Basic questions from a newcomer

[quote=“Abadd”]Think: Oracle vs. Architect.

(not saying Azel and Abaad’s positions are similar to their’s, but rather, their personalities…)[/quote]

So Abadd obeyed the system, while Azel opposed it? That makes sense to me.

Methinks someone needs to watch Matrix: Reloaded again. :wink:

[quote=“Abadd”]Think: Oracle vs. Architect.

(not saying Azel and Abaad’s positions are similar to their’s, but rather, their personalities…)[/quote]

I’m not sure how to interpret this. Did they have a similar goal then? Maybe they wanted to shape a future for the Panzer world, but their thoughts on how to accomplish this were different?

Okay okay, so it isn’t as black and white as that, but so far the Oracle hasn’t tried to stop Neo from setting free any of the slaves which gives the impression that she is there to help Neo, not oppose him. I think the Oracle’s role will become much more clear once the third movie comes out.

I just want to ask you a simple question Abadd.You seem to know more than us about PD (beeing part of it) so I ask you : do the answers for our questions exist at all?

You seam to know things.Has Smilebit the truth for things that weren’t featured in the games?

For example : does the question “what hapenned to Azel immediately after Saga” have an answer or is it just a thing that Smilebit hasn’t give thought cause it ain’t part of any of the released games plot?

Good question Gehn. I think he must know some of the answers at least, but there will always be a few things that the developers haven’t decided on to keep their options open.

I’ll be completely honest. I highly doubt there are specific answers for 100% of your questions. There is much more to learn than you guys currently know, but frankly, not all the details have been completely hammered out.

See, thats always been my problem with game theorising. They always seem to assume that every detail since the original had been planned from the start.

No,“they” don’t.At least not me.

First came Panzer Dragoon, and God saw that it was good :slight_smile:

Then 2 other games were made almost simultaneously to “fit” PD1.

Then came Orta.

Then came Panzer Dragoon : The Return of the Dark Drago(o)n :smiley:

Sure. I was just referring to things like that theory based on that laser goes through the sky rider and no shield comes up.

The trick is to keep early and later ideas consistent with one another.

Yep, exactly. Plot devices can be invented later on, and if they’re consistant with older games in the series, then no one will ever know :slight_smile: It’s when new plot devices are not consistant with older ones that trouble arises…

I try to look at it from the perspective of someone in the Panzer Dragoon world. If I was a Seeker, or some other inhabitant, then all mysteries would have answers, they would just no be known to man. Since we don’t know which answers really have been thought out, I see nothing wrong with discussing all possibilities.

Yeah like with the one ring in LOTR. Its the ring from the hobbit but of course that was never planned in the original.

That was cleverly done. Tolkien rewrote some parts of The Hobbit, using the first edition as a story Bilbo made up to explain the finding of the ring, which is why in the Lord of the Rings Gandalf says that Bilbo lied to others about how he found it. I haven’t read the first edition, but it sounds intriguing.