Beheading Of that american soldier

Ugh… War is horrible. America sucks. Iraq sucks. War just sucks.

I’m appalled by the beheading of an American citizen, but I’m equally appalled by the whole Iraq military operation. Both sides are at fault. America cannot go around dropping bombs, not expecting some form of retaliation. That’s what war is. And I hate it.

Oh, and to Kadamose:

We have our own fair share of anti-Iraq/Bush Americans here, so don’t worry. I doubt Bush will get re-elected, considering all this mindless bloodshed in Iraq.

Everyone seems to be against America on this.Regardless of Bush’s mental capabilities I think that his determination si a good thing.

The situation in Iraq has to be adjusted asap…

Bush is NOT the problem - he’s nothing more than a mere figurehead. In other words, someone to put all the blame on, when in all actuality, the blame should lie elsewhere. The blame belongs on Americans, in general.

Why does the world hate the US so much? Well, that’s an easy one to answer.

  1. Americans consume more than 70% of the world’s natural resources whether they’re imported or domestic.

  2. Americans are wasteful in whatever they do - this applies to automobiles, factories, and food consumption. Speaking of food consumption, it is absolutely appalling how much food goes to waste in this country - and how many animals are slaughtered to provide that food.

  3. Americans are very capitalistic - they value money over human life AND the environment. Anyone remember the Kyoto Summit?

  4. Americans are trying to enforce their rules and regulations worldwide (i.e. Geneva Convention and the DMCA)

And I could list many, many, many more things, but I think everyone gets the general idea. Though this is a rather broad generaliztion, it’s quite accurate. There are a few good people in the US who are trying to make a difference (environmentalists, animal rights activists, and scientists), but they’re the minority - and at the end of the day, their efforts are wasted due to braindead, uneducated masses.

With that in mind, I seriously hope that the US gets nuked off the face of the Earth - no one will miss it.

[quote=“Kadamose”]4) Americans are trying to enforce their rules and regulations worldwide (i.e. Geneva Convention and the DMCA)

And yet, they never stick to them.

With that in mind, I seriously hope that the US gets nuked off the face of the Earth - no one will miss it.[/quote]

I cannot agree with that. Millions will miss it.

I don’t get what you got upset over Atolm, you basically agreed with me that it’s just as bad whether it’s an iraqi that dies or an american… It’s not like I said in any way that it’s ok…I just said it’s just as bad as iraqis getting killed because I didn’t want to see this thread turn into another “omfg the iraqi are so bad, I wish they’d nuke em” or something like that… All I did was say it’s just as bad, not that it’s allright… meh… whatever -.-

I don’t say I love America (granted I don’t hate it either) but I think that in a way they are right, if they don’t do it, no one will.

America is just a mixture of cultures, is it even suposed to be a succesful experiment? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not quite sure how to respond to these comments, but I think the best thing is not to take you too seriously (or anything on the Internet for that matter).

I realise you said it wasn’t quite as black and white as this before, but even so, your logic is completely flawed. Just because Americans might be one of the biggest waste of resources does not justify the mass slaughterings of millions of innocent lives. I’m not sure where you’re from, but if you were born in America and were brought up amoung that culture you’d probably end up participating in a lot of these activites that you believe justifies the mass slaughtering of human beings.

Many people on this forum are from the States, and I find it appalling that you think they deserve to die just for living in a country that you don’t particularly like. So, according to your logic, you’d want Neil, Atolm, and Abadd be killed off because you think they’re pawns to the American goverment? That’s treating people as a means to end, which makes me sick. Human beings are more than objects that need to be managed by those with the power to do so.

I probably seem a bit harsh here, but it needed to be said.

That particular trait belongs to people in general with few exceptions.

Actually, I would prefer another Great Flood - more than 75% of the world’s population needs to be wiped out, otherwise, this planet will never heal.

And I know none of you are taking me seriously - but I’m dead serious.

Be against the war all you want. I know I am and I find Bush to be a very poor president. But no sane person wishes nuclear holocaust on any country. We may have more than a few bad apples in our military that should be weeded out. We may even be causing civilian deaths among the Iraqis. But at least we don’t go around blowing up school buses and beheading our prisoners of war. Nor do most Americans wish the wholesale massacre of an entire country. Nor do we think that all Iraqis are evil. But you seem to think that all Americans are worthless, not just the government or the president. That’s the kind of thought that fuels the extremists and terrorists. How ironic that our soldiers are dying to protect your right to live and your freedoms. And how ironic that it’s these freedoms that are celebrated in the country that you despise so much that allow you to say what you want, including the right to spout off such poisonous, hateful drivel. The beheading of that American is an appalling act and shouldn’t be looked at in such a callous way.

