
What are your thoughts and feelings on censorship in video games? Do you feel it is necessary because it is an influential media, or unnecessary because it ain’t real?

I think it’s about as important as it is in any other medium. I don’t think that video games influence people any more or less that seeing a film would, and I reckon that the same sort of policies on censorship should apply. In the end, whether or not content should be censored should probably come down to what age rating they want the game to be given.

I don’t think a legally enforced censorship should be implemented, simply because I’m American and believe in the freedom of speech :slight_smile:

But, on the other hand, as part of the entertainment industry, there is a responsibility that game companies have in keeping things under control. Media does influence your perception of reality, whether it is news, books, games, or TV. Will it drive a person to shoot his friend? No, that person had issues to begin with.

That’s debatable too.Everyone is a potential murderer.There isn’t something called the “killer gene” out there.

As for censorship I think it’s wrong.There is something a lot easier that should be done : punish retailers for selling 18+ games to 11 year old kids.

The grades are there, people just don’t respect them.

Rather than censorship, I’d rather see people use their judgment. Giving a copy of GTA to a five-year-old (or a fifteen-year-old for that matter) and then complaining about how the game industry has no standards is just dumb. People have different levels of tolerence and impressionability, which can only be determined by the person playing or, for a young child, that kid’s parents.

That said, I also think it is also responsible on the part of the game publishers to educate the public about their games, so that the parent who sees Conker: Live and Reloaded (or the older Conker’s Bad Fur Day) does not see the cuddly squirrel and assume that the game is geared towards kids. The game ratings systems in the US and Europe do this.

And if both sides do their part, we shouldn’t have any issues with kids playing games their parents find inappropriate and no censorship is needed. (I’m assuming censorship is not really needed for adults.) Related to that, with the appropriate information, adults can also find games that are geared towards their own tastes. Someone who doesn’t like gore for instance can look on the back of the box and avoid games that have that kind of content.

Also, whenever a game is influcenced by censorship, the first thing everybody does is run out to see what was cut. :anjou_sigh: If the censorship is voluntary through personal selection, nobody gives a damn.

[quote=“Abadd”]I don’t think a legally enforced censorship should be implemented, simply because I’m American and believe in the freedom of speech :slight_smile:

But, on the other hand, as part of the entertainment industry, there is a responsibility that game companies have in keeping things under control. Media does influence your perception of reality, whether it is news, books, games, or TV. Will it drive a person to shoot his friend? No, that person had issues to begin with.[/quote]

No to talk about how that person had and knew how to operate a gun in the 1st place. That Gun law needs looking at in my view.

Anway for games. We should have a ratings sytems Rating system and if a game is deemed 18/Mature then it should be uncut.

Give us some credit as we can make our minds up for ourselves , and its not in developers interests to make really sick games or touch on subjects like certain types of porn.

Censorship is bad just ask the people of China. No wait we can?t because thy?re a dictatorship .
They can?t even play FIFA for crying out loud