Child of Eden (Rez spiritual sequel) … first-look


It’ll be interesting to see how well it works with Natal.

My thoughts were “Well, now I have to buy Kinect”

Well it instantly gives the whole deal a more ‘hard-core’ spin, just by the transitive property of Mizuguchi. :anjou_love:

Anyone else disapointed it’s first person? And it seemed you only control where to aim not where to go or dodging or anything other than aiming and shooting. I suppose that may be engaging enough with kinect (aiming didn’t seem ideal though) but then the other version may suffer on PS3 with just the Move used to point and shoot.

Edit: for those who watched the gameplay demonstration I guess.

Child of Eden has owned E3 .

What happend to SEGA, you use to do this . Madness to get rid of the genius that is Tetsuya Mizuguchi?s and then more madness to not sign this game up. Instead its Ubi :(. What happened SEGA ??. Ueda-san you are my only hope, shame you’re just wasted at SEGA these days .

Hurry up and Die SAMMY :frowning:

In Rez you couldn’t directly move the character either, even though it was third person. It’s not like Panzer Dragoon where you can move side to side when facing the front, you just control the cursor.


looks amazing, as long as i have the option of using a controller

It does indeed .

Roll on next Summer !

I’m much more excited after learning that it can be played with a controller. It looks like SO MUCH AWESOME. But I don’t know if I want a Kinect.

I won’t lie, I was late to the Rez party - only getting it ~2 months ago on Live Arcade. But I’ve since played the hell out of it.

Don’t feel bad. I haven’t even joined the party. I’m still standing on the front step.

I played both the PS2 and DC versions of Rez, and while they both impressed enough, Rez HD truly comes across like the game it always should have been. So if that’s your first experience of it all the better I say.

I’m guessing you still don’t have a 360 Snow Girl? There seem to be a lot of cheap deals on the Arcade SKU lately, clearing inventory in expectation of the new model. Just over a hundred if only to be able to play the handful of ‘must have’ exclusives might not be a bad deal.

Well, I was just telling Shadow yesterday that I do in fact have a 360, now. It sits on my desk at my new job as an intern for Snowblind.*

I’ve had mixed feelings about getting one. I’m not particularly loyal to any one console, it’s just a matter of who has the most titles exclusive to their platform that I want to play. So far, Playstation has just happened to meet my interests. I also don’t care for the form of the 360 controller, though I will admit it’s a vast improvement over the original XBox. It just feels bulky and awkward in my hands. Since I’ve been poking around the game at work, I’ve entertained thoughts of buying a 360 (The title will be available on 360, PS3 and PC, so that wouldn’t be my determining factor), just to become more familiar with how to handle it. There were a few 360-exclusive titles that had sparked my interest, just none that warranted me wanting to drop the money. I could always go into work on the weekends and play with it…

*[size=75]I am helping to finish up the recently announced LOTR title, War in the North. My internship is through September, then I get to see if they offer me a job. And yes, there was a very small geeky part of my brain the squeed at the idea of Snow Girl/Snowie working for Snowblind. I am such a dork.[/size]

I have a ton of respect for Snowblind so that’s awesome Snow Girl! And I really hope the LotR game turns out well and does well for them. Would you happen to know if Ezra Dreisbach is still on board in some capacity? Or has he firmly become Flat Games now? Just curiosity though.

But I was only thinking of Rez HD, since it’s still exclusive. As for Child of Eden, I’m not sure I even care about the optional control methods, but in truth the Move would likely be preferable if the latency on Kinect is as bad as it now seems.

Thank you so much! I am very excited to be a part of the team. So far, reviews have all been positive and everyone is really enthusiastic.

I have heard the name Ezra mentioned, but I am unsure of the last name. I can ask on Monday. If he is still around, I believe he works for Monolith. (We’re all in the same building since WB bought the three companies.)

I still haven’t exercised the full capacity of my PS3. I don’t have a wireless router, so it’s not currently connected to the internet. I feel so behind the times. When I get paid, I’m going to have to change that. It’s been a difficult shift for me coming from straight consoling to this new integration of downloadable content and software updates. I’m still resisting. I want to bring a game home, place it in the machine and play it. If I wanted to wait for software updates, I’d play a PC game or an MMO. Then there’s another part of me that genuinely appreciates the innovation of game companies being able to push the boundaries of a gaming platform so that updates and upgrades to the existing hardware are necessary and possible through downloads. I wrestle with it. I’m going to hush now, I’ve gone waaaay off topic.


Think of it as if you were logging on to a website or web-based email account. You can access your mail from any machine; your experience isn’t tied to one physical device or disc.

You can log on to any 360 and redownload your game. The website is of course a lot quicker to download, but Live Arcade games are (usually) reasonably small, so you won’t be waiting hours and hours. Compare it to the length of time it takes to drive to the store to pick up a physical copy of a game. Subsequent updates are small and optional.

Congrats on your position at Snowblind by the way. Hope it works out.

Think of it as if you were logging on to a website or web-based email account. You can access your mail from any machine; your experience isn’t tied to one physical device or disc.

You can log on to any 360 and redownload your game. The website is of course a lot quicker to download, but Live Arcade games are (usually) reasonably small, so you won’t be waiting hours and hours. Compare it to the length of time it takes to drive to the store to pick up a physical copy of a game. Subsequent updates are small and optional.[/quote]

That’s a very interesting way to put it. I do plan to explore it, really. Now that I’m out of school, I’ll actually have time to play games! That, and I no longer have to worry about homework…

Thank you. =)

I wonder how well Kinect will do given the US$149 price tag. That’s a lot of money for causal gamers who could just get a Wii instead.

I’d bet for the moment MS is just thinking about giving people who already have a 360 who could be tempted to get a Wii for “the fun” another option. There may be a middle ground of mainstreamers who picked up a 360 in much the same way they may have once picked up a PS2, because it’s the de facto standard. (in the US and some other territories anyway) And owning more than one console is a somewhat alien concept to them. Plus it’s a single unit purchase for all of your party gaming needs, which I think may end up the most attractive thing about it, assuming of course it proves attractive in the short term at all.

Until Kinect distinguishes itself somehow, I’m sure it will not be a significant selling point for first time 360 sales though. And at some point they’ll definitely have to deliver more than the Mii too sort of games they’ve pushed out there so far.

You’re an intern at Snowblind? Do you know Kim?