Choice of your composer for a new PD game?

If a new Panzer Dragoon game were to be made, who would you like to compose the music?

Sestrenegade and I were talking about this some time before last week and we came to a conclusion that Richard Jacques would be perfect for the job.

Richard Jacques has done music for Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn), Sonic R, and Headhunter.

Headhunter - Jack’s Theme (5:09)’s%20Theme.mp3

We chose Richard because he has done extensive work on Sega games, and the soundtracks he’s done for the games he’s worked on are freaking incredible.

For Headhunter, he made the whole soundtrack using the London Philharmonic Orchestra and recorded the whole OST at Abbey Road Studios, which is just about where ALL of the high calibur movie OST’s are recorded. He’s also doing the music for Headhunter : Redemption.

His Sonic R music, and Sonic 3D Blast music can be found at .

Not only did we pick him just because of his talents, but it’s because he gives high praise to the Panzer series and its music as well. He also said in an interview that he would love to work on a PD game. His favorite game is Panzer Dragoon Saga!

I also wanted to consider Hitoshi Sakimoto, his works for Vagrant Story, and Radiant Silvergun are VERY top-notch, and he’s currently working on FFXII.
Hitoshi’s work on Radiant Silvergun can also be found at .

So, aside from my opinion (and Sestrenegade), what do you think? Who do you think should compose the music for a new PD game?

How about a collaboration between the Zwei and the Saga composers (if they were different even)?

I choose Kurt Harland.The guy did the music for the Soul Reaver games and Defiance.His music kicks arse.

Robyn Miller (who did the music for Riven) could also add much.

Mr.Azuma would be another possibility.

Tsuneo Imahori is also a good composer.

Why not join them all :smiley: ?

EDIT:Btw if you are wondering who Tsuneo Imahori is : he was the lead musician and composer of the Trigun (the anime) soundtrack.Pure bliss!

Yoshitaka Azuma would make a fine opening and closing melody :slight_smile:

Marty O`Donnell. This dude is a musical genius. He did the music for Halo.

I’ve never played Headhunter. Is it any good? I read that the graphics were sorely lacking in the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 versions (such as a lack of facial expressions and lip movement when speaking).

The people who composed the music for Panzer Dragoon Orta would be the best people for the job of composing the music for a new Panzer RPG. What exactly was wrong with the music in Orta?

Yoshitaka Azuma and Tomoyuki Hayashi worked on the original Panzer Dragoon score, Azuma having done the majority of the work.

Yayoi Wachi, Teruhiko Nakagawa, Junko Shiratsu, and Tomonori Sawada all worked on Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Yayoi Wachi providing the majority of the compositions.

Saori Kobayashi and Mariko Nanba worked on Panzer Dragoon Saga, both having worked on a fairly equal number of songs on each.

Saori Kobayashi, Yutaka Minobe, and Hayato Matsuo worked on Panzer Dragoon Orta, Matsuo only providing assistance on the vocal song Anu Orta Veniya. Minobe worked on Eternal Arcadia, just a tidbit to throw out.

From the above, only Kobayashi has worked on more than one Panzer Dragoon soundtrack, thus resulting in no one Panzer Dragoon soundtrack sounding similar to another. So having a new composer certainly is feasible.

That being said, I think I’d like Tomoko Sasaki to aid with a future Panzer Dragoon game. Some of her best tunes come from NiGHTS: Into Dreams on the Saturn, and Ristar for the Genesis.

The fact is that Kobayashi doesn’t seem to have brought much from the greatness of Saga’s music to Orta.

Geoffrey : You area a blind man in a sunny California :stuck_out_tongue:

If any of you haven’t downloaded “Jack’s Theme” yet, I SUGGEST YOU DO SO NOW! The link is provided above.

Marty O`Donnell. This dude is a musical genius. He did the music for Halo.<<

Marty did games before Halo, and they weren’t very genius.

I think Saori Kobayashi and Mariko Nanba should be the composers again. The Panzer Dragoon Saga soundtrack was absolutely brilliant - and without it, there is absolutely no way any of us would have been engulfed into the world of PDS as hard as we did. Though Kobayashi did do some music for Orta (which wasn’t all that great) it was because she needed her partner, Mariko Nanba.

Though the other composers listed in this thread are all great and extremely talented, these two, in particular, take the cake.

I did.I listened to it actually.I dind’t find it that great.Twas good but nothing PD good (Pd pre-Orta good anyways :p)

It’s a bit too AMERICAN MOVIE for me.Altho it had some bits that reminded me of PD1’s OST :slight_smile: on a 0 to 20 scale it get’s a 13.

I would want whoever did Saga.

Does the European verson of Sonic R hve different music than the US? The US music is really bad with songs about going on vacation and living in the city. I couldn’t imagine any of that in a PD game.

Richard Jacques and Jun Senoue teaming up.


If Saori Kobayashi and Mariko Nanba aren’t available again I’d like Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Shadow Hearts) or Motoi Sakuraba (Shining Force III, Star Ocean II).

But Marty did Halo, and it was genius =P

Halo had two or three good tracks.

I loved them all.

Yoko Kanno o
Plus she works a lot with Maaya Sakamoto which is, even more for a panzer game, a good thing :smiley:

Thinking of Christophe Heral too, the man responsible of “Beyond Good & evil” OST :slight_smile:

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]>>Marty O`Donnell. This dude is a musical genius. He did the music for Halo.<<

Marty did games before Halo, and they weren’t very genius.[/quote]

Lagi, didn’t Marty O’Donnel also do the music for Septerra Core?