1… The Tower Report with a picture of Uru… the Structure Report with a picture of Drenholm, sleeping… Regulations of Imperial Troops with a picture of the new Empire from Panzer Dragoon Orta… the Tower Activation Report with a picture of Grig Orig, even though it describes the events of PD1… none of these images add to the effect, as they’re just random PD illustrations.

So although the idea was nice in theory, the sheer lack of effort you put into it just makes it look lazy and pointless. Unfortunately the same thing seems to apply to most of the other content on the site, which is why I thought it was about time I voiced my criticisms on all this…

I am getting very annoyed and have nothing further to say as I am sick of explaining myself. Just let it go and do something more productive with your time then nitpicking at every little flaw found on my website. And again nobodys perfect I may have overlooked a couple of things.

because then every topic you create would have no replies.

coughforgot about my sitecough

I have had what I think is a good idea for a while now, but I need time to implement it…


[quote=“fmalinkevich”]I’ve read many of these topics and seen your sight thoroughly legiaflame. But in the end Lance Way is correct, it really isn’t about how many sections one can come up with, it is the quality that counts. Put some real time and effort into your site so people will be pleased it is there. Hard work is not pressing Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V.

Just my thoughts.[/quote]

Not just only your thoughts I’m afraid because I know I’d have to agree and a few others I suspect…

Legaiaflame, after you choose a drink, the picture of Juba is just plain scary :anjou_wow:[/quote]

I believe you’re absolutely right Berserker, but I didn’t mean they were ONLY my thoughts. It’s just an expression I guess.

Also, I know this has been covered before. But legiaflame, the continued copying of anothers work without credit is by definition plagiarizing.



  1. To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own.
  2. To appropriate for use as one’s own passages or ideas from (another).

And since you did not say where the materials came from, you are passing those writings off as your own.

All I know is that the school I go to takes plagiarism very seriously and I have seen two kids in my English class be suspended, and someone last year be expelled for continued acts of plagiarism.

The truth of the matter is, it is wrong and unless you are ready to accept the punishments, I would stop. If you are though, be my guest and go right ahead.

You know I am getting quite sick of this. How can I be plagiarizing when the info from the books comes straight from the game themselves. And I am not taking credit and saying it is my own work as my site clearly states it is segas work. You can find this on my sites homepage:

This website is not supported or associated with SEGA or Smilebit. Panzer Dragoon Saga and all other official Panzer Dragoon content is ? SEGA, 1995-2003.

oh my gosh i hope your site gets deleted.
harsh, but i don’t give a crap anymore. you may think you have done a good site, and that you had good intentions, but at the end of the day, people that you have taken the information from don’t like it. its** their** information, so you do what they say with it.
you say you want to have your own PD site. That isn’t your own, its everyone elses but your own.
i don’t care if its just one page, it will be better than what it is now: a rip off of every other good site.

Well that’s your opinion. And no it’s Team Andromeda’s information(SEGAS content). AND IT IS MY OWN WEBSITE!

I assure you I haven’t had to do any “nitpicking” to see the large, almost gaping flaws that I pointed out above, and the general laziness with which your site was put together. And as you’ve constructed almost an entire website out of old content that’s readily available on other sites, I doubt you’re the best person to be telling me how to spend my time “productively”.

I’m surprised at that, as you still haven’t explained yourself clearly by most standards; I assume you’d rather avoid the question in my last post. But if you’d rather not hear reasoned criticism, that’s up to you…

and thats your excuse??
so you can copy fansite after fansite due to the fact that none of it is actually their info, but actually the game developers?
i’m sorry, but there is no hope for you. No matter how much sense anyone tries to bash into you, you throw it aside and continue to believe you are in the right.
Your website. It is you website. but NOT your content. All you have done is compiled everyone elses information. newsflash for you, that is wrong. maybe if you asked everyone else first and got permission i would think more highly of the site.

If no other PD site exsisted, your site would be complete rubbish. Since you obviously can’t create your own content

[quote]If no other PD site exsisted, your site would be complete rubbish. Since you obviously can’t create your own content

Then why don’t you tell that to the guy at Panzer Place and Solowing as they also have a PDS books, characters, dialouge, game info and world info sections which isn’t original content. You are just throwing out insult after insult at me when you are also insulting the other people who made PD sites. Not everything has to be original content.

No, the text in question came from Stephan Dolby’s site, which he in turn got from Solo (who, of course, he credited). The game doesn’t dump the script in your lap in a nice, easy-to-copy-and-paste format; somebody has to sit down and either transcribe the script from the screen, or edit the script out of the game code on the discs, and both of those methods take a reasonable amount of time. Sure you might not be directly breaking copyright laws, because Sega owns the copyright on the text, but you were showing a complete disrespect to the people who took the time to put this stuff together in the first place.

No I actually gave Panzer Place credit for the information in the Books section.

It’s obvious that arguing with this guy is useless, not because he is in the right (and he isn’t), but because he’s either dodging the points or he’s simply too stupid to process the information. I’d go for the latter.

Your posts are useless so if you want to stop the argument then stop posting. I know I’ll be grateful.

You’ve done that now that I’ve pointed it out to you, and I have no doubt that you wouldn’t have done anything if I hadn’t said anything; those pages had been up on your site for months already. You shouldn’t need to be prompted before crediting people for the work they’ve done, and you should also ask them before using it. That’s why people put notices up on their sites saying things like “Please ask permission before using any content on this site for fan or commercial purposes”.

I must say I don’t think you’re very good at turning arguments around. The info on those sites was compiled for those sites; not yours. People took the time to put it into a readable format themselves, and they contributed it to those sites so that others could look through it; that’s what I did for the entire PDS and PDO scripts for example, both of which were considerably large projects which took me some time to complete, and which I’ve given to People didn’t contribute these things to your site; you merely took them without permission, and you seem to think that this is morally sound…

One of my new year’s resolution : try and convince legaiaflame to stop talking about his website with multiple topics and try convincing people not to get carried away with dissagreements.

seem familliar?

And look at the bottom. Did you ask anyone before using their info? The drone report, did you even know that existed? How can you insult other people hard work like that.

You’re very probably right Raizen, but at times like this I feel an urge to stand up for reason, no matter how futile this may be. (Forgive me.)

Sorry Lance, I wasn’t actually referring to you. It seems to me that legaiflame isn’t really arguing with you or anyone else, as he hasn’t placed any valid counterpoints. Instead the last eight or so posts have been him trying to justify using other people’s work and claim it as his own.

Any idiot can tell you that the actual content of PD doesn’t belong to anyone but the fact is you are copying other people’s opinion based on the content of PD and claiming it as your own. THAT’S what we have a problem with.

I’m referring to l.f. once again btw.

Hahaha, I just read your “Ask the Characters” section on your site legaiaflame, that is by far the biggest waste of web space.

And you say that you are learning Web Design in college? Man what are they teaching you.

Sorry I had to say that it was inbearable to hold it in after reading.