Basic questions from a newcomer

I am new to Panzer Dragoon, only having just bought Orta. I have read through certain things on this site, and while it answered many of my questions, but there are some still unanswered.

I was actually just wondering what are the dragons, are they created by the ancients, or are they naturally occuring? Also, is there any relationship between the dragons in the different games?

Also, in one of the finishing scene pictures, you see Mobo holding a baby. Is that his baby, and is there any particular significance to it?

I also don’t quite get why Abadd wants Orta, I understand that with her body he can reproduce somehow, but how exactly? I presume he isn’t just trying to rape her… :open_mouth:

And then, if he wants her, why does he keep trying to kill her?

Ooh, so many questions :wink:
There are probably more as well that I will remember as I replay the game, so be ready :).

The dragon you ride in each game is one and the same, Lagi. I’m too tired now to answer any of your other questions, sorry >.<

Welcome to the Stronghold =)

[quote=“Fortune”]I was actually just wondering what are the dragons, are they created by the ancients, or are they naturally occuring? Also, is there any relationship between the dragons in the different games?

Also, in one of the finishing scene pictures, you see Mobo holding a baby. Is that his baby, and is there any particular significance to it?

I also don’t quite get why Abadd wants Orta, I understand that with her body he can reproduce somehow, but how exactly? I presume he isn’t just trying to rape her… :open_mouth:

And then, if he wants her, why does he keep trying to kill her?


  1. Te dragons were created by the Ancients, but they manifest themselves in naturally occuring creatures… if that makes any sense.

  2. Mobo’s baby is… uh… just Mobo’s baby. I don’t think there’s any significance to it. It was just meant to show the Wormriders as people, I think.

  3. He wants her genes. Within her lies the secret to how to create a race of Drones that can reproduce. And if he can’t get her to come willingly, he can take her DNA from her corpse.

I hope that answers everything :slight_smile:

Welcome Fortune. It is the mystery that keeps many of us coming back for more.

[quote=“Abadd”]1) Te dragons were created by the Ancients, but they manifest themselves in naturally occuring creatures… if that makes any sense.

All dragons, or just Lagi? I was under the assumption that other dragons such as Atolm and the Guardian Dragon were created directly by the Ancients themselves, or by the Towers. Those pure types are very mechanical.

Welcome Fortune.If you really wanna be worthy of your nick go play the other 3 PD games :slight_smile:

What’s puzzling is Azel managed to create Orta and yet Abadd couldn’t figure out the method she used to do so without dissecting Orta. Considering Abadd’s position in relation to the ancients you’d think he’d know more than Azel.

I’m guessing Azel inherited more information from the people who stole her during the reign of the ancients than we’re aware of, or was better equipped to meet the challenges of a world absent of their former masters. The question is: what makes Azel so special?

…her emotions :slight_smile: It would be hard to be a mother without them…

(I’m saying this as a kind of joke but there might eb some truth to it don’t you think?)

I still think Abadd is in a position where he should possess equal levels of knowledge or more knowledge than she does.

Actually I always thought (and I still do) that Abadd is alot dumber than Azel.Abadd is more “robotish” as to get information.

That doesn’t make much sense to me considering his position though.

Perhaps Abadd’s creators thought that the fact that Abadd had less emotions would make it easier for him to carry out his more important task.

All the ancients needed was his loyalty; once established, his emotions and intellect wouldn’t matter. In the latter case his would meet exceptional standards because I don’t believe the ancients would leave an inferior or intellectually-challenged drone in charge of resurrecting them.

I believe that Abbad wasn’t capable of exploring his emotions in the way Azel did. That doesn’t mean he was incapable of showing emotion though. I think all the high-end drones had emotions (a side-effect to the higher thought level needed to control the complex ruins). But that doesn’t mean they were free in their thoughts though. It’s possible that Abbad’s emotions were being restricted by his original programming. Maybe this is why he can’t create drones himself: he wasn’t allowed to (even if he was intelligent enough). However, he seemed to “bypass” his own programming in order to achieve his objective.

Think: Oracle vs. Architect.

(not saying Azel and Abaad’s positions are similar to their’s, but rather, their personalities…)

So Abadd monitors and safeguards the process of reviving his “dead” masters without taking a single step outside of those duties, whereas Azel can… predict the future? :slight_smile:

Geoffrey, I really think emotions can play a big part.Emotions don’t make an intellect weak like you see some ronin assasin saying in a japanese anime…

Emotions can make, and in fact do make IMO, a person smarter.

Still , and this ain’t directly the question here but, I dunno …

…was Abadd suposed to be made of flesh?They say Azel was, but all I see is black and white…

No. Azel bakes cookies.

And they say i’m a spammer…

fires a Berserker (suitable hey :wink: Rage aghenst Abadd!

Then agehn…

…nah he was just joking…

Well, you’ve got to think that Azel and Abadd were created with fairly different purposes in mind. Whereas Azel can interface directly with Sestren because her duties require it, Abadd was created just to revive his masters, hence he probably didn’t have full access to the Sestren network.

Basically, Azel had a root account, and Abadd just had a normal user account. So Abadd might not have had access to everything.

Another thing to note, Orta was created using a combination of gene data from Azel and Edge. Now I’d imagine that you can’t just take a drone’s DNA and a human’s DNA, add water and bake on high for 10 minutes. It would probably take some serious engineering, which would’ve been carried out by Azel. Chances are that once she completed the design, she wouldn’t have uploaded it to Sestren anyway, because she knew that there were other drones that could potentially access it, and she didn’t want it falling into their hands. Probably a wise decision, considering what Abadd was going to do with Orta’s DNA.

…so instead she gave Orta to Gash :slight_smile: ( ill be proved right )

Either Gash was really loyal to his seekers goals and intent to USE Orta or the Seekers that came after him did…