You’re insane. So what would comprise the surviving 25%? You and those you deem worthy?

[quote=“Kadamose”]Actually, I would prefer another Great Flood - more than 75% of the world’s population needs to be wiped out, otherwise, this planet will never heal.

And I know none of you are taking me seriously - but I’m dead serious.[/quote]

You’re dead?Oh right you belong to the 75% :wink:

Man : you are right to a certain extent but as a christian I must say you are in need of redemption…

kadamose are you sure you are serious about what you are saying? That 75% of people should die? How can you be angry about the US killing of Iraq citizens if you are proposing mass genocide yourself?

there are bits of this that i agree with, and bits i don’t. The human race as a whole are not doing this planet any good, and goes without a saying that if we were not here the planet would be (in my opinion) be better off. Unless of course something worse becomes the dominant species.
Of course not everyone drains the planet and destroy it, or themseves, but this is merely a small figure. The human race could have been a lot better than this… And i don’t just mean this beheading, i mean it in a lot more ways.

The human race can’t be better than this.It’s in our nature to be violent.

The world wouldn’t be a better place without us simply because you can’t really picture a planet without human beeings.It would be a dull palce.

The planet is ours since we are the most powerful species.The rest is history…

That’s the problem right there - just because we are the most powerful species (in our minds) does not mean that we have the right to decide the fate of those species that are considered to be beneath us. We have no right to destroy the rain forests, to pollute the oceans and lakes, and to kill animals, whether it be for food or for sport.

If we treated ALL life as equal and precious, the world would be a very nice place to live in. It would literally be a heaven on earth.

Unfortunately, the only way mankind will ever realize this to its fullest extent, would be if it were on the brink of extinction.

kadamose, you suck. do you even live in the US? you have a terrible idea of what it’s like. we have such a huge population spanning an enormous area and you think we’re all the same? you explicitly blame americans because you think that what our government decides reflects the will of every US citizen. you think all of us are shallow, trend-obsessed, consumers. did you ever consider that some of us hate it more than you? you are accurate in recognizing the terrible qualities of some americans, but your folly comes in thinking that every american shares those qualities.

through your sweeping generalization, self-righteousness, and lack of rational thought i can see that you’re no better than the people you speak of.

i won’t even begin to discuss any real issues until you stop looking at this worldly situation in such an immature way.

[quote=“Megatherium”]kadamose, you suck. do you even live in the US? you have a terrible idea of what it’s like. we have such a huge population spanning an enormous area and you think we’re all the same? you explicitly blame americans because you think that what our government decides reflects the will of every US citizen. you think all of us are shallow, trend-obsessed, consumers. did you ever consider that some of us hate it more than you? you are accurate in recognizing the terrible qualities of some americans, but your folly comes in thinking that every american shares those qualities.

through your sweeping generalization, self-righteousness, and lack of rational thought i can see that you’re no better than the people you speak of.

i won’t even begin to discuss any real issues until you stop looking at this worldly situation in such an immature way.[/quote]

You pass judgement on me way too easily - of course I’m an American (unfortunately).

Oh, and if you believe in psychics, a famous psychic once told me:

“I find it interesting that out of all the things you appall in society is the very reflection of who you are today.” …Ouch…

We are Americans.

We drive the biggest cars, eat the most food, have the highest crime rates, the lowest test scores, and possess an oil-over-blood attitude.

That aside…

I am an American.

I’m an environmentalist, and I do volunteer hours in the park and in animal adoption centers. I’ve done scientific projects to reduce marine eco-polution by way of cleansing chemicals. I do beach and highway cleanups once every month. I was fervent Bush-hater in his policies of war, oil, bloodshed, and money, and still am.

In the end, I’m still proud that our country is the only one that will offer unbiased education.
I’m still proud of our four freedoms. And I still believe the American Dream is alive, and if I’m the only one that does, and I’m gonna be nuked to hell, then so be it.

Besides, do you realize that, when you say you want the world cleansed so that humans are a perfect race, that you are repeating Hitler’s very words?

As GD pointed out very well, this is a trait that not only belongs to Americans, but to humans in general.

Therefore, it is a lesson not only for America, but for the entire world to learn:

The time you don’t use power is when you have it.

I need not even bring a PDS quote to mind…

We judge you too harshly? And yet you’re the one passing judgement on the entire human race by saying we should all be wiped out. How ironic. Methinks you’re taking the themes of Panzer Dragoon a little bit too seriously.